Zuko and Katara were taking a walk together just chatting to enjoy each other's company, they did it often that it was routine at this point. There wasn't as much to do in the palace as adults and they didn't like being alone sometimes. Zuko stayed in normal clothes than his royal robes when he was out and about, but they saw a general or someone from the military ranks.
"Admiral," Zuko stopped as he kept a hand over Kataras that were wrapped around his arm.
"Prince Zuko, lady Katara, pleasure to properly meet you," the man with large side burns nodded softly to her.
"The pleasure is mine admiral," Katara smiled kindly.
"Your father is expecting you, the meeting?" Zhao raised a brow at the prince.
"That's not until later," Zuko frowned.
"It's later, and your late," the man crossed his arms.
Zuko glared at him knowing zhao takes pleasure in making sure he's humiliated.
"Fine, I'll be back later tonight kat," Zuko sighed looking at his wife as he let go of her.
"Enjoy your meeting," she smirked at him. Zuko flipped her off from behind as he walked with zhao out of the garden.
"Can't believe a woman would actually want to touch you, marrying you was even more of a surprise," zhao grinned wickedly back at Zuko.
"At least women actually find me attractive, how's your wife? Oh wait, you never had one," Zuko walked ahead with his hands behind his back.
"At least I didn't get desperate enough to have one forced too," zhao scoffed annoyed.
"I'm eighteen and married to someone I actually care for, you don't want to have this conversation admiral," Zuko smiled to himself a little knowing he easily can get under zhaos skin.
"Watch it boy," zhao growled.
"It's prince to you, know your place admiral," Zuko glared back. "No matter your position in the military your not above the royal family,"
"Youre not respected Zuko, don't act as if your place matters in that throne room," zhao grabbed his shoulder to spin him around.
"You insult my position as prince you insult my father, do you think you deserve to be more respected than the fire lord? Sounds like treason to me," Zuko stayed calm as he hid his smile a little.
Zhao gulped a little pulling his hand back, startled by how Zuko didn't back down, the children of the fire lord are right under him, technically second due to them being able to take the throne.
"Just because your eighteen and married doesn't make you any more of a man as you think you are when you were thirteen," zhao scoffed.
"Find a new insult zhao, my scar is old news to insult," Zuko waved him off going to the throne room for the meeting.
Men were laughing obnoxiously loud as Ozai even had a small smile on his face with a cup of liquor in his hand, a successful meeting with grown men that had nothing else to enjoy but war victory and alcohol.
"Zuko you've barely finished the second cup," Ozai raised a brow at his son.
"Sorry father," Zuko nodded a little as he held the glass of wine. He watched the older men boom in laughter.
"Do you not see this as a victory?" Ozai questioned.
"I don't enjoy drinking," Zuko said flatly.

First burn
FanfictionThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...