Chapter 120:

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Izuku's POV:

The week was nearly over and I had finished practicing with sensei. I was currently on my way to the meet spot where I would work with Mei as I brought along some spare parts for myself as I intended to do some work.

I waited for about ten minutes before she had arrived herself, carrying a wagon full of boxes.

Mei: "Hey Muscles!" she yells out to me as she continues pulling on the wagon before setting it down on the ground where soot from explosions was apparent. She then looks back onto me as she sees that I was working on another project, "What are you building?" she asks as she got really close to me, trying to get a better look at the drone I was building.

Izuku: "I'm making some new drones since most of the ones I had in stock were all blown up in an explosion. Luckily I was outside of the blast radius before I got caught in it."

Mei: "WHAT?!" she yells out surprised, looking really shocked.

Izuku: "Don't worry. Like I said, I was-" but I then saw her get down on her knees as she started to cry.

Mei: "Those beautiful babies! Why couldn't it have been you!? Their soundless propellers, their high-speed movement, and their limitless batteries. All ruined!" she cried out as she really liked the propellers I made modifications to, but I only stared at her as I sighed, laughing at myself for forgetting the type of person I was talking to.

Izuku: "Well I'm making more right now. How about you help me out and you can learn more about the designs so you can probably make your own." which immediately got her to stand up straight with her face cleared of the crocodile tears, resulting in me sighing as I got tricked into her antics.

I taught her the basics of what was needed to get the mainframe started for the drones, as we then worked silently for a half hour.

Mei: "So how did it happen?" she asks out of the blue while she didn't look away from working on the drone.

Izuku: "How did what happen?" I question back.

Mei: "The explosion. I know you're someone who doesn't make as many mistakes as I do as you're very cautious, but how was it possible for an explosion large enough to destroy most of your drones?" There was silence between us for a moment as we only continued working.

Izuku: "I don't know." I answered back to her, which caused the sounds of her working to quiet down as I heard her body shift towards my direction, clearly wanting to know why I don't know. "I had set up the drones in a warehouse for surveillance, but the night of the explosion, I have no memory of it and the memory data from all the drones were gone from that night," I said back to her as there was silence once again.

Mei: "Good thing you weren't there when the explosion happened, otherwise I'd have to find another partner as good as you." she said back to me in her chipper voice, but I can tell the slight difference in tone that she really was glad that I was safe and sound, which put a smile on my face as I continued working.

We spent the rest of the time we had together working on my drones, not touching a single thing that Mei had brought in. Around the time for us to leave, Mei yelled out to me about how I'll make it up to her next week for taking away her time to work on her babies, which made me laugh as I grabbed my bags and was on my way back home.

The next day, I packed up everything I needed to personally train and teach Yaoyorozu-san as this was the first time that we could openly train together. The driver that was sent by Tanaka Corporations honked his horn alerting me that it was time, making me quickly grab my bag and breakfast as I then made my way to the limo.

When I had gotten out of the limo after we arrived at the Yaoyorozu's mansion, I saw both Miss Yaoyorozu-sama and Yaoyorozu-san waiting for me.

MY: "Are you ready for your first new day of training?" she asks her daughter as she slightly twists her body, to which Yaoyorozu-san nods her head excitedly, making her mother chuckled, "Alright then, time to see what this is all about." as she started going up the stairs.

Izuku: "You're going to watch us?" I have a question.

MY: "Of course. I need to make sure that the training for my daughter is subpar for her if I plan for her to have a good path to be a hero." which slightly made me nervous as the results of this session may determine my future employment, "There's no need to be tense. I trust my daughter's word that you're a good trainer and her manipulating the size of that Matryshoka doll has backed that up, but my office is still under construction, so what better way to pass the time than to see what happens during these sessions." as she then continued up the stairs to the door, slightly easing my tensions but still made me nervous as I was going to be watched throughout the lesson.

I was walking beside Yaoyorozu-san as we walked behind Miss Yaoyorozu-sama, making our way to her room.

Izuku: "So how are plans for transferring to being back in school?" I ask while whispering, trying to break the silence.

Momo: "Fairly well. I should be able to attend school on Monday next week. Though-" she said the last bit awkwardly, which caught my attention.

Izuku: "What?" I asked, wondering what she was so worried about.

Momo: "I'm attending school for the first time years after I had already been enrolled. What if I don't know the proper rules? What if I'm not able to keep up with my other classmates? What if I get outcasted because I'm the new kid?" she whispered to herself as she started panicking with all these thoughts.

Izuku: "You'll be fine." I whispered back to her, "You're a great student in my opinion. If you were able to keep up with my lessons, surely you won't be left behind. And being left out? You're the daughter of the Yaoyorozu family, I'm sure that there would be many people dying to have the chance to meet with you." which seemed to cheer her up a bit as I saw a glimpse of a smile.

MY: "If you two are done chatting around," as she turns her head to look back at us, making us avoid eye contact with her, "It's time to see what you're capable of." she then opened the door to Yaoyorozu-san's room.

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