Katara woke up the next morning with something in front of her warm, she had her body pressed against it as her face was buried, she sat up confused rubbing her face and saw Zuko with his back to her. His arms crossed close to his chest as he was curled away, he was tense even when he was asleep.
She tilted her head to the side confused why he was sleeping in her bed, how she even got to her bed? She sighed letting it go easily.
She sat up cracking her neck and let Zuko sleep, she poked him a little only to get him to roll over to sleep on his chest with his face buried in the pillow.
"You awake?" Katara whispered.
"I've been awake," he mumbled back.
"Oh, that makes more sense," she pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her chin on her knees.
"You seem tense," she pursed her lips.
"Just tired," Zuko turned his face from the pillow and looked up at her.
she was only able to see the side of his face that was never burned, there was a white scar just above his eye brow, his body and skin proved he was a soldier before in his life, not a soft prince that was lavished in luxury. His hands were calloused and his skin was scarred, his body was rough, tense. She knew it was all because of his father, each scar, each nightmare, yes Zuko had his own times without his father there but it was still caused by the man.
How could someone burn their child's face like that. How could he not take the blame?
"Did you have a nightmare last night or something?" Katara looked at him curiously.
"Why do you ask?" Zuko frowned a little.
"Cause you're in my bed," she crossed her arms.
"I brought you to bed, you told me to stay," Zuko explained calmly.
"You carried me all the way to my room
And I told you to stay?" She didn't believe him."That's exactly what happened, you sleep like a damn log," Zuko nodded as she didn't believe him.
"I don't remember..." Katara sighed.
"I do, it happened, you told me how awful you use to be to me and apologized and said something about how I'm awesome and the coolest fire bender you've ever met, and you agreed you got noodle arms," he smiled closing his eyes.
"Shut up I didn't say shit," she laughed pushing his face away as he chuckled.
"I was there, I would never lie to you," he hummed sitting up making her laugh harder shaking her head.
"No one can tell you otherwise," Zuko nodded sitting on his knees.
"I refuse to believe you," Katara rolled her eyes smiling.
"And how I'm a heater, don't know what that's about?" He thought for a moment.
"Hey I grew up in snow and ice, I didn't get much warmth at home," Katara defended.
"Aha you do remember!" He pointed at her.
"Not about that!" She whined.
"You've always been kind of warmer," Katara huffed pouting.
"It's a fire bender thing," Zuko shrugged like it was an obvious thing.
Zuko smiled softly looking at her, he could feel his heart beat loudly against his chest as she moved her messy hair off her shoulders with the sun beaming against her, giving her a golden glow almost, she looked damn near a goddess with her long hair and eyes that were so complimentary with her skin. But the thought of their marriage being so emotionless and loveless scared him, part of him always wanted to find love in the world, to find his soulmate like the dragons.
"Can I ask you something?" Zuko asked quietly keeping his eyes down.
"Like what?" Katara got out of the bed and grabbed her comb to get rid of the snarls in her hair.
"It's going to be weird and probably make you uncomfortable or kick me out," Zuko pursed his lips pulling the pillow to his chest.
"I'll probably kick you out either way," she smiled.
"Uh.. do you think we'll ever fall in love?" Zuko asked as his voice for quieter with each word.
"I-I know not now or maybe for a while but I just... I don't know," he blushed embarrassed as Katara didn't look at him, but she was actually thinking of an answer.
"I know, your parents had a loveless marriage and you want us to be friends," Katara nodded setting the comb down as she leaned against her dresser facing him.
"Why? Are you falling in love with me?" She raised a brow.
"N-no!" Zuko defended quickly but her face stayed the same.
"You didn't answer the question," he gulped rubbed his chin.
"If you think that I'll ever fall in love with you?" Katara asked again.
"Honestly I don't want to sound cruel but no, I don't think I could fall in love with you, not with the cards that we were dealt, not the way that we met, this isn't love," she sighed deeply. Zuko swallowed a lump in his throat, why did that put a sour taste in his mouth?
"Have you ever been in love?" He asked looking like the answer didn't bother him. He smiled a little like he was teasing.
"I-uh no... have you?" Katara blushed a little.
"I thought I was in love with Mai, but that wasn't love," he shrugged laying back back down with his arms above his head.
"I do wonder what it feels like, to love someone so much it drive you mad, to be loved by someone that it would seem suffocating but it's actually your life source, I grew up with fantasy stories of a true love and soul mates, I just wondered if it felt just as breathless as stories made it seem out to be," he looked at the ceiling calmly as Katara watched him surprised.
"It seems terrifying though, or maybe it's terrifying that it might be less than what I'd be expecting," he smiled back at her catching the water bender staring.
"But maybe at the end of the day love is nothing more than just a fairytale,"
"I.. had no idea you felt that way," she laughed nervously looking away.
"I've had time to think about that kind of stuff," he shrugged it off.
Katara nodded slowly as she pursed her lips thinking about it. She had no idea boys even thought about that kind of stuff, maybe because she's been stuck with the men that were in her village and her brother, not having many options back at home before or they don't have those kinds of stories at home... but apparently Zuko had a lot going on in his mind, his eyes showed he thought about many possibilities, open minded, obviously he thought about her a lot, not romantically but her input meant something to him...

First burn
FanfictionThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...