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Katara woke up on her bed as Sokka was snoring on the ground with a pillow and blanket clutched to his chest. She rubbed her face with a long yawn, she was probably the last one to leave the grounds from the wedding, she didn't see Zuko for the rest of the night but she knew how he could be with big crowds.

She went to the bathroom to change into fresh clothes and wash her face as well as comb her hairs tangles out. It was a quiet morning despite knowing the water tribes were still on the land. They weren't morning people usually.

Katara yawned a little and let her brother sleep in for the morning and quietly left the room and closed the door behind her.

She knocked on zukos door. There was nothing. Maybe he wasn't here? Went to find a spare room if Yue was maybe sleeping in his room.... She knocked again to see if Yue would answer.

"Yue? I don't mean to wake you but do you know where Zuko stayed last night?" Katara knocked but after another moment she opened the door when there was no sound.

"Is anyone even in here?" She asked rolling her eyes.

As soon as the opener Katara was hit with the scent of blood, her heart stopped immediately as her stomach dropped.

Yue sprawled on the ground with her facing the ceiling, red staining her blue dress. Katara covered her mouth with a shaking hand and turned to the side seeing Zuko in a pool of his own blood laying on his side.

Kataras body trembled as she stumbled back to the door.

"Help! Somebody help!" Katara screamed as loud as she could down the halls.

"HELP!" She shrieked.

Sokka immediately ran out of her room and saw she was only a door over, he heard his sister screaming and didn't hesitate to come to her call if help. He ran over and screamed a little seeing the blood.

"Go see if Yue is okay," Katara pointed before running over to Zuko to make sure he was alive.

"Hey hey, get up, Zuko you dumbass wake up," she grabbed his shoulder to turn him on his back but she swallowed a heavy lump in her throat when her eyes laid on the two stab wounds. Two.

Kataras jaw trembled with tears in her eyes, she looked over her shoulder at sokka.

"She's alive, but she was attacked too," sokka grabbed his knife and cut a part of her dress and ripped it open to see the stab wound. He frowned seeing some sort of black around the wound.

"Katara check his wounds," sokka told her quickly.

Katara lifted zukos tunic immediately only to see more black on his flesh around the stab wounds, like it was burns in a way but not, like ash...

Zuko groaned as he forced his eyes open and shoved Kataras hand off him.

"Stop stop it's hot, it's so hot," he whispered.

"What? Zuko who did this?" Katara asked quietly as she tried to get him to look at her. He barely could keep his eyes open.

"I-It burns,"  Zuko gasped turning his head away.

Katara forced her hand on his forehead, he was burning a fever.

"Is Yue conscious? Is she burning a fever? I think there was poison on whatever stabbed them," she asked looking for a source of water.

"Hey someone said Katara  was screaming, what happened?" Hakoda and bato ran in but they were shocked to see the attack.

"What happened?" Hakoda repeated wide eyes.

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