As days went by, Zuko never forced Katara to socialize with him, eat with his family unless she wanted too, Katara had freedoms but still felt like a prisoner in a beautiful palace.
She walked down the halls to find the library but heard girls giggling looking out a window. The water bender glanced over seeing it was Zuko training with Azula, a small dual between the siblings. Katara stuck out her tongue, rolling her eyes.
The servant girls always where interested in the prince training, something about him being shirtless? It was more annoying to Katara as they are horrified how she just doesn't care.
"Princess Katara," a man walked over and she froze confused at his statement.
"Just Katara please," the tan girl wasn't use to people addressing her as royalty of any sort.
"Your father sends you gifts and a letter," he bowed with a package on a tray for her. Katara smiled suddenly and took the package only to unwrap it as it revealed a wooden box with water bending scrolls and a letter on top.
"Thank you," she beamed and walked back to her room.
Katara closed the door behind her quickly and set the box on her bed as she placed the letter on her nightstand, she wanted to read it before bed.
"Thanks dad," she breathed seeing they where from the northern water tribe.
Katara sat on her bed with her legs crossed while reading the scroll smiling, she finally can train more than just controlling the water, it was combat.
The paintings on the scroll that show the positions she'd fight in and instructions to lead her to the combat stances.
Maybe she could train herself tonight in the garden? Everyone would be sleeping. This was the best thing she's had all week.
Katara sighed hearing something going down by Zuko and azulas dual as there was yelling now instead of grunts and fire. She set the scrolls down annoying and walked out of her room and stormed down the halls to the outdoors as Zuko was holding his arm and Azula was defending her righteousness.
"Hey!" She stopped them. "The hell is going on?!"
"Zuzus upset that I beat him," Azula inspected her nails and Zuko ripped his hand off his arm in anger while his hands sizzled. Katara saw a third degree burn slash across his arm.
"I don't care that you won, it's not an Agni Kai!" Zuko snarled at her but jumped back when she shot fire at his feet.
"Yea you suck at those," she smirked.
"I beat zhao," Zuko sneered.
"And before that?" Azula had a wicked gleam in her eye.
"You bitch!" Zuko kicked fire at her.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but your pathetic, invalid words do nothing Zuzu," Azula laughed as if it was all a game.
"Hey it was only a little dual, let's cool off and just leave it," Katara stopped forward as Zuko glared at Azula but the fire nation princess scoffed.
"I didn't even do anything-" Azula was cut off with her own scream in surprise when Katara flicked her wrist to the side and water splashed Azula in a wave, soaking her whole body.
"I said cool off," Katara challenged as Zuko raised an eye brow impressed.
"You peasant!" Azula punched fire at her and before Zuko could defend the water bender, Katara gasped holding her hands up to protect herself but it was to late.
"Katara!" Zuko yelled as she fell to her knees in pain as she held her hands to her chest with a small sob.
"Azula she's not a fire bender! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Zuko roared back at her as Azula rolled her eyes annoyed.
"Maybe she should control her bending," Azula spat.
"Get the hell out Azula! Go!" Zuko grabbed her arm aggressively as Azula looked him in the eye with no fear. She said nothing but turned and left them.
"Are you alright?" Zuko asked kneeling down to her as Katara sobbed in pain.
"Let me see," he sighed touching her wrist gently.
"I-It hurts," she sobbed quietly shaking her head.
"I know, let me see so I can help," Zuko said gently and Katara hesitated but slowly opened her hands and they saw the red markings over her hands that would leave scars for sure.
Katara looked at them and cried harder at the results, Zuko sighed shaking his head as he didn't mean for her to get caught up in azulas own rage.
"Let's get you to the fountain," Zuko gently held her shoulders and lifted her to her feet. Katara held her hands to herself with a trembling lip as they went to the fountain and she placed her hands in the water with a light whimper.
"It should help," Zuko told her and Katara took a deep breath at the relieving water that cooled them down.
"It's hideous.." Katara sniffled and immediately wanted to take it back.
"No I mean it's just-" "it's fine Katara, I understand, no one should be scarred," Zuko cut her off with a gentle smile and she looked at his scarred face guiltily.
Katara stayed silent as she focused on her hands again, she closed her eyes. This was by far the worst, Azula burned her just for stopping something worst from happening... and she got the worst.
She focused on her hand and squeezed her eyes shut and felt the pain soon relieve as zukos breath stopped for a moment.
"Y-Your healed," Zuko pulled her back into reality. Katara looked down at her hands to see them perfectly fine, no scars, no wound.
"You must be a healer," he breathed with wide eyes as she touched her own hands amazed.
"A healer?" She looked at him confused.
"When I went to the North Pole they had healing huts, water bending women who could heal, then men fought the war," Zuko explained and Katara frowned.
"That's not fair," Katara scoffed.
"I know, but they where very kind to me, at least the women where," Zuko smirked softly and Katara turned red and hit his arm, he cried out and held his arm as she hit him where his wound was.
"Not like that!" He defended. "Ow, hell," Zuko grumbled rubbing his arm.
"Can I... can I try something?" Katara asked pursing her lips and Zuko hesitated but nodded. He rolled up his sleeve a little and Katara saw the burned gash that would've left a scar. She bended the water on her hands and she gripped his arm softly as she let her energy flow coolie as the two watched the water glow for a moment then faded. Katara remover her hand and the burn was gone with no scar.
"Heh..." Zuko breathed looking at his arm. One less scar on his body thank god.
"Wow... I didn't know... oh man sokka is going to be pissed when he finds out," Katara covered her mouth and laughed a little.
"Who?" Zuko made a face.
"My brother, he gets hurt so much and I didn't know I was a healer until now, once he got two fishing hooks stuck in his thumb," Katara explained smiling a little with a giggle.
"Two...?" He blinked surprised.
"He tried using the second one to get the first one out," Katara coughed awkwardly. "Sokka is smart just not always the brightest,"
"Sounds like an idiot," Zuko scoffed but felt a little jealous how Katara smiled at the thought of her brother while Azula would glare at the thought of him. Katara came from a happy family.
He just hated that she was forced to come to his hateful one.

First burn
FanficThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...