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Tears streamed down her tan skin. Not in terror or sadness but in rage, but in a way there was fear mixed in. Confusion.

Katara panted as she sprinted across the palace as flames crawled across the walls of the palace, she wore baggy red pants that ended at her ankles and a red halter top that wrapped around her neck, her Sandals stomped against the rug floor as she ran to the door trying to race from the flames.

"Suki!" She screamed back at the red head as she was running towards her. The paler warrior looked confused as well but forced herself to run, the two girls ignored the burning pain of their muscles to run, they just had to run.

"We need to get to Aang," Suki grabbed her arm to pull Katara along. Both of them had two bags each slung over each shoulder.

Katara forced everything in her body to not run back, to not scream for him, for Zuko, there was betrayal in her chest for him not being here. He lied. A few tears dripped off her cheek as she ran with Suki.

They slammed their bodies into the front doors of the palace to force them open and smoke poured out of the opening into the rain.

Earlier that day

Katara woke up hearing the sound of rain falling against the window, the smell of rain was refreshing. She felt an arm around her torso and warmth behind her. She smiled softly rubbing zukos hand while she watched out the window, it was so calming.

"The rain seems nice," zuko whispered as he kissed Kataras shoulder.

"I like it," Katara smiled leaning back into him as Zuko held her tighter.

"It's a good day to rain," she sighed closing her eyes again as Zuko looked over her shoulder.

"Let's just stay in bed all day," Katara rolled over so she could face him.

"Yea?" He grinned.

"Doesn't that sound nice to you?" She giggled.

"As long as you stay," Zuko hummed and Katara blushed.

"I hoped you wouldn't kick me out for a lazy day," she laughed softly.

"Not this time, next time I am," he chuckled.

Lighting lit the room for a moment, only thunder clapped across the sky. Katara flinched a little looking down, Zuko smiled gently and gently brushed her chin to look up at him.

They leaned close to press their lips together, a slow kiss with only the sound of rain around them, Zuko savored the moment, savored her taste and her smell. He pulled back smiling as Katara hummed pressing a kiss to his nose wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Good freaking morning," Zuko smiled looking into her eyes enchanted.

Katara couldn't help but burst out in a wide smile laugh as she rolled on her back cackling.

He smiled more watching the love of his life laugh loudly and hysterically. He loved how extra she could be, how much emotion she wasn't afraid to show, she was a passionate soul who laughed when she laughed and cried when she cried.

"I'm going to go grab something from my room, I'll be right back," he kissed her shoulder and pushed himself out of the bed.

"Mm I might be sleeping by then," Katara sprawled out on the open bed as he grabbed his robe to hide from the cold air.

"Don't you dare," he flipped her off but she stole his pillow anyways.

He walked out to go to his room next door and locked the door behind him with his smile dropping immediately.

Zuko pressed his palm against the door with a heavy sigh. What a day to rain.

He turned back and went to his walk in closet, going towards the back and moved his clothes out of the way to reveal a locked chest. He pressed his palm against the key hole and lit a flame inside it, the chest open immediately.

Zuko pulled out five bags and a pair of dao swords and blue mask.

There was a bag of clothes for hot weather and freezing weather, money, weapons, water storage and sleeping bags in case. He pulled out a picture of his mother from the chest and gently placed it in a bag.

As well as his crown.

Thunder echoed outside and Zuko stood up quickly and went back to Katara.

"Hey You okay kat?" He peaked in concerned as she was back asleep in the large bed. She was sprawled out like a starfish as her face was buried in his pillow. Zuko smiled a little seeing her back asleep and snuck back to his room to finish packing.

He went back to his room and saw Suki sitting in his closet holding the blades, inspecting them a little impressed.

"You leaving today today?" Suki raised a brow pointing the blade at Zuko.

"The fire benders will loose their bending at 3 ish today, you have 8 minutes to help Aang get out of prison while the fire benders are powerless, you leave here at 2," Zuko pushed the blades away and grabbed the bags. Shoving two in sukis arms as she set the swords down.

"Youre going to fight your dad without your bending?" She looked in the bags curiously.

"For Agni kai I'm going to have to fire bend but before that I can at least get close enough to be able to challenge him," Zuko put the blades in their holster and brought them out to the bedroom, taking his robe and shirt off the change.

"That's why I need you gone by 2," he looked at Suki over his shoulder with a glare.

"You got it," she nodded emotionless.

"Can I ask what happens if you lose? You die, Ozai is still fire lord, what happens to the world?" Suki grabbed the bags to put over her shoulders.

"Aang knows if I fail then he needs to finish what I started, I left a will, to Katara, when Ozai is over thrown she will be ambassador, that's why I pushed our marriage before," Zuko explained with a serious expression as he looked at the girl fully trusting her.

"Im next in line for the throne, she being my wife she is my successor, I trust her fully to bring peace for our nation," he pulled a red shirt over and grabbed a brown vest.

"Give her this, it explains it all," Zuko pulled out a scroll from his nightstand and handed it to Suki. She put it in the bag understanding.

"Sokka and Yue also are aware, they were given similar scrolls and honey for the future, you'll be meeting another friend of mine that you'll need a good impression on, he's important," he grinned handing her a small jar of honey

"Who?" She made a face holding it confused.

"His names appa, you want him to like you trust me," he smiled smugly as she still didn't understand.

"What if Katara doesn't want to run the fire nation?" Suki asked slowly.

"My uncle, and if not then a vote between the higher ups in the fire nation, Katara and general iroh will deny anyone that they think aren't honorable of the role," Zuko nodded.

"Shit you really thought of everything," Suki hummed impressed.

"I've had a long time to plan," he smirked.

"Mind hiding those bags in the woods outside the capital?" Zuko asked her with a shrug.

"It's raining?" She scrunched her nose.

"If you go fast you won't get as wet,"

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