In laws

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"Good morning sleepy head,"

Zuko had his face buried in his pillow as he slept on his stomach and arms wrapped around the pillow.

"Kat, for the love of Agni, two hours of sleep is all I ask for," Zuko mumbled into the pillow.

"I'm not kat,"

His eyes snapped open and looked up seeing Sokka as Katara was giggling with her mouth covered behind her brother.

"Oh my spirits not you," Zuko rolled over as the siblings cackled.

"I hate you both," he groaned.

"Welcome to the family brother in law!" Sokka jumped in the bed and Zuko fell off with a cry.

"I think Sokka likes you," Katara looked down at him with a smile.

"Can he not like me?" Zuko laid on his back looking at her.

"Oh I came to tell you the northern tribe is at the docks, we gotta go greet them," Katara helped him up as Sokka sat on the bed feeling the mattress and blankets.

"You sleep on a Damn cloud?" Sokka gasped wide eyes.

"And yet I still have back pains," Zuko rubbed his face as he was in his clothes from the night before. He could wear them again who's gonna know?

The two where carried to the docks as southern tribe warriors helped their sister tribe unload and greet them as well.

"Zuko!" Yue gasped waving. She wasn't in a heavy coat anymore but a short sleeve blue wrap dress that ended at her ankles, it reminded him of the sun dresses the fire nation had.

"Yue!" He waved back and jumped out of the carriage to run to his close friend. She jumped into a hug and he spun her around a little as she giggled.

"You made it safe, I'm so glad you're here," he whispered to her as she smiled hugging him tightly.

"I wouldn't miss it, you seem so much happier," she landed back on the ground with her hands on his shoulders. She peaked over him and smirked seeing Katara greeting master pakku.

"Much much happier," she grinned. Zuko looked over his shoulder to see what she was looking at but blushed when he realized.

"All thanks to you, she opened up to me a lot more once we got back," he smiled awkwardly back.

"Also the southern tribes eldest is here," Zuko whispered in her ear, her eyes widen and blushed.

"Good to know," she smiled.

"We need to have a talk," he put his hand on her lower back to move her away seeing Sokka joining them as well, also to wait for the chief to arrive.

Sokka stood with Katara as the siblings saw Yue and Zuko talking quietly. Sokka was surprised to see Zuko touch the princess's lower back as they began to walk away with their eyes on each other. Yue looked at the prince concerned but was listening as Zuko spoke.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Sokka whispered to his sister.

"I don't know? Maybe something about the last meeting we all had," Katara wasn't bothered by it.

"What if they have an affair?" He squeaked and she looked at him unamused.

"Really?" She asked flatly.

"Kat!" Zuko called to her.

"Come over we need to talk," he waved her to join.

"Oh how kind of them to invite me to the affair," Katara smirked back at her brother and went to the other two.

"Zuko told me about the plan of you two splitting up for the eclipse, I thought I should let you know of my tribe being on the outskirts of the fire nation waters, somewhere for you and the avatar to meet and for Zuko and general iroh to meet as well," Yue looked at Katara calmly.

"It's either that or the air temples, having two meeting points might be a good idea though, in case one of us can't make it to the other cause things happen," Zuko pulled Katara closer to them as he made sure no one of his nation was close. It was a risk speaking of the plan already.

"What about the Agni kai?" Katara frowned a little.

"I don't think Aang will kill Ozai, during the eclipse, so we use that time to get the two out of prison, I'll fight Ozai but more than lightly we'll be able to bend," he sighed crossing his arms tightly to his chest.

"We'll have this conversation another time, your getting married today, let's try letting it be a happy day," Yue waved them off and gave the two a kind smile.

"I actually have a wedding gift, from my family and myself, as you're new allies prince Zuko," Yue grabbed the box that was in her bag and handed it to Zuko.

"As a future leader of my tribe, my alliance is with you two, and only you, not Ozai and not Azula," she nodded as Zuko opened it. He smiled gently seeing it was three items laying neatly in the wooden box.

"It's spirit water for protection, a fur shawl for life, and a ribbon for love.. uh usually made by the elders for betrothal necklaces in royal families, my family and people wish you two the best and prayed to the spirits for your success," Yue smiled softly and a little embarrassed for explaining gifts.

"Real spirit water? Yue that's amazing, thank you," Katara gasped in awe and Zuko touched the silk ribbon that was a silver grey.

"I didn't make a betrothal necklace... I'm sorry I'm not to familiar with the culture of them..." Zuko gulped a little guilty.

Katara looked at him seeing he felt bad for not being able to use his friends gift and that he wasn't able to be involved with learning more of the water tribes cultures.

She smiled gently and took off her mother's necklace, she put the grey ribbon through the loop the dark blue ribbon went through so they both showed around her neck as she wore the necklace and the gift.

"Just have to be more creative," she smiled brightly up at Zuko. His breath was caught in his chest as he was surprised by her actions.

"It looks great," he calmed down now.

"Hey, Yue, you should go back with Katara and start helping her get ready for the ceremony, before the servants get their hands on her, wear whatever your comfortable with, I'll bring Sokka over once your father arrives," Zuko touched her shoulder gently and Yue smiled excitedly.

"Katara you must give me a tour on the way, I've never left the northern tribe," Yue grabbed her hands and pulled the water bender away.

"Shouldn't we tell your father?" Katara gasped a little as she was pulled more.

"No cause he'll send guards with us since we're on enemy land, hurry before anyone notices," Yue giggled a little as they passed Sokka who was dumbfounded by the white hair beauty running away with his sister.

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