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"Look who's up and moving," Azula hummed amused as Zuko was dressed in normal attire with Katara while they walked through the yard.

"We'll be at the docks with the water tribes," Katara sent Azula a look.

"Why?" Ty Lee perked up.

"With them being our strongest allies, and in laws, I think it would be best to send them off? Kind of a responsibility," Zuko raised a brow at the girls.

"Don't get stabbed again," Mai filed her nails leaning against a tree.

"I make no promises," Zuko rolled his eyes as Katara covered her mouth to hide her smile. They walked together through the yard and disappeared inside again as the three girls stayed outside.

"Do you think they're together together now? They seem closer," ty Lee watched them softly, she wasn't jealous of the relationship and kind of wanted something like that. Loving someone for who they are.

"They're just friends that are married ty Lee," Mai glared a little at her.

"But did you see them dance together? The way they look at each other? They have to be in love, no one trusts the way they do and not love each other, they're literally a perfect team," ty Lee cooed as she stood on her top toes at the thought of their relationship.

"Mai I bet you could ruin it," Azula smiled over at the other girl.

"It's okay, your side of the family already does," Mai glared back with red staining her cheeks.

"If anything Mai brought them together, a bonding of a crazy ex, who happens to still love a married man," Azula smiled more.

"Shut up!" Mai sneered.

"Did you tell them about what's going down with the water tribes yet?" Ty Lee asked to avoid them fighting.

"Oh yea I forgot about that, Nope, it's not my problem," Azula grinned knowing the chaos that has been in the palace since the stabbing.


Katara and Zuko walked to the docks with a few guards woth them but they were confused hearing yelling and arguing ahead where both tribes were, no northern tribe members were on their boats, as the southern tribe was trying to pack up still but were distracted.

"What the hell?" Kataras eyes widen confused as she broke into a sprint to her family. Zuko ran after her ignoring the guards cries.

"Yue, Sokka what the fuck?" Zuko called over as they were closest.

"My tribe wants to know who the traitor is," Yue covered her mouth fearful a little.

"What traitor?" He asked confused.

"The Damn traitor that tried to kill my wife!" A man yelled. Zuko looked disgusted at the northern tribe peasant.

"Hahn..." Zuko groaned.

"It was your bastard people wasnt it? If anything it was you," Hahn stormed up to Zuko. The prince put his hand up to stop fire nation soldiers from drawing their swords.

"It wasn't, and it wasn't water tribe either," Zuko replied calmly.

"You expect me to believe that? Yue almost died because of you and this land! You've been gaining her trust to just kill her like the fire nation scum you are!" Hahn grabbed Zuko by the shirt aggressively.

"You're embarrassing yourself, your wife and your tribe, get it together," zuko wasn't phased by it. He knew Hahn, he was all talk.

"Yea idiot, Zuko was stabbed too, why would both of them get stabbed?" Sokka pulled Hahn off his brother in law.

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