Open minded

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"Take your opponent by surprise," Zuko commanded as Katara tried attacking him with a pouch of water on her hip, she was only allowed to train with a small amount for in case she doesn't have as much as she would with a pond.

Katara stood her ground as she bender a whip at him but Zuko easily used his hand to defend himself while to collision greater steam.

"Your to obvious, be confident, your opponent always can tell when you doubt yourself," he barked and whipped his own line of flames at her feet and she yelled backing away.

"I'm trying!" She snapped but ducked a wave.

"I'm going easy, you want to be a master then act like it!" Zuko yelled at her, they circled each other as Katara stared at him trying to figure out a strategy.

She growled and took a stance that was familiar as she used the water from the grass to make a larger potion of water to punch at Zuko and again with her other fist like she was boxing.

"Did you use a fire bending move?" Zuko perked up surprised as he moved out of the way of the water blasts.

"It didn't work like I thought it would..." she sighed looking at her hands disappointed.

"Your being more resourceful, your intelligent and a quick thinker, that fight you had with Pakku was strong but he still beat you, your still physically weak," Zuko crossed his arms a little as Katara glared.

"A nice compliment and a harsh insult, your playing games prince Zuko," Katara huffed throwing her braided hair off her shoulder.

"You need the criticism, your not going to get good with coddling, I compliment for your confidence and only when it's true," Zuko handed her some water in a small jug on the side, she drank some and nodded.

"Besides, I use some water bending techniques too, fire and water are similar in a lot of ways," he told her with a shrug.

"Really? But it seems like opposites," Katara gulped a little as she looked at him curiously.

"They are but it can be your best because benders usually only use their bending techniques, you have to be open minded," he explained backing away.

He lifted fire from his feet and circled it around him as if it was water, moving his hands back and forth gracefully, Katara moved into a position to copy him and did the same, it was smooth and relaxing as they had complete control of their elements.

"I never thought of it that way, the way fire and water can look so similar like this but at least fire and air can take their elements without it being there physically," Katara moved her body with her water.

"I'd be fucked if I didn't have water with me in a fight," she chuckled.

"True, but you also are smart, you just took water from the grass," Zuko glanced behind her seeing the dead grass patch.

"I guess it was lucky I was right, water is everywhere," she smiled a little.

"My uncle created some techniques of his own, including lightening, he learned from watching water benders," Zuko stopped and she did as well.

"Lightening? Have you ever bend lightening?" Katara asked curiously.

"No, when I first learned I could I was desperate but I never could create it like Azula," he sighed a little crossing his arms.

"It seems dangerous, maybe it's for the best," Katara told him simply as she put a hand on her hip.

"can you fight without bending?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"Yea, I'm a master in swords," he shrugged a little. "And I know how to fight hand to hand combat,"

"Can you teach me?" Her eyes lit up excitedly.

"Okay," Zuko agreed with a smirk.

"Punch me,"

Katara felt excitement rush through her and she immediately threw her fist at his face.

But zukos hand wrapped around her thin wrist and he flipped her over his back and she screamed in the air before landing on her back.

"Wow no hesitation with wanting to punch me, have you been meaning to tell me something?" Zuko stood over her with an innocent look.

"You told me too!" She wheezed but was lifted back to her feet.

"True, I just wanted to see your reaction," he agreed a little and put her fists up.

"Keep your dominant hand closer to yourself, and use your body to get momentum, your small so you have to work harder to man an impact," he moved behind her, kicking her feet apart more and adjusted her pose.

"Keep your feet apart like with water bending, step forward with your dominant foot for that momentum, your hit should feel stronger now than the wimpy punch you failed before," Zuko explained simply and went back in front of her.

"Punch me," he nodded.

Katara inhaled deeply and did as instructed, he was right, she felt like she would've had a harder impact like a rock. If she was able to land the punch.

Hands grabbed her wrist and she flew again before landing on her back in the grass again.

"Still kind of wimpy, but better," Zuko smirked squatting next to her with his hands on his knees.

"Ready to go again?" He offered her his hand.

"Am I going to land on the ground again with the wind knocked out of me?" She coughed using him to get back up.

"Yep, until you beat me at least so I'd count on it," he nodded.

"You need to be physically stronger, your fit yes, you could out run an earth bender maybe but you can't beat a child in an arm wrestling," Zuko poked her biceps and she swatted him away.

"Look at ty Lee, she's a non bender, but she can take ten men out without batting an eye, she's small and fit but she's strong and agile," Zuko crossed his arms as Katara tried to remember her body, Azula and Mai were covered more bit ty Lee's body did seem strong.

"She has a lot more core strength but she has strength throughout her body to do what she does, her legs have a lot of muscle to jump and flip like that, her arms need the muscle too to hold herself up, also shoulders," he patted her shoulders and then his.

"So I'm going to be turning into ty Lee?" Katara asked flatly.

"You at least need to be able to do fifty push up and a hundred hot squats," Zuko corrected and her jaw dropped.

"Uh your funny, you can't even do that many," Katara narrowed her eyes at him.

"You actually want to make a punch hurt?" Zuko challenged.

"Train with the girls, I'm really easy on you but we also have a lot more different body types," he motioned to her body.

"Well you've been training a lot longer than me," Katara pouted.

"Yea, so start catching up, gimme fifty push ups Princess," Zuko hummed amused seeing the rage flick in her blue eyes.

"I don't wanna be buff," she crossed her arms and turned a little away.

"Then stay scrawny like a Princess, you asked me for help," he teased knowing it'll get under her skin.

"Don't call me that, you know I hate it," Katara growled getting down in a push up position.

"Lower," Zuko put his foot on her back.

"Will you fuck off you over sized pastry?!"

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