Katara woke up with the golden sun blinding her from her window as it peaked through the red curtains as she had on her blue soft dress on under the blankets. She groaned wanting to go back to sleeve but the sun was to bright. Katara sighed sitting up and pushed herself up and off the bed with a small swing of her bare tan legs.
The southern water bender walked to her window and as usual she saw Zuko writing a letter while sipping a cup of tea at the pond as she saw the dozen of baby turtle ducks were out of the water and nibbling on the bread near Zuko as he paid no attention to them.
She quickly threw on her fire nation outfit and put her hair in the half up bun and the tied a chunk of her hair on each side, throwing on her sandals she quickly walked down the halls. She was going to figure out who Zuko was writing to and where he goes for about an hour or two each and every morning.
Katara saw Zuko leaving the garden and waited a moment to follow him. She glared seeing him holding the letter but rolled it up and slid a ribbon over as it was a green ribbon this time rather than red. He snatched a black cloak and walked out of the palace from the back.
Katara stopped with her heart dropping. She's never left the palace before, never experienced outside of the royal palace and to the citizens of the Capitol. She gulped and followed anyways.
There, behind the palace was a forest with a creak as Zuko had a path he went through. Katara could see the mountains that surrounded the Capitol as well as a larger tower in the side of the mountain. A prison.
After walking for miles as Katara kept her distance, she saw Zuko pull his hood up and walk into the prison as guards paid no mind to him, they acted like they saw nothing.
Katara pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes determined and walked to the prison as well. As she got to the door a guard grabbed her wrist before she could push the doors open.
"Who are you?" The man glared down at her and Katara ripped her hand back.
"I am a guest of the royal family, the future firelady, you don't touch me like that," Katara snapped with attitude, guess there was perks of marrying the heir to the throne.
"Relax rookie, it's the chiefs daughter of the southern water tribe, act like nothing happened kid," a woman walked to them as Katara noticed it must be the same deal Zuko made with them.
"Thank you, And please don't tell anyone, I'm just exploring the nations ground, you know being forced here and everything," Katara rolled her eyes and the woman guard opened the door for her and Katara smiled as she walked into the prison.
She made sure the doors shut quietly in case Zuko heard but she noticed there was no cells in the first floor. Katara walked up the stairs until she paused at the fourth floor out of the six of them and heard voices down the hall. Zuko.
"Thank you Prince Zuko, your tea skills have improved nephew," a older voice chuckled kindly as Katara walked closer and paused a few meters away. She didn't want to get caught but she could hear them perfectly still.
"I wrote another letter uncle, there's more detail in it but..." Zuko trailed off as she heard them shuffling.
"Zuko do not think your marriage is a burden to the future you dream of," zukos uncle sighed as Katara bit her lip hoping to hear more.
"Dammit uncle this wasn't suppose to happen, we have months until the eclipse, I've been studying the stars and I know it only comes every hundred years but the spirits put-" "you stay away from the spirits Prince Zuko," the fire bender was cut off.
"I do, I spoke with Piandao, he told me," Zuko sighed.
"How is the old grouch?" His uncle asked softly.
"I won the dual he challenged me too, so the same master as you remember uncle," zukos voice was soft and kind as he spoke to his uncle than how he has no emotion with his father and anger with his sister. Otherwise he just sounded tired.
"But i asked him to send the money to king Bumi, he said he'd help," he almost sounded like he was smiling.
"I'm proud of you Zuko, but open your heart, what you tell me of this Katara, she needs this kind of kindness as well as you are to me, remember your banishment and desperation for home... kindness is the greatest treatment for homesickness," the old man explained and Katara smiled a little at his wisdom.
"Yea and my desperation for home was stupid, we should've just-just..." Zuko trailed off and Katara frowned softly at the prince. What... what could've happened.
"You wanted your fathers love nephew, I do not blame you, but your heart and mind are in the right state now," he chuckled again and Katara wanted to look and see who this man was.
"In six months you'll be free uncle, you'll get the dream you've always imagine, I promise," Zuko croaked.
"I know Zuko, I do not doubt you, but the eclipse could be a sign of war starting again if it's in five months, if the other nations... if they attack," the man sighed sadly and Zuko was silent.
"If we are attacked we'll use it to free you, you can have a new life in ba sing se uncle," Zuko breathed so softly that Katara almost missed it.
"I could come with," he gulped and Kataras eyes widen.
"Zuko no." His uncles voice was more stern. "The fire nation needs you as their fire lord, if you leave then Azula is left to lead until your father steps down, but once your married my brother will have no choice,"
"Do you understand...?" He asked.
"I do... I got to go uncle, I'll see you tomorrow morning," Zuko sighed dreadfully and Katara started to back away but she accidentally kicked a pebble, making some sound in the empty hall.
"I love you Prince Zuko," His uncle said gently.
"I love you too uncle, I'll tell meng to bring you the good rice," Zuko laughed softly standing up and Katara hid behind the corner as she heard zukos foot steps fade walking the other way.
She let out a relieved breath of not being heard and walked back around the corner to leave but let out a small screamed when Zuko grabbed her arms and slammed her against the wall.
"Why are you following me?!" He snarled down at her.

First burn
FanfictionThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...