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"Zuko what did you do? That's not the plan, you said-" "it's just going to be Jet all over again, I had no choice," Zuko hushed Katara as they were on their way to the throne room to meet with the fire lord.

"Just trust me," he whispered before they entered the chambers and saw Ozai sitting on his throne with Azula and mai knelt in front of him.

Zuko and Katara silently walked to the front of bowed with their heads down to the fire lord.

"Father," Zuko greeted.

"So you found the traitors that wanted our family dead," Ozai skipped to the point immediately.

"The poison caused some memory loss but I recognized one of them and the other was his accomplice," Zuko nodded keeping his head down.

"The execution will be at sunrise, we won't tolerate such threat to the family, it's already embarrassing that you were on a damn death bed for allowing them to attack you prince Zuko," Ozai barked down at his son with disgust, like he was a rotten fruit that he wanted gone.

"My guard was down father. It won't happen agai-" "I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses, you're weak, and you prove it once again and again, an embarrassment to our family, to every fire lord that stood where I am now," Ozai stood immediately making his children tense quickly. Fear was heavy in the air when Ozai walked down to them.

"If it wasn't for the marriage I'd have your sister hold the title of next in line for fire lord, this country needs someone strong to win the war, not a weakling in the palace," he stood in front of Zuko as everyone kept their head down.

"I understand firelord," Zuko sighed bowing his forehead to touch the ground at his fathers feet.

"If it wasn't for your wife, I'd make an example out of You, You remember last time you disrespected me," Ozai growled down at him.

"Yes," Zuko whispered.

Kataras hands shook as she bit her tongue back, she fought every fiber in her body to not scream back with more rage than the fire lord would ever have. She shook so she didn't put Zuko in danger with her own outburst. But if he kept speaking like this she might loose the battle to not raise her voice.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, and to embarrass your wife in front of her family, disgraceful," Ozai shook his head as Zuko clenched his fist a little.

"The water tribe didn't find Zuko weak nor shameful for the attack,"

It was silent as Zuko felt himself stop breathing when he heard Kataras voice. His heart dropped into his stomach as he felt like he was going to be sick from fear.

"Excuse me?" Ozai kept his back to her but zukos head wiped up to look at Katara who was sitting up now instead of in a bow.

"I spoke to my family and my sister tribe, not one person thought Zuko or your family was weak," Katara forced out, avoided looking at Zuko knowing he didn't want her to speak.

"Is that so..?" Ozai raised a brow turning to her slowly.

"Katara do not," Zuko bit out with wide eyes.

"I speak for the water tribes, so do not assume their judgement," she stood but Zuko grabbed her arm and yanked her back down to her knees.

"I said don't," Zuko growled in a low tone.

"No I first off won't have someone assume my tribes opinion on my husband, I mean you no disrespect fire lord Ozai but it was a surprise attack that no one predicted would happen, and Zuko saved princess yue's life and for that they hold higher respect and trust for him and your family," Katara smacked his hand away and stood again with her chin up and a glare in her eyes.

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