Didnt seem okay

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Something didn't sit right with Katara as she combed her hair in her bathroom. She was deep in thought at the look, the comment, the tone, from Mai and Zuko. It bugged her.

"Don't bother," Mai sneered when she passed katara.

And the way Zuko was almost in a ball with his hands covering his ears.

She did something to him. He didn't seem right.

Katara set the comb down and stormed out of her room to zukos barefoot and her skirt swinging around her knees.

She knocked lightly knowing it was late in the night, he could be sleeping.

"Go away," Zuko called back but she entered anyways. He didn't say he wasn't decent.

"It's me," Katara popped her head in and saw Zuko reading on his bed.

"It applied to you too," Zuko quirked his brow.

"Your not okay," Katara walked over and sat on the foot of his bed.

"I'm fine," Zuko rolled his eyes.

"What did Mai say?" Katara sighed annoyed and immediately noticed his eyes casting down. Bingo.

"She was asking about the trip and called a few names, we've been friends for a long time kat," Zuko shrugged as he looked at his book but didn't read.

"Oh my spirits... your lying to me?" Katara gasped sitting on her knees and leaning on her hands in front of her.

"Sure," he scoffed shaking his head.

"You are! Zuko just tell me!" Katara crawled closer on the bed as she was a foot away from his feet.

"It's fine Katara, she's just mad at me," Zuko huffed keeping his eyes down.

"Please? You looked..." broken "really upset earlier," Katara almost begged.

"Why do you care?" He frowned, knitting his eye brows together.

"Cause I've never seen you like that..."

Zuko set the book down and looked Katara in the eyes, she stared at him ready for the truth.

"I'm fine," he said calmly.

Her heart dropped.

"I'll just start guessing," Katara crossed her arms sitting on her knees in front of him.

"Please don't," Zuko fell on his back into the pillows.

"Was it getting back together for a scandalous affair?" She smirked.

"No," he groaned.

"Is she pregnant?" Katara gasped covering her mouth as Zuko bolted up.

"Absolutely not!" Zuko almost yelled.

"I'm guessing since you don't want to tell me! Don't get fussy," Katara pushed him away.

"She..." Zuko started but stopped.

"I'm.. im not going to tell anyone? I don't have anyone to tell," Katara sighed softly as Zuko laid back down on his back.

"She said some personal things, that she knows would hur-bother me, something to bother me," Zuko gulped a little.

"Was it that bad?" Katara asked gently.

"A little since it was all true," he closed his eyes.

"I doubt it," she smiled gently.

"No she was, I'm trying to be a good person for the guilt of awful things I did in the past," he sighed.

"Do you not want to be a good person?" Katara asked pursing her lips.

"I'm trying but you've seen my family, I haven't had much guidance in the past before I was only with my uncle, and even then I was so filled with rage I-" Zuko stopped again but kept his eyes closed.

"I'm not innocent, I'm not trying to be a victim," he covered his face, Katara inhaled deeply with wide eyes seeing his hands sliding their way over his ears.

"I swear I'm trying," he mumbled to himself.

"Hey stop that," Katara reached over and grabbed his hands.

"Why... why do you cover your ears?" She gulped as her small hands refused to let go of his.

"I-I don't know," Zuko looked at her confused.

"Sorry, I'm sorry," he took his hands back and got to his feet quickly feeling overwhelmed.

"Zuko," Katara looked at him concerned.

"Your not a bad person, even I know that," she smiled and Zuko just stared at her.

"Can you please leave?" Zuko whispered.

"Nah, I'm comfy here," Katara laid on his bed.

"K-kat," he pleaded.

"You need a friend, I know we don't like each other but your family is crazy so your my only company," she shrugged and patted the spot next to her.

"You look pale, come sit pasty boy," Katara smiled brightly at him.

"Why are you being nice? Don't you hate me?" Zuko sighed sitting next to her.

"Yep, I hate you a lot, but I was told to get to know you as a person, so I'm giving it a shot," Katara smirked a little looking up at him.

"How am I doing so far?" She teased putting her hand on his wrist seeing his knuckles were turning white from clenching his fists in his lap.

"It's kind of scaring me," he sighed closing his eyes but he relaxed to her touched.

"How am I doing so far?" Zuko pursed his lips.

"I tolerate you," Katara nudged him a little.

They looked at each other for a moment as Katara offered a kind smile and Zuko stayed calm with a gentle face.

"I'm not hugging you," he scooted away.

"Gross I don't want one," she groaned falling on her back with her hands by her head.

"Are you leaving yet?" Zuko looked over his shoulder at her.

"No im bored," she grabbed his book he was reading and started it over for herself.

"I- hey I was reading that!" Zuko went to grab his book but she put her foot on his chest to keep him back.

"Now I am, what's it about? No spoilers," Katara rolled to the side to get away.

"It's just a story about some spirits, myths or whatever, their origin," Zuko grumbled as he gave up on it.

"You said that bout your soulmates too, now I'm interested," she adjusted herself to the pillows and opened to the first chapter.

"Whatever," Zuko scoffed getting up to go to his bookshelf that was one of his walls on the far side.

"You really like to read," Katara glanced over impressed.

"I have a lot of spare time, I like reading," Zuko rolled his eyes and grabbed another book.

"I only got to read the same ten books down in the pole, I'm curious what you have to offer prince Zuko," she hummed crossing her legs on the bed as Zuko sat on the floor next to her with his back against the bed.

"What's that one?" She went to grab it but he grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Not for you, finish that one first you Heathen,"Zuko told her flatly as Katara pouted a little.

"Fine but I'm spoiling the ending," she mumbled.

"Don't! I didn't finish," zukos jaw dropped as he turned to her.  

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