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Katara sat in the court yard as Zuko was training alone but they stuck by each other knowing the dangers of Azulas words. Katara read her water bending scrolls but looked up seeing a messenger hawk flying towards Zuko. He stopped and looked up at the bird as it landed on a rock and Zuko took out the paper in it.

"What's that?" Katara asked.

"A message from master pakku," Zuko smiled a little as he handed it to her.

"A paid favor, I asked him if he would be willing to teach the future fire lady waterbending, I mentioned your from the sister tribe," Zuko shrugged and Katara read the letter and smiled a little.

"Is he coming here?" Katara asked excitedly. She never met another water bender before, she was the only one and never left the southern tribe before.

"Well for your request before of your brothers visit, I'm sending a ship to your tribe to sail him to the northern tribe, you'll see him again and be trained by master pakku, two weeks," Zuko grabbed a towel to put over his broad shoulders and sat next to Katara.

"Wow really? And your dads okay with it?" Katara asked looking at the letter.

"More or less, not the part of your bending but more for the alliance with both water tribes, I would be marrying princess Yue but she's already engaged," Zuko shrugged and Katara raised an eye brow.

"Wow, to bad she didn't have a sister," Katara scoffed at him.

"Well your just as beautiful as her, but your a lot stronger than her as well, she's very kind and caring," Zuko explained and blushed a little.

"Oh really? Do I out rank a princess?" Katara leaned her chin on her fist smirking at him.

"You are a princess," Zuko said flatly.

"Chiefs daughter," Katara glared.

"Whatever you say princess," he put up his hands.

"Um thanks for all of this, I didn't know you'd actually care enough," Katara folded the letter up and tucked it away.

"Call it a truce, just cause it's a forced marriage doesn't mean we can't be friends," Zuko smiled getting up and Katara blushed softly a little.

"Well... I guess, you don't really have any friends here anyways," Katara teased a little and Zuko thought for a minute but agreed.

"At least my age, no," Zuko shrugged.

"I'll go clarify with the fire lord tonight, hopefully we can go tomorrow morning and be there by dawn," he told her walking away.

"We?" Katara blinked.

"You'd need an escort, and I don't really trust the men on some ships..." Zuko frowned a little looking down and katara paled.

"Know What Yea that's fine, I'm cool with that," Katara waved her hands with a nervous smile, Zuko looked at her raising an eye brow but nodded walking away.

Zuko made it to his room as he closed the doors behind him and sighed grabbing a red shirt as he put on his chest plate on with a belt as he put his hair up with the royal crown.

He looked in the mirror staring at his face remembering the pain of that battle against his father, the fear and shame. The lost honor, and for a scar to permanently mark him. But his father's love and honor meant nothing to him. He was going to do right by this country, to this world.

Zuko shook his head shaking away the feeling as he went to go meet with his father. Anxiety spiking up every time he saw that door to the throne room. He pushed them open with a deep breath as he saw his father speaking to a general about plans but they looked up seeing the prince.

"Prince Zuko, What brings you here to interrupt my meeting?" Ozai asked waving the general aside as he stood up.

"I wish to be granted a ship for two weeks with a crew, Princess katara and I will be going to the northern water tribe for the alliance, we made one with their sister tribe, maybe they'll be willing to join in," Zuko gulped as he hand his hands behind his back.

"And princess Katara will be joining you why? I could send a commander simply," Ozai glared at his son a little.

"With Katara being from the southern tribe already and with our engagement I believe it will show more peace than a battle," Zuko explained emotionless.

"I suppose, a ship and crew is granted prince Zuko, you'll leave tomorrow at noon, don't be late," Ozai told him sternly and Zuko nodded with a small bow.

"Thank you fire lord Ozai," Zuko said respectfully and left.

"And Zuko?" Ozai called as Zuko had his back to him. "Try cooperating with the poor girl of yours, I don't need her plotting against me, it'd be a shame if an accident occurred to your fiancé,"

Zuko felt his heart skip a beat but nodded and quickly walked out feeling sick to his stomach.

How did his mother ever marry such a monster?

How could he prevent himself from becoming one himself?

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