Everyone slept on the sand near the beach house as the sun was rising in the distance, Katara woke up with a small groan at the itchy sand on her skin as she opened her eyes slowly. She saw Azula and ty Lee sleeping near by, when she sat up she saw Mai sleeping with her back to her by her feet.
Katara looked around confused but saw Zuko was already awake sitting with his feet in the ocean waiting for the sun to rise.
"Hey dumbass," Katara crawled over and sat with him in the sand. She still had her sandals on but kicked them off to put her feet in the water as well.
"Oh hey, I didn't hear you wake up?" Zuko rubbed his eye with a yawn.
"Did you go to sleep?" She asked quietly not wanting to wake the others.
"Nah, booze make me more awake," he shrugged but the bags under his eyes said otherwise.
"Are you okay?" She whispered looking at the sun peaking in the distance.
"Yea why?" Zuko raised a brow confused.
"Mai, what she's said, I know she wasn't the nicest girlfriend and she probably knows some stuff others don't... so..." Katara gulped trailing off but Zuko pursed his lips.
"It's not much of a secret that I was banished, for speaking against my father and all, only reason I came back is because I betrayed Aang," Zuko shrugged it off.
"It's stupid that I felt more at home at the northern water tribe than the fire nation," he chuckled shaking his head.
"Katara, I'm sorry, if it was up to me I would've married Yue, I knew her already and you would've gotten to stay home, I wouldn't force anyone away from their home if it was my choice," he gulped a little resting his chin on his knees that were pulled up to his chest.
"Because you were forced from yours?" She asked but knew the answer.
"Azula right, I need to move forward, I'm sick of going in this circle, pity and regret and repeating myself is stupid," Zuko looked at her softly and Katara stared at the ocean.
"You need closure," Katara nodded understanding almost in a way.
"Just making best of what I've been given, at least I was lucky enough to be engaged to someone beautiful and strong," he smiled gently and Katara snorted shaking her head.
"Yea I guess I could've had it worst for a fiancé, might be bias just cause of your fire nation side," Katara smirked back at him teasingly.
"And what about me without the fire nation?" Zuko chuckled.
"You're not the worst," she grinned and Zuko scoffed shaking his head at her and she giggled softly but kept it down so no one woke up.
"Do you want to talk about anything Mai was trying to get you fired up over?" Katara offered quietly.
"You trying to ask me how I got my scar?" He raised his brow smugly.
"Im not going to make you tell me, you've been respectful to me, I'll respect what you want to tell me and what you don't," she dug her toes in the wet sand a little but heard Zuko let out a long sigh.
"It was an Agni kai when I was thirteen, for speaking against a war meeting, and I was banished for not fighting back," he closed his eyes feeling the oceans salty breeze push his hair back off his forehead.
"It was my fault, I was disrespectful and brought shame to the fire nation, but nothing I can do about it now than except it," Zuko gulped a little and Katara nodded listening.
"I don't think you deserved it," she mumbled. "Not for whoever taking it that far on a child,"
"It was my father..." he looked down and heard complete silence from Katara. Part of him hoped she missed it but he knew she didn't.
"You'd find out sooner or later, everyone within the palace knows that ozai was the one I fought against, a lot of generals still don't respect me because of it, it's not a horrible secret I don't want anyone knowing it just makes me want to shut down every time I think about it, I feel like I'm a child again when I think about it," Zuko explained with his voice starting to hurt from talking so much and couldn't help but spill it all onto Katara.
"I rather have you hear it from me than someone else," he tilted his head up with a sigh.
Zuko flinched feeling weight against the left side of his body, he looked down seeing Katara just leaning her head against his shoulder with her body being supported by him, it wasn't a hug but an acknowledgment.
"You'll be a great fire lord," she whispered not looking at him. "And I'm sorry,"
Zuko pursed his lips nodded softly as he slowly wrapped his arm around her back to let her relax, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable but to let her know he was okay. It was little steps he needed to take to have their friendship grow, he wanted to at least have a friend in their marriage.
"Thank you Katara," he whispered back as Katara closed her eyes resting against him.
"I like it better when you call me kat," she smiled a little keeping her eyes closed.
Zuko blushed as his heart beat picked up, swallowing a lump in his throat keeping his eyes on the ocean. He hoped she didn't notice.
He felt like he was on fire, his face was burning and his heart felt like it was going to explode but he didn't dare move a muscle to make sure the girl wasn't at any discomfort. His body felt like it was on fire because of a water bender.
His stomach did a flip at that thought. Was it really because of Katara that he was getting heat on his chest and above? It was weird. He was surprised by the comment she made. But it felt nice at the same time, it gave him hope that this won't turn out as awful as his own parents marriage was...

First burn
FanfictionThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...