Katara jumped back with her wrists crossed in front of her face to block sukis punch and moved to the side before the other fist could hit her abdominal.
They spent the day hiding in Kataras room and Katara begged to learn moves to fight with the warrior, she's heard of kyoshi warriors and they were fierce, powerful women that protected their island in the south. She could use all the training she could with hand to hand combat, remembering a little of what Zuko taught her. She grabbed sukis wrist and tried to throw her over her shoulder but Suki wrapped an arm around Kataras neck and put her in a chokehold.
Katara frantically tapped her arm feeling how tight Suki was squeezing.
"For a princess your a fast learner," Suki released with a grin.
"I've been training since I got here," Katara wheezed.
"The girl in the pink, ty Lee, she can block peoples chi and bending so I've been trying to not rely on my bending," she explained as she wiped the sweat running down her face.
"Smart, it'll come in handy when you need it most," Suki adjusted her top knot but they froze hearing a knock at the door.
Katara went and opened the door for Zuko as he slid in and closed it behind him.
"You getting along?" He asked the girls.
"I don't like you," Suki pouted at him.
"You tried to have me killed," Zuko put a hand on his hip.
"Fair point," she shrugged.
"How was your father?" Katara asked worried.
"Angry but those two freedom fighters they definitely gone, he sent a hunting party for around capital to find them, and probably a bounty, but with the fake names and him never seeing them it won't get far, they only attacked me so it'll be old news soon," Zuko took his top knot out feeling a headache from his hair being up.
"You helped them escape?" Suki asked to confirm.
"I didn't do anything, There just happen to be a key in the cell and it just happen that one of them know how to knock out the one guard since the second one got food poisoning," Zuko ruffled his hair out to relieve the headache a little.
"Just coincidence, I wasn't there," he smirked at them.
"Suki, can I talk to you alone?" Zuko asked kindly to the red head. She hesitated but nodded.
"It'll just be a minute kat, I'll be back," he smiled at the love of his life as they left her room to go into his to speak.
"What do you want?" Suki gulped a little as she was intimidated by the prince, there was a look in his eyes that she's seen before but couldn't but her finger on what.
"I'll give you double your weight in gold if you protect Katara," he crossed his arms with a frown. That kind and worry-less smile was gone with something that made Suki feel like it was going to storm still.
"Excuse me? I'm not a body guard," Suki blinked surprised.
"No but your strong, and I know the kyoshi warriors are one of the best in the world," Zuko said in a low tone.
"You'll know when but when you and Katara leave the palace, you'll go to the western air temple, I'll send the gold to kyoshi island tonight," he nodded firmly.
"You spoke to Aang, he'll meet you there, as well as princess Yue and prince Sokka, can I trust you to keep Katara safe and alive?" Zuko stepped towards her.
"Yes, as gratitude for not selling me out you don't have to worry about the money," Suki gulped a little with her hands on her hips.
Zuko walked over to her and set a small bag of coins on the table next to her.
"I don't need it," he looked down at her.
"Where are You going to be since you can't protect your wife yourself?" Suki looked up at him.
"Katara knows we'll be separated for a bit, she's to find the avatar and I'm to find my uncle, and we'll meet back at the temples," he explained.
"But your not.. are you?" Suki could read him clearly.
"I have something else to take care of, that's why you'll be joining Sokka and Yue, from there they'll take you home," Zuko gulped a little as he pushed the curtain back to let in more sunlight.
"Can I ask what?" She tilted her head to the side.
"I want to make sure my sister is out of the fire nation as well, I'm sorry I'm not telling you much else," he shook his head looking at her unsure.
"Tell me, I'm not going to tell anyone to save my own ass, I owe You that much," she nodded.
"I'm going to be challenging my father for the throne, it will be on a day that fire benders can't bend, the day of black sun," he crossed his arms again.
"And you think you might die that day... that's why you want me to be with Katara to get her out of the city safely," Suki realized.
"To get her off fire nation land, she'll be next to kill if I fail my task, treason," he nodded.
"Prince zuko, do you think you'll win?" She inhaled a deep breath.
Zuko didn't answer as he had to think about it.
"We'll have to see," he pursed his lips with a shrug.
Suki was quiet again as she sat on the bed to think about what she's gotten herself into. She didn't want to be apart of the war, not apart of the fire nation, her duty was to protect her village. She should've never agreed to come in the first place.
"I'll keep her safe, you can count on me, but promise me something as well," the red head looked up at the prince seriously.
"As long as it's reasonable," he agreed.
"Kill the fire lord and end this war, the fire nation will need a leader cause of the chaos the nation will be in after," she sighed a little looking back down.
"Be the fire lord this nation needs," Suki mumbled closing her eyes.
Zuko thought about it for a moment, what if he wins but starts to turn out more and more like his father. He was terrified of his own rage because of it, he hated everything that his father made him to be. He just wanted to make people not afraid of him anymore, his title held fear, the prince of the fire nation was hated outside the palace. He was the banished prince that brought shame to his nation.
"I will," he whispered.
"Prince Zuko?" Suki pursed her lips forcing herself to speak again.
"Just Zuko,"
"Zuko... when is the day of black sun?" She stood back up feeling anxious for what's to come.
"I told Katara already, she knows," he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Does she?" Suki felt like it was a lie. "Does Aang know?"
He nodded again.
"Katara knows it's in a week," Zuko rasped.
"And Aang knows...?" She offered.
"In two days,"

First burn
Hayran KurguThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...