"Alright You did her make up and got her the dress for the wedding now shoo, go, I'm helping with the rest," Yue opened the door trying to get the servants to leave them alone. Katara sat at the dark wooden vanity with a mirror against her wall.
Her hair was down her back as she wore a red robe, she was intrigued with the make up she's never worn before, it was simple but a lot for her, dark red eyeshadow created a wing on the corners of her eyes with black on the bottom of her eyes as well as a gold shimmer across her eye lids. She tried not biting at the red lipstick on her lips but it felt weird. Like she couldn't touch her face at all.
"It feels like clown make up," Katara touched her lips gently trying to not smudge anything.
"It's different but I think you look beautiful Katara," Yue touched her shoulder gently as Katara glances at the dress she was suppose to wear.
"Should I put that on first or my hair?" She sighed softly. She's been dreading this day for months, to be dressed up like a prize and sold to the fire nation as a wife. She never wanted that for her life.
"Let me do your hair first, you're going to keep a little water tribe with you today," Yue smiled sympathetically and grabbed the brush to start.
"I am glad you and Zuko have built up a relationship, you two are going to be all you both have," she brushed Kataras hair gently.
"Yea I know, he's a good person, I was lucky to be married to him," Katara watched her in the mirror as Yue parted her hair off to start braiding.
"He's my best friend, we're going to get through this war together," she smiled kindly.
There was a knock at the door.
"Come in," Katara called and Sokka opened the door and paused seeing yue.
"H-hey Yue I didn't know you were here," Sokka laughed nervously and Katara gave him a look.
"Just helping your sister get ready, have you seen Zuko?" Yue asked and Katara saw her blush softly looking away.
"He's on his way with our father... are you wearing make up?" Sokka gasped a little running to Katara.
"Don't touch me," Katara huffed. Yue pinned her hair as she had a braid on each side of her head loosely pulled into a bun on the crown of her head.
"Do you have a crown for the ceremony?" Yue asked as she finished Kataras hair.
"I uh actually wanted to put in this comb," Katara grabbed a golden comb with cool white jewels made into flowers across the top as they had red centers.
"It's beautiful, where did you get it from?" Yue held it gently at the comb. She carefully set it on the bun on top and Katara looked at herself in the mirror.
Everyone turned back seeing Zuko in the door way that was left open. His cheeks were red as he saw how beautiful Katara looked for their wedding.
"Zuko your not suppose to be in here," Yue whined.
"Sorry sorry, uh your dads here," he covered his eyes and Katara snorted a little shaking her head.
"It's fine, I'm not in the dress," she stood up and walked over to him to see if her dad was closer.
"Ha.. your wearing the comb?" Zuko noticed the jewels, he felt like he couldn't breathe around her.
"Of course, i like it as mine than wearing some old crown not even from my family," Katara touched his shoulder as she passed him to peak outside.
"Hey," Zuko closed the door behind them so he could talk to her in private.
"You look absolutely beautiful," Zuko took her hand gently to pull her away.
"I wanted to be the first one to tell you that but I didn't know you would be... breath taking," he looked down at her as Katara stared at him lost for words.
"What's got you all sentimental?" Katara laughed it off looking away.
"I just... I know this day is hard for you, so I wanna try making it better," Zuko pulled her hand up and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles.
Katara teared up a little nodding. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder for a quick hug she needed more than he did. But his arms held her close in hope to help.
"Thank you, today was going to be hard for both of us but... not terrible, thank you Zuko," she whispered in his ear. He tightened his grip around her as the hug began to be more for the both of them the longer they stayed.
They heard foot steps and immediately jumped apart as Hakoda walked around the corner with pakku and chief arnook.
"Dad!" Katara smiled brightly running to him.
"You look beautiful Katara," Hakoda smiled hugging her tightly as he was relieved to see her smile again. He was so scared to never see his little girl smile again on this land.
Zuko smiled seeing how happy she was with her family. He went into the room to let them have a moment.
Only for the two water tribe eldests staring at him with big grins that made Zuko immediately want to leave.
"Don't-" "oh we already know," Yue crossed her arms smirking at him as Zuko frowned.
"Yea I fell in love with her, so what?" He waved them off blushing more.
"Wait your in love with her?!" Sokkas jaw dropped. "I thought you two were together together!"
"What? No, Katara doesn't know so shut up," Zuko felt his face heat up more as Yue was clapping a little while jumping on her toes happily.
"And You stop it," he pointed at her.
"I'm leaving," Zuko flipped them off heading out.
"Oh I wanna see your room! I'm coming with!" Yue chased after him excitedly to see the palace.
Zuko ran faster down the halls as she gained up on him, Yue tripped him and burst out laughing as Zuko fell and she ran into his room with Zuko chasing right behind her both of them laughing.

First burn
FanfictionThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...