Katara saw Zuko walk in the dinning room for breakfast the next morning as if nothing happened. He looked like he got sleep, like he wasn't dealing with a rebel assassin, Katara questioned herself almost because it felt like a normal morning.
"Morning kat," Zuko poured himself a glass of water and sat with her.
"Good morning Zuko," she raised a brow.
"Were you to able to rid of that bug last night?" Katara ate a strawberry.
"Jeez that thing was so annoying, but yea I was able to get rid of it," Zuko stole a berry off her plate.
"You mother fuckers, get off of me!" Jet was forced to walk as jong jong looked annoyed while Zuko gripped the back of hers shirt tightly.
"Literally just get him off fire nation land and keep him off, he's got a loud mouth," Zuko grumbled shoving Jet to the white lotus member.
"He's the one that attempted to kill you and the princess?" Jong jong looked down at Jet not impressed.
"I'm a freedom fighter! You can help me take down the royal family to end this war!" Jet looked up at him desperately.
"I am fire nation, under the order of the white lotus, Zuko is making sure you don't loose your life boy, be grateful," jong jong barked down at the brunette. It made Jet quiet down immediately at the harsh tone.
"Just don't kill him, I appreciate it," Zuko bowed to the fellow fire bender as the old man bowed back with a grunt.
"Just put a cup over it and let it go free," Zuko shrugged and Katara smiled a little shaking her head.
"Good," she nodded.
"So um did you want to train after breakfast today?" Katara asked with a little blush staining her cheeks.
"I have some studies to finish but I'm sure later we can," Zuko smiled gently at her.
"Kat are you feeling alright? You sure you want to train?" His smile turned concerned seeing her face getting red.
"I feel fine, why?" She was confused.
"Your cheeks are flushed, are you catching the spring cold? It is your first spring in the fire nation so it wouldn't be surprising," Zuko touched the side of her face with the back of his hand then pressed his hand against her forehead as well.
"You've been stressed, maybe you should take it easy," his hand slid back down to cup her cheek worried.
"Stop that, I'm not sick Zuko," Katara tsked rolling her eyes but didn't take his hand off. His hands were warm.
"Sorry," he blushed taking his hands off her.
"The last few days have been much so maybe you should take this time to just relax," Zuko stole another strawberry before getting up.
"Hey that's mine!" She cried out.
They looked at each other in silence. Until Zuko ate the strawberry whole sprinting out of the room as Katara jumped over the table chasing after him.
They ran down the halls but Zuko immediately came to a stop and grabbed Katara around the waist to stop her as well seeing Ozai was turning the corner with two guards behind him, Azula and Ty Lee where in the library across the hall with the doors open, Katara looked at Azula motioning too the side and the princess noticed her father as well.
"Father," Zuko bowed as Ozai passed them. Katara kept her eyes down as she bowed with her husband.
"Zuko, you need to speak to the admiral and lieutenant, bring your sister," Ozai didn't even look at him as he kept his eyes ahead.

First burn
FanfictionThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...