Katara followed Zuko back to the spare room they shared as she had a small limp to her that only she and Zuko noticed. Her body burned from the amount of exercising she did from the small fight.
"I'll get you some water, just sit," Zuko opened the door for her as Katara kept her eyes down.
"Are you mad at me?" She asked confused as Zuko went to the side to pour her a glass as well as a bowl for her to bend with to heal.
"No not at all?" Zuko set the bowl next to her on the ground and the cup on the table.
"I'm actually impressed you made it that far with him, pakku is a hard bastard to please," he chuckled sitting on a chair across from her.
"I still lost, I'm going to go back to the fire nation as your useless water bending wife," she scoffed bending the water from the bowl to her ankle where she could feel a throbbing pain.
"I know you don't care for what I have to say, or anything about my opinion, but I actually admire that you fought back even though you weren't going to win," Zuko sighed leaning back as Katara kept her eyes down to focus on her healing but pursed her lips.
"Your really amazing katara," he stood up and she gulped a little looking over at him as he took off his jacket.
"I promise I won't tell anyone about your plans," Katara said quickly and Zuko paused.
"What?" He kept his back to her.
"That's why you brought me here right? And my brothers coming... that's the deal, I promise I won't tell your family about your uncle... and that you want to free him, that's between you and I," she told him softly and Zuko looked at her with a gentle look.
"But we're not friends, I don't like you, I still am forced from my home to marry you," Katara stood up and the corner of zukos lips twitched with the smallest grin.
"And?" He crossed his arms.
"A-and i guess your not the worst person in the world... at least here," she grumbled with a small pout.
"I'm glad we're moving forward kat," Zuko teased patting her head but she slapped his hand away flustered.
"Don't call me that!" She cried out.
"Call you what kat?" He shrugged playing dumb as there was a knock at the door, Katara glared at him as she went to answer the door.
"Hello?" She opened the door and blinked confused seeing children.
"Is prince Zuko here?" A little girl in front of a crowd of other children that seemed to be seven through nine year olds jumped a little excitedly as Katara looked back at the prince.
"I don't know a prince but I have this homeless guy in here," Katara opened the door for Zuko to peak out.
"Zuzu!" They all screamed and his eyes widen.
"Oh no," Zuko gulped.
"Zuko are you coming to the fire tonight?" A little girl raised her hand as he smiled gently at the kids.
"I don't know, should I?" He leaned against the door frame with kindness in his eyes.
"Yes yes yes yes!" They all cheered and Katara looked at him as he looked back at her.
"Well you gotta ask my fiancé, she's the boss, maybe if you ask really nice she'll come too," Zuko shrugged as Katara turned red a little.
"Pleaaaase! Zuzu doesn't visit a lot and we miss him!" The little girl clasped her hands in front of Katara as the man seemed amused.
"S-sure I don't mind?" She offered looking at him for help but he was no such thing.
"Your coming with," Zuko pulled her with as the children pulled him by his hand and he grabbed hers.
Half of the northern water tribe circled around a large fire with food on the sides as people laughed and danced to the music as water benders performed for the crowd as Zuko sat with the children as elders and mothers sat with the fire. Katara stood near by with Yue as she was talking.
"Add to the fire!" The little girl sat next to Zuko as he had a toddler in his lap that was amazed by the fire bender as five other children surrounded him.
Zuko smiled and tossed a handful of fire into the rest as they all laughed and were in awe.
"Is the fire nation snow too?" A little boy asked hanging on zukos shoulders with wide eyes.
"Nope, there's summer all the time and it rains, lots of beaches and trees and flowers, don't have to wear so many hats," Zuko chuckled as he held up his palm with a flame as the toddler gasped.
"I thought the fire nation was bad and full of bones?" A different little girl scooted closer as she watched the fire in his hand.
"Well I haven't seen any bones, maybe some from animals," Zuko smiled at her.
"The fire nation land is beautiful, the people and the culture are wonderful, we have fire works and a large festival for the summer solstice that lasts days in the whole nation, but the army and the leader of the fire nation aren't as nice," he explained as he closed his hand and felt all eyes on him.
"My papa says the fire nation wants to kill everyone, like the air benders," the girl said nervously and Katara walked over as Zuko listened.
"The fire lord is a very bad man, your papa has the right idea for their intentions, not everyone is nice, your parents didn't like me when I first came here with my uncle," Zuko nodded and the kids didn't understand.
"But you make pretty fire, and play with us!" The toddler grabbed his hand and he shrugged.
"Were is uncle Iroh? I miss him," a little girl poked him and Katara looked at the prince curiously.
"He's enjoying the weather and drinking tea by the pond probably, he doesn't like the cold much," Zuko smiled at her and the children giggled.
"That's why fire benders are wimps," she laughed.
"Yea pretty much, I have two jackets on," he nodded and Katara covered her mouth to hide her smile.
"Hey Katara can I talk to you?" Yue walked over to her as Zuko glanced at the girls leaving the area but he was weighed down by the children.
Yue smiled back at him as he knew she was gonna to tell Katara something embarrassing, he covered the toddlers eyes and flipped her off.
Little did anyone know that Yue returned the finger behind her back.

First burn
FanfictionThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...