Chapter 92: Meeting with Mei Afterwards

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Izuku's POV:

Mei stayed long enough for dinner to be prepared. Suzuki-san prepared four plates and took his own plate to his room. Daichi and I were the first ones to arrive at the table while we waited for everyone else. Ichika slowly came down the stairs as she then sat next to Daichi for dinner. She looked at the 4th plate, curious why there was an extra plate.

Ichika: "Is Suzuki-san going to eat with us?" she asks excitedly.

Daichi: "No, he took his dinner to his room. Mei is going to joining us for dinner." which made her upset "I'm also allowing her to come over on weekdays, only when I give her the okay." as he then took the first bite of grilled fish. Ichika looked disturbed by this sudden announcement.

Ichika: "Why would you-" she started off angrily but Daichi stopped her midway through.

Daichi: "Don't lie to yourself. I think we all know your fascination with inventions," which caught her off guard and she glared at me to see what he said was true, to which I responded by nodding my head awkwardly. "It'll be great for you to see two different people creating items together."

Ichika opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but nothing came out. She turned back to her food as she ate her dinner in silence. I backed away from the table to check on Mei since her food was getting cold. I had a hard time trying to get her to leave the garage, but once I had finally had her seated, she gladly had dinner with the Tanakas.

Over dinner, Daichi explained to Mei that she would not experiment with any inventions that involve explosions, chemicals, or high concentrations of energy, since their house isn't suited for these situations, using my past accidents as examples, which made me embarrassed. Ichika looked like she didn't enjoy a single second when Mei joined the dinner table.

It was time for Mei and me to leave. We said our goodbyes before we left through the front door, but when we got to the street, we heard Ichika run outside of her house.

Ichika: "You better bring in your inventions as you promised. Otherwise you're not welcomed here." which surprised Daichi, Mei, and me, but Daichi and Mei only chuckled at this.

Mei: "Gladly. I'll show you how glorious my babies can be!." She yells back to her.

Ichika briefly smiled before running past her brother at the doorway to go back inside.

Mei: "Told you they'll like me. Now I have made the first step in securing a future sponsor." she said happily as she started marching off to the train station as I followed behind her.

Izuku: "Just don't bring in any unfinished products." I begged her as all her first prototypes would always malfunction the worst way possible. Mei looked at me before she smiled and increased her foot pacing. "Mei? You won't bring in anything new right?" I asked again, trying to match my pace to hers, but she started increasing her pacing even more until it turned into a full-out running, making me chase after her. "You're not bringing anything dangerous right!" I panicked as she then started laughing.

Mei: "What's the point in bringing in something safe when there is nothing to learn from it!" she yells while laughing.

I couldn't help but smile as well since I found it ridiculous how Mei was going to ignore Daichi's warnings to not bring any dangerous items. I could have easily caught up to her but I was too caught up in the moment as I was having too much fun. We ran all the way to the train station, as she was partially out of breath while I was still fine.

Mei: " I can't believe you're not exhausted after running for that long." as she leaned against the wall to catch her breath while she waited for her train.

Izuku: "I'm surprised you have good endurance. But then, that would explain how you are able to bring in such large hauls," I unknowingly went into my muttering phase as I analyzed her physique.

Before I knew it, Mei's train came and she had to viciously shake me to get me out of my muttering. We said our goodbyes before she left, leaving me to wait for my train to arrive before I could go home.

After that day, I didn't see Mei at the Tanaka's until Thursday came. She came with a box with many inventions that were completed and safely tested.

Izuku: "Isn't this a bit too tame for you?" I said suspiciously as I tried to dig through her box as we waited for someone to answer the door.

Mei: "My dad was there when I was out the front door. He asked me where I was going, and when I said I was heading to this place, he took away my entire box pile and confiscated anything dangerous and sadly left me with these boring ones." she said sadly as she looked over her babies but still cherished them as they were still hers.

Ichika was the one who answered the door, and when she saw that we were going through Mei's box, she opened the door wider to let us in as I saw a small twinkle in her eyes, letting me know that she was excited to see these inventions.

I carried in the inventions for Mei as I then set them down in the living room. Mei didn't follow us but headed back to the garage, leaving me to watch over Ichika. When Mei was out of sight, she went right in and dug through the box to see all the inventions. Her eyes were dazzled by the new inventions and were curious about how they work. I gave her an introduction to each invention she pulled out as I had a slight involvement with all of them. We spent the rest of the day playing with the inventions but Daichi didn't come home before it was time for us to leave.

No One's POV:

Fumihiro could be seen having a meeting with his executives.

Fumihiro: "Now are there any questions before we close this meeting?" he asked.

Executive#13 "What are we going to do about the issue with the Yaoyorozus? It's been weeks and they had shown hostility towards us by delaying their responses to us for further cooperation. If this continues, production will be delayed and will result in a loss in profit." which made Fumihiro's vein on his forehead twitch before responding.

Fumihiro: "Don't worry, all of that is being taken care of. I promise that by next week, they'll gladly cooperate with us." he said with assurance.

Executive#1: "I hope so. We agreed to you being the new president since we all thought you could bring us to a bright future, like your late younger brother. You may have increased revenue, but you are straining the connections this company has forged due to your ideals." Fumihiro remained silent as his hair covered his eyes.

Executive#5: "I believe we can conclude this meeting for now." She said nervously as she closed her folder with the report, "Meeting again next week." as she got out of her chair as others soon followed her.

Fumihiro was the only one left in the meeting room, with his hair still covering his eyes.

Fumihiro: "DAM IT!" he yells as he smashes the table with his fist. He slowly got up as he then took out his phone to make a call. "Is everything ready?" he questions.

Receiver: "My supervisor has agreed to your plan,  after all, we find them nuisances as well."

Fumihiro: "Good." he then ends the call and starts walking out of the room, feeling glee for what is about to happen.

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