Chapter 41: Yaoyorozu's Birthday Pt.3

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Izuku's POV:

~~~~A little bit before Yaoyorozu's entrance~~~~

Daichi: "Is everything okay there?" he asks after knocking on the door to the bathroom.

I open the door to reveal the new suit I got from him. It came with a white dress shirt, black dress pants, a black suit jacket, and a green tie. I still had the shoes and socks from my previous suit.

(Sorry, Don't know the artist of this. Also, imagine an 8-year old version of this. I cropped out Bakugou and Todoroki from this )

Izuku: "It looks amazing Daichi, and it also fits really well

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Izuku: "It looks amazing Daichi, and it also fits really well." I said happily. "A little too well," as I started to think about how well the suit fitted me, "How did you get my measurements?"

Daichi: "During one of your blackouts, Suzuki-san went ahead and took your measurements, just in case you wear something ill-fitted, after seeing what your fashion sense is like."

I was going to question him about what was wrong with my fashion sense, but I couldn't complain since he got me a suit when I needed it the most.

Daichi: "So are you ready for the party?" he asks, which I nod.

We then began walking through the hallways to get to the party, but on the way, we saw Mister Yaoyorozu on his knees while Miss Yaoyorozu started yelling at him. Daichi wanted to avoid them but I remembered that I needed something and I couldn't get it without permission. So I walked towards them without Daichi noticing me leave him as he went back to the party.

Izuku: "Excuse me?" I say to them, which got both of them to look in my direction.

Miss Yaoyorozu receded her anger but still showed hints of it for her husband when she saw me.

MY: "Midoriya! I'm so glad you came. Is there something you need?" she says to me as she smiled.

Izuku: "I actually need to talk with mister Yaoyorozu." I say trying to save him, which makes Miss Yaoyorozu glare at her husband, who was shaking. She then sighed and faced me.

MY: "Go ahead. I think he learned his lesson." which got her husband to be all cheery as he got up from his knees and walked towards me.

DY: "So, what do you want to talk about?"

Izuku: "I tell you on the way." we then began walking to Yaoyorozu's room. "I need to borrow something from Yaoyorozu's room and I need permission to enter."

DY: "What do you need from Yaoyorozu's room?"

Izuku: "A guitar."

DY: "A guitar? What do you need a guitar for? I thought you could only sing?" he questions me.

Izuku: "I've been practicing for a while and thought I would reveal it to her as a surprise, showing that I fully learned how to play guitar thanks to her. I also wrote a song to accompany it." I say to him.

He looked shocked to find out that I learned how to play the guitar when I only started singing in July, meaning that I only had only, at most, two months to learn how to play the guitar before today. He then shrugged his shoulders and looked forward again, probably passing it off as perks of being a genius.

We then arrived at her room. I opened the door while mister Yaoyorozu waited outside. I see the guitar hanging on the usual stand I usually see it on before I start playing with it. I grabbed the guitar and walked out of the room to see mister Yaoyorozu waiting for me.

DY: "Have everything you need now?" he asks, to which I nod, "Good because I know a way how to introduce you to everyone." he then begins smirking, which made me gulp. We then walk towards the party.


~~~~When Izuku and DY were walking away~~~~

As I watched my husband and Midoriya leave into the hallways, I was about to leave for the party until I heard a familiar voice.

Fumihiro: "Ahh, Miss Yaoyorozu, how nice to see you."

I then turn around to see Mister Tanaka behind me. The Yaoyorozu family may have had a contract with Tanaka Corporations, but it was when Benjiro was the president. It was very sad to hear about his death, but when heard his brother took over the company, we were about to cancel our contract until we saw he was able to produce results. So although we still kept the contract, I didn't like the new president of the company.

MY: "So nice to see you too." I lied while putting up a smile.

Fumihiro: "I see that you like my employee very much" as he grinned.

I grew a small tick mark seeing as how he employed a child to help us secretly change our daughter's mind of being a hero, but after talking with Midoriya, he didn't mind it, in fact, he was having fun. So I forgave Tanaka just this one time.

MY: "He really has grown on us. Even my daughter, who tends to avoid friends we try to set her up with, enjoys having Midoriya around." while I gave a genuine smile.

Fumihiro: "Now you are making me feel like I got the short end of the stick. Maybe I should have Midoriya do other stuff for me since he is proving more useful and also under contract."

MY: " What do you want?" I asked as I was irritated by his last statement. He then grinned.

Fumihiro: "Seeing as how Midoriya proved more beneficial to you, it feels like I need more compensation, like say, a few projects you can let my company in on?"

I was furious that he was using Midoriya only to further benefit himself. I didn't have my husband next to me, so the decision was all dependent on me. After thinking about it for a while, I decided on what projects aren't really important to our company and make Tanaka help with those, that way he won't get much from it and we aren't heavily affected by it.

MY: "I may know a few projects you can work on."

Fumihiro: "Great! You know what my business email is. Just send me the list of projects sometime next week and my company will get started on them. Now if you will excuse me, I have a wonderful party to attend." he then left.

I sighed as I was tired of Tanaka's antics. Just then, I see my husband and Midoriya walking back from wherever they came from, with Midoriya holding a guitar.

DY: "Honey? What are you still doing here?"

MY: "I had some business to sort out. Why does Midoriya have a guitar.?" I see my husband then grin.

DY: "He says he learned how to play the guitar and plans to sing for us."

~~~~Back to the present~~~~

MY: 'I should really reprimand him of his sudden speeches.' I thought to myself as I saw Midoryia obviously being flustered after his speech.

Author's Note:

Hey readers, I just want to say that if you are reading my other story, "What if... (Dekuverse)", the next chapter may be a bit late since I think the fatigue from the course of the week is hitting me, but I will still try to post it by tomorrow if I can. Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day.

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