Zuko laid in bed as a storm rolled over the sky's, it seemed to be nonstop as it was sprinkling all morning but he knew this kind of storm will last for the rest of the night. It reminded him of the seas when his uncle could predict the weather even when it was perfect weather.
He heard a knock at his door and saw it open with Katara peaking through with a candle.
"Don't tell me your scared of storms," Zuko said flatly.
"I'm not," she spat closing the door behind her as she held the candle on a tray close to her.
"Then what's up kat?" He asked as she made her way to the bed and set the candle on the other night stand that was opposite of zukos.
"I don't want to be alone during storms, I never had to deal with thunder storms and hard rain," she sat in the bed obviously anxious. Zuko looked at her but he got up instead.
"Yea blizzards are a lot different from thunderstorms," he nodded grabbing a big heavy blanket from a chest on the side and brought it back as he placed it around her shoulders.
"Thank you," she whispered keeping her head down. Katara froze when lightning flashed and thunder was immediately after.
"It's so aggressive," Katara covered her face and found herself covering her ears.
Katara was surprised when Zuko pulled her over to him and she laid with her head against the crook of his neck. One of his hands were over her ear that wasn't pressed against him.
"It's just the spirits making a ruckus, it's not going to hurt you," he whispered for her to only hear him. Katara closed her eyes and pressed herself closer to his warmth with her arm around his chest and feeling the blanket weighing her down.
"Which spirits?" She mumbled laying her head against his shoulder as Zuko found himself playing with the ends of her hair.
"I'm thinking tui and la, ocean and moon, they've been partners for a life time but even they can get kind of irritated with each other I'm guessing," he leaned his head back closing his eyes.
"Probably, eternity is a long time to be with someone," she watched the flame flicker on the candle as she could hear zukos heart. It kept her mind off the storm that shook the windows.
"I wonder how one becomes a spirit, or if there was a difference of becoming a spirit vs a legend," Zuko thought outloud and Katara thought about it.
"What do you mean? Legends aren't real?" She didn't understand.
"A legend has to come from somewhere, the avatar was a legend for the longest time, especially the first avatar, legends are real but for a spirit... they're just mysterious powerful beings," he mumbled resting his cheek against her head.
"I think a spirit is a life source that was out of time to soon... so they were granted another chance, like tui and la, ying and yang," she sighed softly letting out a long breath. A yawn followed.
"It's crazy that they exist I think, that we are able to somehow communicate with spirits and fortunate to be able to show them gratitude for how they've kept the world safe, legends are like the dragons and flying bison but spirits are like hei bai the panda," Zuko chuckled softly.
He held his hand out and a small flame danced in his palm, Katara watched calmly as he controlled the flame between his fingers like it was a harmless string, it swirled a little and turned into a fire blossom. The fire reflected against her blue eyes like the ocean reflecting the moon on a calm night. There was a loud thunder clap and she didn't even notice it anymore, Zuko smiled a little as he played with the fire to distract her.
"What's a flying bison?" Katara asked as she stayed still but was relaxed.
"Aang has a bison that flys? He's bigger than a moose lion or a polar dog, his names appa," Zuko closed his hand to snuff out the flame.
"Where is he?" She didn't believe him.
"Hiding at the air temple near here," he smiled.
"Since aangs been imprisoned? That's a long time," she scoffed but there was a smile on her lips.
"I visit him all the time, and he's not alone," Zuko rolled his eyes and she laughed a little at his tone but shrugged still not believing him.
"Whatever you say Zuko," Katara closed her eyes.
"I swear I'll show you to him," Zuko held her tightly but was confused when he didn't get a response. He looked down seeing her passed out and buried against him between the blanket and his arm.
Zuko tucked her hair away from her face as he made sure not to move to much, for being a tyrant that wasn't afraid to get dirty, she seemed elegant and fragile when she slept, she was truly beautiful. Inside and out she was a beautiful person.
"Good night kat, I love you," he whispered rubbing her back a little.
His breath got caught as he realized what he said. What he admitted. He covered his mouth as his face and neck burned, he felt like he was on fire knowing his face was covered red. She didn't stir, she didn't hear.
He couldn't love her, this was not true love, he loved her but not like that. He couldn't. It would only end painfully he knew that. He wasn't smart but he wasn't dumb enough to believe this would be a painless love.
But now that he said it outloud it was all that ran through his head. Fear trickled in as he felt sick. He loves her, he fell for her. Fuck he was in love with Katara.
He was in love with his betrothed but then why did it feel wrong, feel like it would hurt to say it, like someone would shove lava down his throat if he ever tried to say it again. It would be to good to be true if she would ever love him back.
No, she won't love him. She said it herself she wouldn't love him like that. He knew that.
His hand slid from his mouth up to his eyes to cover them, his eyes burned. Maybe from disappointment. In himself? He was disappointed that he let his guard down to feel this way about someone. He didn't love her the way he loved Mai. He felt so many more emotions with this confession than with the last. But they weren't all good.
Spirits... it hurt so much to love someone like her... to fall in love from this situation.
Man... he's so stupid.

First burn
FanfictionThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...