Chapter 81: Returned

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Izuku's POV:

I saw Nakamura-san walk back into the lab looking angry before he sighed.

Izuku: "Is something wrong?" I asked.

Satoshi: "It's nothing." he then looked at the clock, "Well we have nothing to do now that we are finished and there is an hour left before you need to clock out. Is there anything you want to do?"

I thought for a while, but seeing how dark his bags were and how messy his hair was, I made my decision.

Izuku: "How about we just call it a day?" I suggested

Satoshi: "Are you sure? I know you like to talk about your analysis while we're working, but since we were too busy with the order, you haven't been able to. Now that we have an hour of free time, you can talk freely."

Izuku: "It's fine. We always meet every week, so there are other chances when that can happen. For now, I think both of us need a break."

Nakamura-san was scratching his chin, wondering if I was really alright with this. That's when he felt his beard that was slowly grown out due to a lack of self-care.

Satoshi: "I see." he said with a smile. "You really are selfless when it comes to others," he said, seemingly figuring out that the suggestion of a break was mainly for his own benefit. "Well, let's call it a day then." he reopened the door and waved his hand to follow him out.

I grabbed my stuff as I then walked with him through the halls. We stopped by the reception desk to check out early and once we were outside, we waved each other goodbye.

The next day was a school day. It was the usual mockery towards me due to me being quirkless, but oddly enough, Kaachan didn't bother me at all throughout the day, but I paid no attention to it and just thought I was lucky enough to get on his bad side.

Once school ended, I had no idea what to do. Training is put on hold until I make a full recovery, I no longer have to help out Nakamura-san with his order, and there are no other special occasions that I need to prepare for.

Izuku: "I guess I should go meet up with Suzuki-san, Daichi, and Ichika since I haven't been able to meet up with them these 2 weeks." as I then headed for the train station since the driver that picks me up from training wasn't alerted that I'll be making a visit today.

I was at the front door of their residence. I rang their doorbell while I waited for someone to answer. Suzuki-san had opened the door and he looked pleasantly surprised with my visit.

Hiro: "I take it that you're finally done with working at Tanaka Corporations on weekdays now, Midoriya?" he questions.

Izuku: "Yeah. We were able to finish the order just in ti-"

Ichika: "IZUKUN!" I heard her yelling as she rushed down the stairs and tackled me to the ground while hugging me.

Izuku: "Good to see you too Ichika." I said as I was having a hard time breathing as she hugged me tighter.

Suzuki-san came over as she tried to pry her off of me but she refused to let go.

Izuku: "I promise to play with you during the time I am here." I suggested, which seemingly worked as her eyes sparkled and had finally released me.

Ichika: "I'll be in my room setting things up. You better come." she said threateningly at the end as she then skipped towards the stairs and up to her room.

Hiro: "The young miss is ecstatic that you're back. She's been very lonely these past two weeks." he said to me as I was dusting off the dirt from my back.

Izuku: "Lonely? Doesn't she have friends at school she can play with?" but Suzuki-san shook his head no.

Hiro: "She's been too afraid of others to properly communicate with them. She prefers to be alone in the class, which the teacher mostly doesn't mind since due to your teachings, she's been top of the class."

Izuku: "What about Daichi-san? He wouldn't leave Ichika alone for that long." But Suzuki immediately responded by shaking his head no.

Hiro: "The young master has been so busy with the extra classes that he's been coming home when the young miss is already asleep. So they mostly don't see each other unless it's in the morning, preparing for school." he answered, making me curious as to what classes Daichi is taking that is making him come home late. "What about you? Even if you are no longer working weekdays at Tanaka Corporations, it should be the time when you are with Akio for training." as he pointed out my very early arrival.

I didn't feel like explaining it, but I learned my lesson that more people would get mad for hiding it when they find out my bandages. I rolled up my sleeves to reveal the bandages on my arms.

Hiro: "What happened?" he asked as he bent down to examine the extent of how much the bandages covered up my body.

Izuku: "I was involved in the museum attack. Most of the bandaged parts are just light cuts and bruises that should heal in a few days. It's just my legs that suffered the most damage, where it may take a few weeks to recover." he then looked surprised that I was at the museum when the attack happened.

Hiro: "Are you sure you're okay to be playing with the young miss? She is very active in playing around." he then looked worried for my health.

Izuku: "As long as I don't do anything intense, I should be fine. Besides, I need to make up for lost time with Ichika and Daichi." as I then walked into the building and went up the stairs to Ichika's room.

Ichika's POV:

It's been two weeks since Izukun left to help out at my uncle's company. It felt like ages since I last saw him and it was like I was left behind. Suzuki-san did his best to cheer me up but I still wanted to play with Daichi and Izukun. I've been studying really hard and practiced using my quirk in order to impress Izukun and Daichi when I'm able to see them again.

When I heard the doorbell ring, I thought it was another delivery, so I had just ignored it. But then I heard Suzuki-san talking with the person. That's when I heard the name "Midoriya. I quickly got out of my room and ran down the stairs to see him.

Ichika: 'Finally! He's back.' I thought inside of my head as I then lunged at him.

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