Late nights

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Zuko gasped awake in his bed as sweat ran down his face that felt cold to his skin, his chest heaving heavily as he gripped his shirt. He looked at the candle on his side that's barely lit now and melted to the bottom. Letting a heavy sigh out he fell back on the bed.

"Fuck," he covered his face laying on his back and looked to the side seeing Katara sleeping with her back to him. They both fell asleep reading again in his room, they don't say much but it was better than being alone. He didn't mind not being alone anymore.

Zuko sat back up and got to his feet putting his book on the night stand. He went over to Katara and saw her book was on the ground, he sighed kneeling down to pick it up and put a bookmark in before setting it on the other nightstand.

"Hey, go to your room," Zuko poked at her shoulder but there was no movement. He poked her again but she didn't even stir.

"Why are you such a log?" He grumbled choosing to pick her up instead to bring her to her own bed, she weight almost nothing in his arms. He shuffled her a little so he didn't drop the water bender knowing he'd end up getting yelled at. Her head rested against his chest as her arms were against her torso while he carried under her knees and around her back.

"You need to eat more," Zuko grumbled feeling how light she was. He walked out of his room and went through the dimly lit halls in the middle of the night.

Zuko saw Mai hanging outside azula's room filing her nails.

"Did she kick you out?" Zuko frowned as Mai looked up and saw Katara sleeping in his arms.

"No, ty lees crying and she's to loud and doesn't make actual sentences when she cries," Mai rolled her eyes a little.

"Your wife going to her own room?" She asked motioning to them.

"She fell asleep in my room so I think she'd be more comfortable sleeping in her own bed," Zuko adjusted a little.

"You really going to marry her?" Mai asked softly looking down at her feet.

"Heh... no one else would otherwise," he tried joking but it hurt knowing it was probably true.

"Yea, I'm glad we were given some time to get to know each other first, not just get married first day we meet," Zuko sighed softly looking down at Kataras sleeping face.

"She's never going to love you," Mai stated.

"I know, first impressions make a big impact so I don't think it'll exactly be a story I'll tell my kids," he smiled a little.

"You don't love her do you?" She frowned seeing how calm he was at the idea.

"No, but I'm thankful for her," Zuko pursed his lips. "She's opened up a lot and we both have a mutual understanding of how we got here, makes it a little easier,"

"She's nice and smart too, that always is a bonus for a fire lady," he nodded gently.

"You know where I stand with this nation Mai, don't be surprised when I ask her for help when we have those morals in common," Zuko told her quietly but in a stern tone.

"Whatever," Mai frowned at him looking back at her nails to file, Zuko shook his head at her as he kept walking down the halls to put Katara to bed.

He gently laid her down while supporting her head as Katara never moved to wake up, he didn't release either she's a heavy sleeper or she was exhausted. He smiled a little seeing the peace on her face, not angry or scared or her guard was up, she was more beautiful than he thought when she was sleeping.

Zuko blushed awkwardly as he took the candle and put the flame out before closing her curtains, he made sure her windows were locked so she didn't get a chilly breeze. He felt guilty for staring while she slept, it was creepy and should've just left her alone. Spirits why was he so awful at everything?

He ran his hands through his hair with a long sigh before covering Katara up with her blanket and made sure her feet and hands were on the bed so she didn't fall off. He brushed her long hair off her face and over her shoulder.

"Night kat," he whispered putting his hand over her head for a moment, she felt warm to his touch, but he didn't think much of it since he was usually warmer for being a fire bender.

Suddenly a hand caught his wrist.

"Zuko?" He heard softly and looked down seeing Katara was awake now.

"Oh now you want to wake up," he smiled kneeling down to her.

"I'm cold," she closed her eyes again but didn't let his wrist go.

"I'll get you another blanket," Zuko nodded but her grip tightened.

"Stay?" She whispered. "Your Like a heater,"

Zukos blush returned on his pale cheeks as he stared at her shocked she'd even ask him. But he couldn't bring himself to say no...

"Okay," he whispered back as he went to the other side of the large bed and laid down.

She rolled over reaching for him, she got his shirt and Zuko gulped before scooting closer till she told him to stop, she didn't tell him to stop.

Zukos breath hitched with wide eyes when she pulled his arm around her and she rested her head on his chest keeping her eyes closed.

"It's freezing," she mumbled gripping him.

"Do you want me to stay till you fall asleep?" Zuko asked gently.

"If you want," Katara wrapped her arms around him with a small nuzzle against his chest. "Your warm,"

"So you keep saying," he smiled a little bit hesitantly held his arm around her.

"Did you have a nightmare before?" Katara asked with her eyes closed.

"No," Zuko pressed the back of his head to the headboard.

"You're bad at lying," she smiled a little.

"Go back to sleep," he rolled his eyes and she hummed a little.

Katara did as she relaxed against him as Zuko breathed softly watching out the window as the trees moved with the wind. He felt his eyes drifting close as he lost track of time, his head falling back and to the side, his cheek resting against the top of Kataras head as he lost the battle against keeping his eyes open and he fell back asleep.

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