Chapter 68: To Take Action or Not

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No one's POV:
The leader of the group was overviewing to see which exhibit had a good enough risk for them to have fun fighting heroes while also getting the most resources that they can use for later. The mobility exhibit was both a good warm-up and an easier way to get support gear if the plan failed and they needed something to get away.

Although the Awakeners are somewhat battle junkies, they always played it safe when it comes to attacking, which was why they always had to wait for their shipments to arrive, along with devising a backup plan for emergencies.

Leader: "Hmm, maybe we should go to the armor exhibit." he mutters to himself since he was still quite unsure which area will be both safe and fun.

While he was still deciding where to go, while his companions/lackeys were having their fill of testing new moves on civilians, he heard his walkie-talkie go off from his belt. He quickly folded the map as he then answered it.

Leader: "What's the situation?" he asks.

He had 4 other group members who were in charge of taking over the security system, along with surveillance.

Lackey#12: "U-Um sir. It seems that the heroes in the weaponry exhibit may have caught on that something is going on." she says nervously.

Leader: "WHAT! How did they find out? I thought we covered all the grounds to make sure that they wouldn't notice!" he says angrily.

Lackey#12: "It seemed that a kid showed concern for the out-of-service situation. The hero he asked was about to call the security room, and just as I was about to answer it, the device we had set up to take control over the system had a small malfunction, causing both ends to receive a screeching noise. That's when he pulled out his earpiece and started to warn the others." she says timidly.

The leader grew silent, which only worried Lackey#12. He then yelled out his frustration as he then smashed a nearby wall, leaving a dent in it.

Leader: 'I knew we shouldn't have trusted that black market seller.' He thought as one of their shipments didn't come on time and decide to go with the black market to buy the missing devices. He then turned around to his group, who just finished using the civilians as test subjects. "It appears we are now on a time limit. It seems that the heroes in the weaponry exhibit have been tipped off about something going down. We need to take them down before anyone can go outside and call for help. Go all out and hold nothing back, we lost the element of surprise." he says, which just only made his group smile deviously behind their masks.

The Leader then called the separate group to tell them to turn off the lights


The heroes can be seen huddling together as they are discussing the probability that the museum is under raid. Although everyone around them can't hear what they were saying, just the concerned look on the heros' faces was enough to make the civilians worry themselves.

MH: "Can't believe this had to happen on your birthday." She says apologetically since it was the first family outing they had together in a long time and also the first time she openly hanged out with a trusted friend.

Mei: "It's fine." she says as she puts on the goggles she got from Izuku and was having fun with it as it scanned each thing, even though the only usable information that came out was whether it scanned a lifeform or object.

Meanwhile, Izuku was muttering to himself very quickly as he was trying to figure out how powerful and organized the attackers must be if they were able to take over the system and be confident enough to take down all the heroes that were guarding the areas.

DH: "Is he okay?" he asks out of concern.

Mei: "He's fine. He does that when he's deep in thought." she says to her dad, "Hey muscles!" she yells, which made Izuku jump a bit.

Izuku: "Sorry, was I doing it again." He asks, embarrassed.

Mei: "It's fine, but can you tell me more about these goggles?" as she points to the goggles that were placed on her forehead.

Izuku accepted and told her that the goggles are able to outline items by detecting temperature, movement, shape, etc, which can also be usable in the dark since it'll outline everything. He also told her that it has the same functions as her other goggles so that she doesn't need to switch between the two for when she is using her quirk, which amazed her.

While the kids were having fun talking about the goggles, the heroes were on the fence about whether they should take action or not.

LH(LatestHeroWhoRecentlyTalkedToIzuku): "I'm telling you, something blocked my connection to the security room." He protested as his ear was still ringing from earlier.

RH#2(RandomHero): "I don't know. I called the security room a few minutes ago and it went alright for me." one of the heroes in the exhibit said.

RH#4: "Are you sure that it wasn't just a malfunction?"

LH: "I'm sure of it. I even tried calling the other heroes in the other exhibits using the emergency device and my phone, but I got no signal back." which made others pull out their other communication devices, only to find that they also had no service.

RH#4: "Even if we take action and break through the shudder, what happens when there is nothing going on. Who'll be the one to pay for the damages that we caused. You?" they asked, which made LH hesitant to say yes since the tip that something fishy was going on came from a kid and the earpiece thing was probably just coincidence. But there was still the issue with cell signals being disconnected from everything, even the emergency customized communications device, that was handed out before patrol, couldn't even get a signal, it was just static.

While the heroes were in a debate of whether they should take action or not, the lights in the exhibit got turned off, which made them flinch since it happened too suddenly. They then heard the shudder rising, which they all turned to but the hall was also dark. The only thing they could somewhat make out was figures walking through the door, with their boots making heavy noises from all the equipment they had.

LH: 'Shit.' he thought as they were too late to prepare themselves, while the Leader was smiling underneath his mask.

Leader: "Time to wreak havoc." he whispered. 

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