The wedding part 2

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"Hey," Hakoda and Sokka knocked on Kataras door. They didn't enter as Katara didn't respond.

"Hey, can we come in?" Sokka smiled hopeful.

"... no,"

The father and son looked at each other shocked but Hakoda placed his hand on the door.

"Katara are you okay honey?" Hakoda asked gently.

"I'm fine I'm just not," Katara sounded fragile on the other side of the door.

"Can we come in?" He asked again.

"I don't want to see you guys yet," she whimpered.

Sokka crossed his arms and thought for a moment, he looked down the hall and saw Zuko walking out of his room in his royal silk robes.

"Yo! Psst psst!" Sokka hissed snapping his fingers at the prince. Zuko walked over awkwardly as Hakoda watched him like a hawk.

"Knock on the door," Sokka smiled deviously.

Zuko made a face at him but knocked on the door.

"I'm not ready Sokka!" Katara groaned.

"Neither am I, can I come in kat?" Zuko raised a brow.

A moment later the door opened. Zuko peaked his head in but she grabbed him and closed the door behind them.

"Whoa hey what happened?" Zuko asked wide eyes as he backed up.

"I need to cry but I don't know how to fix my make up," Katara sniffled with glossy blue eyes trying to not cry.

"Shit I uh okay okay, let me grab a handkerchief," Zuko panicked as she started to wave her hands at her face.

"Tears are coming oh no I ruined it," Katara whined as a tear ran down her face. Zuko ran to her and cupped her cheeks as he quickly wiped away the tears that were escaping.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" Zuko asked worried.

"I'm scared zuko," Katara sniffled as she cried into his hands. He kept wiping each tear that ran down her face.

"Tell me about it, who would've thought, what are you scared of? I don't have a last name for you to take," Zuko smiled reassuringly but she started to cry harder.

"You scare me, tilt your head up I'll be right back, I can hear you just start talking, we have twenty minutes kat," Zuko lifted her chin high as Katara looked at the ceiling crying.

"It's been how many months I've been here and it's finally happening, what do we do next zuko? I don't know what to do tomorrow. Like what's going to happen?" She ranger and Zuko came back with the cloth and caught some of her tears with it.

"Yea it's really overwhelming right now, just breathe through it, just breathe," Zuko patted against her skin to not smug the best he could. Katara nodded breathing in through her nose and out her mouth as his hands stayed on her face, somehow it felt comforting, his touch was warm.

"I'm still scared," Katara whispered bringing her head down once she calmed down a little.

"Me too, don't think of it as a wedding, think of it as a reunion to see your family again, get to know your sister tribe, the ceremony will be over soon enough and never have to marry me again," Zuko smiled down at her.

They both wore white silks with gold trim, Zuko wore a red tight shirt under his white robe that had a gold belt keeping it tight against his body, the sleeves were long and wide with gold around the edge. His hair pulled up but a few strands of hair peaked out. Katara wore a silk white dress with a red belt that covered her torso that had gold designs against it, the top was straight across her chest as she had her mother's necklace displayed on her neck, her robe was exactly like zukos as it was pulled to her body with the long wide sleeves.

"You actually look like a prince," Katara laughed a little.

"You actually look like a princess," he smiled gently.

"I'm not a princess," she smiled more. He wiped the last tear that dropped from her eyes and held her face.

"No, today your a queen, true beauty," Zuko breathed staring at her.

"I feel like a doll," she sniffled and Zuko handed her the handkerchief to blow her nose and wipe under her eyes.

"How fucked is my make up?" Katara asked with a sigh.

"Not bad, it was saved," he lead her to the mirror for Katara to double check.

"Oh, we're good," Katara breathed relieved nodding.

"Thank you, sorry for freaking out," she looked back at him.

"Oh I've been freaking out, no judging here," Zuko waved her off.

"It's just another day, ceremony won't take to long," Katara repeated making Zuko laugh a little.

"I'm scared too," he whispered. Katara went up to him and wrapped her arms around his chest and laid her head on his shoulder. He held her tightly and rested his chin on top.

"I just wanted to say thank you one more time, for being my friend when i was looking for an enemy, you've really changed my life-
for the better despite the situation," Katara closed her eyes hoping to not cry again.

"Thank you for being my friend when I was expecting to stay alone, you've changed my life more than you'll ever know," Zuko tightened his arms around her for a moment but Katara noticed.

"Does this mean we have to share a room tonight?" Katara asked but it made Zuko laugh.

"I can make sure you keep your room, you deserve privacy," Zuko chuckled letting go of her but kept his hands on her shoulders.

"Your to good for me prince Zuko," Katara smiled sadly at him, touching the hands on her shoulder.

"Impossible," he whispered.

"Come on, let's have your brother and father see you," Zuko took her hand gently and she nodded slowly.

Zuko opened the door for her and Hakoda turned to his daughter but covered his mouth seeing her as a new woman. She looked so grown up, it was almost as if she wasn't his baby anymore.

Sokkas heart skipped a beat seeing his baby sister with her betrothed, they looked like a true wedded couple, he swallowed a lump in his throat, this was it, this was the day his little sister was going to be her own woman. He was so thankful she wasn't going to be alone though, he knew Zuko enough that she wouldn't be alone now..

"You look beautiful Katara," Hakoda smiled gently at her. He touched her necklace breathlessly, tears were in his eyes as he touched the stone, he remembered his wife wearing it on their wedding day. And now their daughter carries it on hers.

"Your mother would be proud of what you've done for our tribe," Hakoda told her.

"She would've put up more of a fight and probably scream at the fire lord and make Zuko cry but yea, I think she'd be proud," Sokka laughed crossing his arms.

"I wish she could be here too," Katara laughed at her family.

"Are you ready?" Zuko asked.

"We're ready," Katara looked at him determined.

"Let's get this show on the road, these shoes fucking hurt!" Katara raised her hand and started walking making all the men smile at her. She was going to be okay.

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