The wedding part 3

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"Princess," bato bowed as Yue joined the water tribe in the front row with her father, Hakoda and Sokka as well as pakku and other warriors.

"Oh princess I-I saved you a seat," Sokka motioned to the seat next to him. Hakoda and bato looked at each other. Yue smiled and sat with the other eldest child of a tribe.

Smellerbee sat with the southern tribe as they just thought of her as a northern tribe member. She looked over at long shot who was dressed as a soldier and nodded softly to go find jet. He already spoke to her of the princes room.

Long shot walked off without a word.

"Is everyone out there?" Katara peaked through the curtains.

She and Zuko were going to be carried on a carriage through most of the isle together that was covered in gold and white curtains that only would show their shadow. When they got to the stairs they would walk together up to the fire sages to be wedded and devote their loyalty, devote their alliance.

"Yea, just need to get in, show up, say like three words and were done, l lift your dress higher so you don't trip on the stairs," Zuko got in the carriage and sat on his knees on the red cushion.

"Ok, ok," Katara stood outside the carriage and inhaled a deep shaky breath. Gathering all her courage to try pushing her anxiety away she joined him in the carriage and sat with her fiancé.

"Let's do this," Katara smiled as they joined hands to ease each other's nervousness.

"Your hands are so sweaty," Zuko teased only to receive her elbowing him in the ribs lightly.

Four guards lifted the two on each corner as they were placed on their shoulder. Katara froze in fear that theyd be dropped. Zuko squeezed her hand and stayed still.

They started to move, Katara could see they left the back room and could hear everyone stand as their was only light music that was loud enough to not make it awkward. She couldn't see past the white curtains around them but the sun made it feel like they were glowing.

Zuko pulled his hand back and clasped his hands in his lap, bowing his head down, he whispered something in a language she didn't understand, his voice was shaking a little as he was starting to show his freaking out.

"Was that a prayer?" She asked under her breath. He nodded.

"I'm still scared," he whispered.

"Me too," Katara bowed her head down and clasped her own hands like his.

A sound of a gong echoed the air and Zuko moved the curtain out of the way to exit the carriage as he stopped and waited for Katara to get out as well with him, offering a hand for her.

Katara took his hand.

She steadied herself and Zuko put his hands together to hide in his sleeves and Katara copied to make sure she was doing it right.

She looked back at her family with a smile as they all had mix emotions on each of their faces. Pride, guilt, sadness, hope.

She looked back at Zuko who waited patiently for her, or maybe he was trying to not have a panic attack, it was hard to tell. She couldn't help but glance at his sister and father on the other side of the isle. Annoyance and loathe were in their eyes as if this was an inconvenience to them. She saw Mai as well in the isle next to Azula and ty Lee.

"We have to go," Zuko whispered to her. Offering his arm so she could carry the bottom of her dress and not fall. She hooked her hand around his bicep with one and her other hand grabbed as much of the silks to lift away from her feet and they began walking up the steps together.

It wasn't far, maybe twenty steps to the platform that had a fire burning and the fire sages waiting. The music stopped and Zuko lead Katara gently in front of him and they stood facing each other.

The lead of the fire sages stood between them facing the crowd that was half blue and half red.

"Today we make history! As two nations joined together in harmony!" He bellowed for all the hear.

"We stand with the eldest son of the fire nation and the eldest daughter of the southern water tribe, to be wedded as one and to join our great nations together!"

Katara looked around hating all the attention on her. It was a wedding. It was her wedding day. She needed to smile. She needed to stay brave.

But when she looked at Zuko he only looked like he was in defeat, eyes casted down as he only listened to the sage. Like he wanted to scream but was only allowed to whisper, she could see he was coming to the realization of what they've been forced to do.

As the fire sage spoke Katara poked Zuko in the ankle with her foot to catch his attention. She raised a brow at him with confused eyes. He shook his head for her not to worry about him.

"Prince Zuko, princess Katara, may I have your hand?" The fire sage held out both his hands for each of them to take.

"By the spirits and by the royal blood may you lead this country one day with pride and strength, you may now bow," he told them, Zuko took a knee and Katara followed, bowing their heads down.

"You seem to be getting worse," Katara whispered.

"Dude You can't talk," Zuko whispered back making her shut her jaw quickly before she said anything else.

The fire sage spoke of a prayer as he laid a golden sash around each of their shoulders to be as one, they rose again as the fire sage lead them.

"As tradition, do you prince Zuko, take princess Katara as your lawfully wedded wife? To protect and cherish, not just as wife but as a loyal partner," the sage looked at Zuko calmly.

"I do," Zuko nodded.

"Princess Katara, do you take prince Zuko as your lawfully wedded husband? To protect and cherish, not just as man but as a loyal partner," he tuned to the water bender.

"I do," Katara nodded.

"As you drink this chalice of wine you will be one and your marriage is complete to continue life as wide and husband, as future fire lord and fire lady to lead this country one day as one, partners," the fire sage handed them the chalice, they both took a sip to finish the ceremony.

"I now proudly present Zuko and Katara of the fire nation!"

Zuko offered his hand once more to who now is his wife, Kataras heart was racing, it was done. It was over. She took his hand and everything started to feel better.

Zuko pulled her a step closer and raised her hand, he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her hand and another on her knuckles.

"Nice to finally meet you, my future fire lady," Zuko grinned at her.

"Nice to finally meet you, my future fire lord," Katara giggled pulling him over and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

The fire nation side of the isle clapped politely as the water tribe side applaud loudly with shouts and cheers.

"I think i like your side of the family more," Zuko whispered in her ear with a smile. The two walked down the steps and immediately were engulfed by people in blue as soon as they made it back on the ground.

"Hey, your mom would be proud too," Katara whispered back in his ear and zukos heart fluttered looking at her before Katara hugged her brother and was lifted by Sokka in a spin.

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