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Zuko couldn't sleep as soon as the sun came up, he laid in bed laying on his back as Katara was sleeping next to him. They haven't done anything more than a few pecks and normal cuddling, they didn't feel the need.. so they shared his bed again, it wasn't uncomfortable.

He watched her sleep, there was something about watching people sleep that were so wondrous. Someone in their most vulnerable state, natural, relaxed, the easy breathing, their chest rising and falling so slow, she seemed so relaxed.

She was so beautiful.

"Youre stating," Katara mumbled keeping her eyes closed.

"How'd you know?" He smiled a little.

"You stopped snoring," she opened her eyes looking at him tiredly.

"You got a nice face to look at, can't help it," Zuko shrugged rolling on his side.

"Could just say I'm pretty like a normal person than a nice face," she laughed a little holding his hand out a little. She brought her hand out and hooked pinky's with himZ

"Youre so beautiful, pretty is an understatement," Zuko whispered.

She was quiet for a moment watching him, she blushed with a small smile.

"You know you're beautiful too," she whispered back sitting up on her elbows. Zuko gulped a little watching her hair fall past her arms and shoulders like water trickling off a leaf.

"I don't wanna get up, it's quiet and I'm warm," Zuko sighed a little as Katara sat up fully and brought her knees to her chest looking out the window.

"The mornings here are so peaceful, I didn't like getting up so early till I came here, I'm not freezing and have to put on layers to see the sun rise," Katara looked over at the pink, orange and blue sky. She loved the smell of morning dew and the sound of birds.

"When I came here I never thought I'd find peace, feel safe, that I'd cry myself to sleep because I just wanted to be home," she sighed moving her hair to the side.

"What about now? How much has that changed?" Zuko watched her memorized. She looked back at him with a gentle smile.

"I'm at home when I'm with you," Katara leaned over and pressed her lips against his. Asking for a gentle slow kiss, he slid his hand under the back of her neck to pull her closer for a deeper kiss.

"I just want you to be happy, I would do anything as long as your happy kat," he looked into her eyes half closed when they pressed their foreheads together.

"You make me happy, I didn't know you would but you do," she breathed before kissing him again. Inhaling through her nose as her hand rested against his shoulder, gently traced against his chest, feeling every scar that could've been from anything.

Zuko leaned closer till he was sitting up kissing her more, desperate for her. She was cool to the touch as he rubbed her upper arm, how was her skin so soft?

Katara crawled into his lap as she cupped his jaw, thumb tracing over his scar. Following whatever they were feeling as Zuko held her thighs to pull her closer and felt a little scar on the side of her thigh.

"What's that from?" He asked quietly breaking away.

"Whale tooth accident, I dropped the knife," she smiled looking at where his thumb rubbed to feel.

"Of course You did," he chuckled.

"I got this one from getting a hook stuck in my arm," Katara showed her shoulder of another scar.

"Pretty gnarly," Zuko smiled touching it.

"I got this one from getting bit by a turtle duck when I was little," he showed his hand, a light scar of a bite mark on the web between his thumb and pointer.

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