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"You can't just have the avatar breaking out of prison and hanging out in our room in the middle of the night," Katara scoffed as she was getting dressed in her room while Zuko was in her bathroom taking a bath. She had nicer oils.

"I didn't invite him," Zuko had a wet cold cloth over his eyes and forehead while his arms draped on the sides of the tub.

"Our room?" He questioned.

Kataras face turned red embarrassed.

"He was going to your room next door, I-I mean like both of our rooms," she huffed looking in the mirror as she wore a long red maxi dress that was off the shoulders short sleeves.

"Mmhm," Zuko mumbled as he warmed the water up himself.

"I feel like this dress looks dumb," Katara strutted into the bathroom as Zuko lifted the cloth and looked at her.

"Needs a belt," he said calmly.

"You're onto something," she agreed snapping her fingers.

"The dress looks pretty otherwise," he set the cloth back on his face.

"You're aware of the civilian company later correct?" Zuko called as Katara tied a bronze belt around her waist and moved the dress around to show the double leg slits.

"The what?" Katara raised a brow going back to the bathroom.

"Uh a small party thing where civilians come to the palace to congratulate us and give gifts and prayer stuff, first born things, week after the wedding," Zuko sighed pulling the cloth off his eyes and it rested on top of his head.

"I thought Azula told me to look decent because she hates my fashion?" Katara smiled in the mirror as she pulled her hair from the low bun.

"Hey kat," Zuko watched her.


"Do you think we're to comfortable with each other?" He grinned at her from the tub.

"What do you mean?" She didn't understand.

"I'm naked in a bath, you're walking around like we're a married couple, sleepovers?" Zuko sat up in the water but stayed in the tub.

"We are married," Katara rolled her eyes.

"Kat you know what I mean," he snorted.

She was silent as she kept her back to him. Katara swallowed a little but pulled her hair loops back in a half up bun and stuck the comb she was married in on the top of her hair.

"Do you have a problem with it?" She turned to him confidently.

"No, I just wanted to check in, make sure I'm not over stepping any boundaries, making sure we're on the same page," Zuko smiled softly at her.

"I think we're doing okay so far, thanks for checking in," Katara smiled back nodding.

"Now get out, im getting out from the tub cause we have an hour to meet with my family," Zuko tossed the cloth at her but Katara squeaked darting out the door to miss the wet cloth.


Ozai and Azula saw the married duo walk in the entry way that was a large long hall from the doors to the palace that were many meters tall. Katara saw mai and ty Lee talking behind Azula, she wrapped her hands around zukos arm. He placed his hand on top of hers.

"Father," Zuko nodded as he and Katara bowed a little.

"You seem to be doing well with a wife, matured," Ozai raised a brow at them.

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