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"Who knew," Katara and Zuko sat in a cell together as he looked at her not impressed.

"I knew," he said flatly.

"We don't have to deal with your dad right? Your the prince so they'll just let us go?" Katara asked with a small smile.

"You took a mans pet," Zukos eyes widen as he grit his teeth.

"I didn't know!"

"It had a collar kat," he sighed resting his head back.

She mimicked him sliding down the wall more but was surprised to hear Zuko laugh a little as he sat in the corner with his arms crossed.

He laughed like that before when they ran from the guards, hand in hand while he lead her away knowing where to go, they both were laughing like children who just got in trouble. They were children who just got in trouble.

"What?" She raised a brow.

"First time I've been caught sneaking out of the palace, I wonder if we'll actually have to face my father," he grinned at her.

They snickered a little as Zuko nudged her with his foot and she kicked back. They laughed harder at their situation together.

"Hey, with what I said before, how if this is how the future is going to be," Katara scooted closer as she and Zuko sat next to each other.

"I am thankful that your who i get to spend it with, your something else Zuko," she smiled up at him and Zuko smiled back at her.

"You know you're probably the first person I've opened up to the most... and I'm grateful that I at least got a friend out of a shit situation," Zuko wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she giggled leaning against him.

"I.." he trailed off holding her close. They weren't a couple, this wasn't a romantic relationship, they were friends that were forced to marry each other, from hating the other to being this close..

"You might be one of the best things that has happened to me, and I'm thankful for you kat," he whispered and Katara looked at him softly.

"You think so?" She whispered back.

"I told you about my dad didn't I? An-and my-my plan with the tribes and aang and I just trust you a lot with it, I trust you," Zuko nodded not able to look at her.

"I trust you, and that is one of the most meaningful things I can give to you is my trust," he smiled gently and she smiled back.

"I trust you too Zuko, I think you might be my best friend, my first friend outside the water tribes," Katara leaned her head against him and Zuko inhaled deeply.

"Really?" He asked.

"You know how I use to be, I never left, and yea.. I mean it, I guess I do get to marry my best friend after all," she laughed softly closing her eyes.

"Don't be falling in love with me now," he teased.

She was silent for a moment.

"You're so dumb," Katara snorted hitting his torso and he laughed at her.

"Oh wanna play 'pat the ice'?" She sat up and scooted around so they faced each other.

"What..." he blinked and she made him put his hands up.

"Copy me," she nodded as they played paddy cake with clapping them patting their hands together, one hand, other hand, both hands and repeat.

They played with their hands patting together, they kept going till one person messed up and the other would be the winner, they kept track of who won and who messed up on the game in the sand on the side.

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