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"Katara, kat... I've been thinking since we're getting married tomorrow, I really like you? I really love being around you and I love how I feel when I'm around you, I think I fell in love with you... you deserve so much better but I would be honored if you'd allow me to take you on a date,"

Zuko looked in the mirror and immediately turned his face into disgust.

"That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard in my life," he gagged running a hand his hair.

"Desperate much? She'll laugh at you!" He told himself outloud as he rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Katara I love you. Kat, I'm in love with you. Hey Katara, I know we're friends that are getting married but be my girlfriend for a day? Stupid! No! Don't say that to people oh my spirits!" Zuko put his face in his face embarrassed to even look at himself in the mirror anymore.

"What a dumb ass I am, yea fall in love with the girl that hated you for the arranger marriage that's a great idea," he scoffed turning away as he saw the panda lily on his night stand that he got for Katara again. She loved the flower, he wanted to see her with it again.

"She's not a prize, don't act like she's some prize you achieved, she's a fucking person dumbass," he covered his eyes shaking his head again.

"Ha ha ha ha, I knew it was gonna happen,"

Zuko jumped and spun around seeing ty lee at the door with a smug look on her face.

"What do you want?" Zuko glared as he blushed brightly.

"You gonna tell her?" Ty Lee asked closing the door behind her and looked to the side seeing the royal robes for the wedding and the princes crown on the other side of the room of Zuko.

Zuko turned away from her and kept quiet.

"I like Katara too, she fit in here better than I expected," she went over to him and leaned against the wall.

"I don't want to talk to you about it, your just going to tell Azula," Zuko sighed going to the window.

"I won't with this, who else are you going to talk to about it?" Ty Lee told him softly.

"Bury my feelings," he offered.

"So you do love her?" She looked at him gently. He stayed quiet again but nodded eventually.

"Wow what a love story," she smiled brightly at him. "She seems good for you,"

"I wanted to take her on a date tonight but I never... I don't want to make her feel like she has too rather than want too," he crossed his arms looking out the window as ty Lee stood by him.

"I get that... you don't want to make a fool of yourself by giving to much and receiving nothing back," the brunette looked at him gently. They made eye contact and he agreed.

"When I was first told about the marriage, I felt like giving up, I didn't care, I didn't want to fight it because I knew I wouldn't win, I gave up for a little because I was finally pushed as far as my father would to be degraded as just a pawn," Zuko explained closing his eyes.

"I felt like I was worth nothing so what's more than having someone forced to marry you? But when I met Katara, she was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, the passion and fight in her eyes when she first got her was so intimidating I thought she was... she was everything I'm not,"

"I admire her a lot, I really do love her, but I've already accepted that she might not love me the same but we at least can be friends,"

"So then why do you want to ask her on a date?" Ty Lee raised a brow.

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