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"So do I get to pick out a dress or am I forced to wear some wedding dress that's been passed down from fire lady to fire lady?" Katara asked brushing her hair as Zuko had his face buried in the pillow so he didn't see her change before.

"Second one," Zuko nodded.

"I have to wear some old dusty dress your mom wore?" She cringed a little and Zuko looked at her flatly.

"And my dads mom," he corrected.

"No offense but gross," Katara shuttered at the idea and he shrugged.

"I have to wear a robe all the men in my family got married in, not to thrilled," Zuko put his face back in the pillow and Katara agreed that was worse.

"It's ancient silks that the spirits blessed a fuck ton long time ago, like when the nations were still new, I think it's fire proof," he explained as Katara pulled a robe over her shoulders and shimmied her dress off under before going into his bathroom.

"Like a good luck thing?" She asked leaving them door open as she bended water into the large tub and made sure it was clean.

"If the silks are for good luck then I'm calling bullshit on luck," he scoffed and she laughed a little lighting a candle as she grabbed some oils and sea salt for her bath. There was nothing else to do so might as well take a relaxing bath. She bended the water around when she poured bubbly soap in.

"So like for the ceremony is it just us agreeing we'll take care of each other till death does us apart or what not?" Katara asked as she looked in the mirror putting her hair up in a bun and stuck a long pin through to keep it up.

"And devoting ourselves to each other and our country, to keep the royals bloodline going as long as our counties fire is never put out, it's a prayer and wine for an hour then we're crowned as wedded prince and princess till my dad give up fire lord," Zuko rolled on his back and looked up at the ceiling.

"Kat what the fuck are you even doing in there?" He asked confused looking to the side.

She threw her robe at his face to cover him.

"I'm taking a bath!" She called getting in the water.

"In the morning?" He sat up confused.

"So after we're legally married, what happens then?" Katara leaned on the side of the tub as a candle burned by her. She crossed her arms over the side to rest her chin as Zuko walked in seeing the bubbles were covering her.

"Lots of questions probably but if we're lucky they'll let us travel somewhere for a Whatcha call it-" Zuko crossed his arms trying to think of the word.

"A honeymoon?" Katara offered.

"Uh sure?" He made a face. "If we can... would you want to go somewhere?"

"Like a vacation?" She asked with a small smile.

"Yea," he smiled back gently.

"We could go back to the North Pole, you seemed happy there," Katara offered.

"I was," Zuko walked over and sat by the tub next to her as he sat on the tile and she smiled staying in the water.

"Could go to ember island and act like teenagers again," he offered back and she giggled pushing his face.

"Get drunk every night and not have people know who we are?" She teased and he nodded.

"That would be great... if there wasn't a..." Katara trailed off and Zuko pursed his lips a little.

"A war, it would be great to just be teenagers but we aren't just teenagers.." He gulped nodding understanding.

"What about whale tail island?" Katara splashed him with water to get him to stop being so sad. She knew he'd get stuck in a spiral so she had to stop before he'd get stuck in his own head again.

"Don't splash me," he wiped his face where water was. She splashed him again.

"Stop sulking then," she teased.

"I'm not," he whined.

She splashed him again.

"Well now I'm just wet," Zuko said flatly as she laughed at him.

"Good," she giggled but gasped when Zuko took the hair pin out and her long hair fell down her back and into the water.

"Hey I didn't want my hair getting wet!" Katara groaned pulling her hair over her shoulder.

"And I didn't want me clothes wet and look where we are kat," Zuko chuckled getting up to take his soaked shirt off as Katara dunked her hair all in the water since half was already wet.

She splashed him again on his clothes.

"Katara!" He cried out. She hid mostly under the water up to her nose as she was trying to not laugh.

"Can't get me I'm naked," Katara sang and zukos face turned bright red.

"You dickhead," he mumbled grabbing a towel for his hair that was wet.

"And your a gentleman, much appreciated," Katara teased as she pushed the bubbles to cover her chest as she leaned back more.

"So what's at whale tail island?" Zuko asked walking out of the bathroom to change. He took his pants off to put on more comfortable dry clothes.

"I don't know, my dad mentioned it was nice?" Katara laid back to float in the bubbly water.

"Gee sounds romantic," he rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"You think I can't splash you from here?!" She called from the bathroom.

"No i believe you absolutely can, by cheating, but you can," Zuko shrugged but felt water hit his back.

"Katara that's cold!" He screamed as he covered his towel with his body to keep it dry.

"Doubt my splashing abilities again!" She called as Zuko covered himself in the towel with a pout.

"By cheating," he mumbled but quickly ran to close the bathroom door on her so she couldn't strike again.

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