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"Princess Katara, prince Zuko, so glad you both traveled home safely," Lo and li stood at the docks of a fire nation as the two walked down the ship with the captain in the front.

Katar wore her firenation clothes with her hair pulled back half up as Zuko wore his fire nation uniform with his hair in its top knot and crown. They stood side by side as Zuko stayed emotionless and Katara was calm.

"Your father is expecting you prince Zuko," Lo bowed.

"The both of you," li joined her sister.

Katara glanced at the prince curiously.

"Thank you, captain please escort our luggage back?" Zuko walked past the captain as Katara had her hand around his arm to stay close. It was the one rule she'd follow of zukos is to stay within his sight, he earned a little more of her trust from their trip but not all.

"You think your father will be upset?" Katara asked quietly as he opened the carriage door for her that had a kimono rhino and a driver waiting to take them back.

"Hard to say but I know that he doesn't exactly enjoy my presence anyways," Zuko closed the door when he got in and closed the curtains on the side.

"When we get in there don't say anything and don't make eye contact, I'm going to speak, if the fire lord does speak to you always end with 'fire lord' or your highness, and don't use long sentences just something simple and brief, follow my lead, keep your eyes down when we bow, do not rise until told to or if I do, keep your hands in your lap-" "Zuko it'll be fine, it's probably a report back?" Katara cut him off as Zuko bounced his knee as he peaked out the window.

"Does he know your alliances with the water tribe?" Katara asked crossing her arms a little and leaned back with a huff.

"No, he thinks I sent a letter out in request for the sister tribes to join and to bring peace, but he really just wants to conquer the land," Zuko tilted his head back with a small sigh. He was anxious to be back home, he had to be a prince again.

The two walked into a room with fire lined along the wall to light the room, the fire lord awaiting them.

Zuko stepped ahead and walked in front of his father, getting on his knees and bowed with his forehead touching the ground, Katara followed and did the same, keeping her eyes down.

"Thank you for allowing our travel father," Zuko started off.

"I'm pleased to see you two made it back in one piece, how was your trip?" Ozai looked at them as they sat in a kneeling position as Katara kept her eyes on her lap as Zuko did the same.

"I spoke with the chief and he is very welcoming, I spoke to him about possible trades in the future to alliance ourselves further more," Zuko said calmly as Katara pursed her lips while listening.

"And how was your training Princess Katara?" Ozai turned his head to her and she clenched her fists a little nervously.

"She wasn't allowed to train in combat-" "I wasn't asking you boy," Ozai barked and Zuko clenched his teeth.

"You may speak my dear," the lord nodded, Katara took a deep breath looking up.

"The northern water tribe has strict tradition, women in the tribe are not allow to practice water bending combat, I spent most of my time in the healing hut to perfect my bending with that," Katara smiled kindly at him as she played along with zukos lie.

"They don't see woman as equal soldiers?" Ozai frowned.

"No your highness, they heal their soldiers with their bending, thinking women don't belong on the battle ground," she explained with a small shrug.

"I'm happy to know anything about controlling my bending and if healing is what I can do then I'll be the best at it," she smiled at him and Zuko looked at her softly.

"And You two bonding over the trip? I hope the boy treated his fiancé well," the older man sighed looking at his son annoyed.

"Yes fire lord ozai," Katara nodded.

"Zuko I'd like you to stay but Katara you are excused, welcome back home," Ozai grinned back at her as Katara rose to leave the room. Home. Welcome back home. She would never think of this place as home.

The two men waited for her to leave the room as the doors closed behind her with a thud.

"How do you like your betrothed? Has she been doing any wifely duties?" Ozai chuckled softly as zuko gulped a little.

"Katara is a independent woman, I learned a lot about her, I admire her really for having such responsibilities growing up, she's incredible really," Zuko kept his eyes down as Ozai listened.

"She'll be great as a fire lady, she thinks about people around her rather than herself, she would be good for the people," he nodded.

"The people? I shouldn't be surprised that you are impressed by the smallest things, pathetic," Ozai scoffed with a sneer as Zuko frowned.

"Do you love her prince Zuko?" His father cocked his head to the side glaring down at his son.

"No father," Zuko bowed his head down.

"Is she worth anything to you?"

Zuko hesitated at that.

"Cause if not it would be so much easier to.. set her aside if any complications come up around your wedding day," he stood up and Zuko stiffened hearing foot steps come towards him.

"That's not needed," Zuko kept his head down.

"Did you loose your respect on this trip boy?" Ozai toward over his son on the ground.

"That's not necessary fire lord," Zuko put his hands on the ground and bowed to the man in front of him. Ozai smiled.

"Your excused, know your place child," he smirked as he turned his back on his eldest. Zuko got to his feet calmly and left without another word.

He was definitely back home...

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