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"The waters not as cold as I thought it was," Katara wiped her wet hair out of her face and rung out the soaked ends.

"Says you, the oceans always cold," Zuko rolled his eyes and ran his hand throw his hair to push it off his forehead.

"I wonder if those guys are still bothering ty Lee?" She looked around trying to find the girls, she saw Azula laying on her stomach reading a book in front of Mai who looked bored under the umbrella.

"Don't worry, she can easily take care of herself," he assured her and Katara saw some girls whispering and giggling pointing at Zuko.

"Hey I got a question," Zuko blushed a little rubbing the back of his neck. "W-what- I.. uh.. what are we?"

Katara blinked dumbfounded.

"What?" She gulped putting her hands behind her back.

"Just uh- uh what are we calling ourselves here? Just friends or.." he covered his mouth looking down embarrassed as Katara tilted her head to the side.

"I mean we are technically engaged," Zuko pursed his lips.

"Hmm I guess I never thought of that, I still find it hard to believe we have to marry each other in like three months," Katara hummed thinking about it for a minute.

"Okay, how about we stay as friends here but if there's trouble like those girls giggling behind you or those guys before get to touchy, we use each other as backup to get them to fuck off, yea?" Katara smirked up at him crossing her arms.

"Sure sounds like a plan," Zuko smiled agreeing.

"Besides, trying this whole friend thing isn't the worst thing, I'm actually choosing to spend time with you rather than sitting in the sand miserable," Katara giggled as they walked back to the others and Zuko glanced over seeing Mai. Who sat in the sand. Miserable.

"It could be worst," he chuckled agreeing.

"Hey beach bums, we're playing ball next," Azula stood up as she was staring at the volley ball game ahead of them as the two dried off.

"How do you play?" Katara used the towel to dry her long hair off.

"It's not hard, make sure the ball doesn't hit the ground and get it over the net, inside the lines, it's easier to hit the ball like this," Zuko put his hands together as ty Lee jogged over excitedly.

"You'll catch on," he nodded as ty Lee grunted trying to drag Mai along.

"Come on Mai! We need all of us!" She whined and fell on the ground as Mai stood.

"Huddle up!" Azula barked as they got to the court of sand.

"See that girl with the stupid pigtails? When she runs towards the ball there's the slightest hesitation in her left foot, I'm willing to bet a childhood injury has weakened her," Azula motioned over to the other team.

"Keep serving the ball to her left and we'll destroy her and the rest of her team," she smiled cruelly.


"Kind of intense for a little game?" Katara whispered to Zuko as they got in position.

"Just bump the ball towards ty Lee or Azula, they'll attack the strongest," Zuko nodded softly.

"Or don't play if your going to make us lose," Mai rolled her eyes standing in front of them.

"We're not going to lose," Katara frowned and concentrated.

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