Chapter 142: Quick Lesson for Nanobot Creation

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Izuku's POV:

I taught Yaoyorozu-sama some fundamentals of electricity and how certain ways materials can affect the flow or charge of certain items, which to the camera in the class-like room, seemed like a higher education level of science to help mold her quirk better to move on to creating electronics, but the hidden intention was to help her progress through creating the nano-bots, which was a win-win situation either way.

I had her start with the basics, creating a power source, where I pulled out one of the newly made drones Mei and I made and took out the battery source as a reference. Despite the battery being more powerful than any other battery of its size, the components are still the same as any other battery and might be more useful for Yaoyorozu-san to understand how it works since I found out that compressed materials made from her would have a higher threshold of chemical reactions to cross.

She was about to start making the battery in the classroom, but I had sudden flashbacks of all the times where I was messing with chemical compounds and how that ended poorly for Daichi's family. I quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from the table as she was both startled and confused why I violently grabbed her wrist.

Izuku: "Sorry," I said to her as I slowly released my grip as she started rubbing around the red imprint from my hand, "Why don't we take this to the room that was made for quirk creation training?" I awkwardly suggested.

She gave me a puzzled look, probably questioning why I had to forcefully stop her only for that suggestion.

Izuku: "You are creating an energy source. If made incorrectly, the container may not be able to properly store the energy and may explode, causing probable damage to yourself. The room made for your quirk training was described as a way to guarantee your safety if anything should go wrong with creating anything." I thoroughly explained to her as I looked away, scared that she might still be mad at me, which is understandable.

Momo: "Look, I understand your reasoning, so don't beat yourself about it too much." I then turned towards her to see that she had a warm smile, "Just-" as she then got up and started walking out of the room, probably heading towards the quirk training room, "Why did you look scared?" she questions, surprising me.

I looked away again, slightly embarrassed. I started rubbing the back of my neck as my face was directed towards her but my eyes were still looking down.

Izuku: "I may have caused a few too many incidents at Daichi's place that I now have my own space outside of their place for when I'm working with chemicals." I said embarrassingly as my cheeks go slightly red.

I could hear a small giggle. I looked back towards her, seeing that she's having the time of her life.

Momo: "Se-Seriously?" she says in between laughs while I stood there confused about what was so funny, "The ever so smart Midoriya-san, the one who helped me improve my quirk, has been causing so many mistakes that he can no longer do it inside?" she says the entire time trying to hold in her laughs.

I stood there staring at her, settling in what she said, which suddenly made me tick.

Izuku: "Hey! Quirk analyst and chemistry are two completely different fields!" I yelled out as she continued laughing.

I felt slightly irritated that I wanted to stomp over to her and show off how I'm still smarter than her, but she said something before I started marching.

Momo: "See. Do you feel better now?" she questions as her laughter quietly goes out. I stopped to think about what she was talking about. "You're seeing into my eyes again," she says while walking closer to me, not breaking eye contact.

I then realized how I no longer feel embarrassed or sorry to look her in the eyes as I was filled with anger. I had also taken note of how she was playing me, causing me to chuckle as I then smiled out how she outsmarted me.

She smiled back as she ran out the door. I was soon going to follow her but she quickly peeped her head out of the door frame.

Momo: "But you still got to tell me stories about the incidents to make up for my wrist." she said in a giddy tone before she got out of the door frame.

I stood there stunned before I quickly chased after her.

Izuku: "I-I thought you said you have forgiven me?" I yelled out to her as I saw her already in front of the quirk training room.

Momo: "I said I understand your actions. And after hearing you talk about how you messed up so badly makes me want to hear the whole story." she said back to me before entering the room.

I could only sigh as I was once again outplayed by Yaoyorozu-san.

Izuku: "This must be payback for all the losses she went through." I whispered to myself as I referred to all the matches we went through before I entered the room as well.

She started creating the battery while I supervised. She went through many trials and the outcomes were either that it exploded, no charge,  caused a magnetic pull, or among other things. She made me tell stories about the various incidents I caused at Daichi's house to pass the time for when she attempted to create batteries, which seemed like she purposefully failed to create each battery to make me keep talking, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt that she wouldn't do something like self-sabotage for her own entertainment as I know how much of a serious worker she can be.

She wasn't successful in making any batteries in the 30 minutes we had left, so I called it a day. We returned to the mansion via the train station, where I then said my goodbye to her as I was then driven off by Yaorozu's driver.

When I got home, I threw my bag next to my bed, where I would hear the sounds of different materials clattering together and then the sound of something tumbling out. I looked at what fell out of my backpack to see that it was the wooden block that Yaoyorzu-san made. I looked at the clock to see that I still had time until mom came home, so I picked up my backpack as I then headed over to my desk, pulling out my drawer and taking out the leftover pellets I had. I then continued my experiment on the blocks to see how much the threshold has increased for each block when exposed to their chemical reactions.

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