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Yue stood by the docks as she saw a southern water tribe ship being lead in by other water benders and saw a man around her age yelling commands for his crew as there was laughter following.

She waited to greet the man knowing that must've been Kataras brother, she told Zuko she'd bring him to them so Katara could train today until her brother came.

"Prince Sokka I assume?" Yue walked up to a man that jump off the ship with a boomerang on his back and a small beard on his chin with his hair pulled back in a warrior wolf tail and the sides shaved.

He looked at the Princess for a split second of confusion but felt heat rise to his face when he saw her soft smile and her hand was held out for greetings.

"I-Uh just call me Sokka," he shook her hand gently and she smiled brighter with a nod.

"I'm princess Yue, but you can call me just Yue," she said calmly and Sokka blushed a little more.

"It's an honor to finally meet the princess of my sister tribe," he bowed a little to her and Yue felt blush creep on her cheeks as well.

"Thank you," she bit her lip with a smile.

"Prince Zuko and Princess Katara asked for me to bring you to your sister once you got here, would you like to go over to them?" Yue asked sweetly and Sokka smiled excitedly at the thought of seeing his little sister.

"Yes please," he squeaked.

Yue took his arm gently and they walked together through the tribe.

"So prince Zuko, he's the fire nations first born, the one my sister is marrying?" Sokka asked curiously as Yue nodded. "How did he get in here?"

"He's a very good friend of mine actually, he may look cold and arrogant but Zuko has a warm heart, I ask for you not to judge him to harsh by what you've heard," Yue touched his bicep gently and Sokka gulped nodding a little.

"You think he's a good person even if he's forcing my sister to marry him?" Sokka asked softly now with his eyes ahead.

"To be fair, my friend had just as little say about whom he'd marry as your sister did, it was his father not him," she explained with a small nod.

They reached the training grounds as Sokka gasped seeing a blast of fire and his sister voice following.

"I thought fire benders would at least be a challenge!" Katara called over as Sokka saw the prince with a smirk on his face before sending two punched and a back kick with fire at her.

"You've been training for a week, I'm just going easy on you for now," Zuko stretched his arms up above his head but cried out when snow crashed into him and sent him flying back with a snow pile on him.

"Going easy?!" She yelled.

"Good morning master pakku!" Yue waved to the master as Sokka was in shock seeing his baby sister fighting a fire bender with more confidence hes seen in her than before.

"Good morning Princess, and this must be chief Hakoda's son," pakku looked at the man and Sokka smiled holding his hand out.

"Sokka, nice to meet you, the master water bender that's training my sister," Sokka smiled but shriveled back when the man glared.

"Your sister is a tyrant," he said flatly.

"I can't believe you got her fighting already, she didn't know anything back home," Sokka looked over at her as she slid on her knees to avoid zukos kick as she used water to push his leg up high enough to make him fall.

"You don't know the half of her little fighting enthusiasm, she's a gifted water bender," pakku huffed crossing his arms. She was always the first one to be at training before the sun comes up, Zuko behind her usually with him just as awake.

Those two together were dangerous, they were opposite but their combination was powerful.

"Hey look it's your brother," Zuko said looking behind her. Katara gasped and spun around seeing Sokka there.

Zuko took the moment and kicked under her for the brunette to fall in the snow with a grunt.

"You lose," Zuko hummed offering her his hand to help her back up. Katara didn't seem amused but took his hand anyways to get back to her feet.

"Sokka!" Katara called running past Zuko as Sokka ran towards her with a bright smile.

"I miss you so much," she wrapped her arms around his shoulder with a small leap as Sokka held her tight.

"I missed you too, I can't believe they let you come to the northern tribe," Sokka spun her a little as Yue went to Zuko.

"You look a little red Princess Yue," Zuko crossed his arms and her eyes widen.

"I don't know what your talking about," she mumbled looking down and wrapped her arms around his as they let the siblings talk.

"I wonder if he'll threaten me?" Zuko quirked a brow at her.

"Hard to say, he seems protective of his sister," Yue giggled as he shrugged.

"She comes from a family and tribe that love her, I expect no less," he nodded and Yue gave him a soft look.

"You think he's handsome?" Zuko teased again but gasped when she punched his arm with her tiny fist.

"I'm married, don't start with me," Yue huffed hugging his arm tighter.

"It was just a question!" He defended trying to get out of her grasp.

"Prince Zuko," Sokka walked over to the two as he had Katara by his side.

"Sokka I assume, nice to meet you finally," Zuko bowed with respect as Sokka had his hand out. Katara and Yue covered their faces in embarrassment from their boys.

"Your going to be the next chief of the southern water tribe correct?" Yue cut the awkward silence as Katara sent Zuko a disapproving look.

"I am, whenever my father is ready to step down, otherwise I'm happy just being his second in command," Sokka smiled at her as Yue nodded.

"I'm happy to hear that, my friend prince Zuko as you know is next in line as fire lord, he's come to the northern water tribe not only for your sister to become a master water bender before their time to go back, but to discuss some issues with you," Yue smiled brightly as she patted zukos arm firmly.

"We are?" He whispered to her.

"Yes." She nodded.

"I was suppose to be political up here?" Sokka whispered to Katara.

"I uh didn't know?" Katara was a little confused.

"Well it was more my idea, use three are the first of each of our countries, next leader for each of them, I think it'd be great if we all had dinner together, Katara as well as the next fire lady," Yue explained to them as Zuko understood where she was coming from.

"We have no eyes on us from the fire nation so we'd be free to discuss anything," he told the siblings as Sokka was shocked by the prince.

"W-well I'm uh-" "dinner at sundown? Just the four of us," Yue cut Sokka off as he was a little flushed.

"Sounds great," Katara agreed.

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