"Y-you do remember me?" Jet gasped as he was stuck to the wall but pressed his head as far back to the wall to get away from the blade.
"Took me a minute but i remember, now tell me why the hell you're here?" Katara grabbed his shirt aggressively and pressed the blade harder. She didn't want to hurt him but just to scare him.
"If I knew the girl I was flirting with was a water bender I don't think I'd let you go so easily, but ya know I can never be with a married woman now," Jet grinned looking down at her but yelped when the blade drew blood.
"I was on a vacation, didn't think it was important at the time," Katara tilted her head to the side, she didn't look thrilled.
"So like were you guys an item or could I totally hit that?" He smiled more at her. The blade cut him deeper and stole his breath in the gasped she forced out of him.
Katara scrunched her nose up as she figured out why someone who didn't even have a hint of fire nation genetics was in the palace. It made her sad realizing it.
"Jet don't tell me you.. you tried killing him," Katara clenched her jaw tightly not taking her eyes off him.
Jet hesitated to answer, the hate in his gut built up at the thought of someone like her threatening him, for a damn fire bender no less.
"Him and his disgusting bloodline need to die, your water tribe why are you protecting him?" He tried breaking out of the ice but Katara pressed her forearm against his chest to hold him back.
"And if I told you I was pregnant with the next hire of the throne, would you kill me too?" Katara lost the anger in her face, turning to timid fear as she batted her eyes innocently at him.
"I-I would have too, this is my mission, it's not like I actually know who you are, we met at a party," Jet blushed looking away finally, Katara dropped the innocent look and kicked him in the shin, immediately covering jets mouth to contain his cry.
"I don't know you either, and we're not friends, but I will never let you hurt him again, Zuko isn't like his father and sister, he wants the world to be peaceful again, once Zuko is fire lord, the world won't be so fucked," Katara sighed pulling the knife back.
"Who else are you here with? You should get out before your caught," she glared darkly.
"Im not leaving kat," Jet had a stern look in his eyes.
"Fuck, You sound obsessed with the guy like he's a god, like he's going to save the world, he took the worlds last hope, the avatar," he snapped harshly.
"Then you have a death wish? I can tell one person that your earth kingdom and that would be enough to sniff out your friends," Katara narrowed her eyes at him.
"I'm giving you a chance Jet, for the sake of mercy I'm giving you a chance to leave the fire nation by tonight, or I'm telling Azula, and if she catches you... you're better off killing yourself," she unfroze him to the wall and put the water in a near by plant.
Jet fell to his knees panting as he held his chest, Katara standing over him.
"I don't want you to die here, but you also hurt the northern water tribes Princess, she is adored by many, it's not just fire nation that would want you executed, the fire nation and water tribe are an alliance, you wouldn't have done them any favors for killing Zuko," Katara ran a hand through her hair with a heavy sigh.
"Shouldve just gone after ozai," she mumbled under her breath.
"Why are you telling me this? And giving me a chance?" Jet stood up again.
"Because I was angry at the fire nation too most of my life," Katara crossed her arms looking to the side.
"I understand your hate for them, and maybe in a different scenario I'd be helping you, but he's my best friend, I do have some love for the idiot I guess, so I can't let you do it," she shrugged again as Jet frowned.
"So are you going to kill me?" She looked up at him.
"No, I can't," Jet stuck out his tongue annoyed.
"Then take my fucking advice, leave," Katara glared turning away and went back into zukos room before slamming the door on the other boy. He even heard her lock it.
Jet rubbed his face with a low groan. His heart racing. Was she bluffing? Would she tell the royal family he was the one? How in the spirits hell was it the girl he was trying to flirt with and the annoyance of whatever Zuko was, we're the next in like for fire lord and fire lady?? That is the worst luck in the world.
He didn't know what to do, he had people back home he was going to be letting down. Ember island was just him and the others hitch hiking on ships to get to the capital, only reason he went to the party was to steal stuff from thst rich kid.
But there was something in his head that was telling him he should listen to her, the Katara that he met for the first time seems so far away from this Katara, she was manipulative and dangerous now and no longer sweet nor innocent like before. But maybe she just wasn't weak, she seems stronger now.
He didn't even know she was a water bender, much less a professional healer, fuck.
"I need to find smeller bee and long shot," Jet covered his mouth focusing again on a plan. He wanted to finish the mission, at least be a little successful but with a water bender taking the poison out he knew the prince would live.
He was still confused how she knew the water he was giving Zuko would've made the poison worsen in the herbs he snuck in it.
Katara listened for the footsteps to leave the halls and held the blade tightly in her fingers. She looked back seeing Zuko passed out laying on his side.
"For a scary prince everyone makes you out to be, you look like a baby turtle duck," Katara raised a brow watching him sleep. His arm pulled up to cover half of his face, his scarred side facing up as he hugged the pillow under him.

First burn
FanfictionThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...