"Where's kat? I want to go by kat!" Zuko muffled a whine with his face in his own arm still.
"Katara get your ass out here! Get him off of me!" Azula yelled down the hall as she pushed Zuko by his forehead to try getting him off.
"Katara!" Zuko squealed hugging his sister tighter with the bottle in one hand still.
"Get off of me!" She screamed annoyed. Zuko let go and she shoved him away making them drunk prince fall to the ground in a fit of giggles.
"Azula?" Katara opened her door that was at the end of the hall.
"Kat!" Zuko laid on the ground after taking another two gulps.
"Zuko?" Her eyes widen even more confused.
"Your husband, your problem, I'm going to punch him," Azula shook in rage as Zuko poked at her ankle laying on his back next to her.
"Poke poke boney ankles," Zuko cooed.
"Stop it!" She screamed as Katara covered her mouth to hide her laughter.
"You okay buddy?" Katara stood behind zukos head as he looked straight up at her with a big smile.
"Yay kat," he hummed reaching up at her.
"Hi Zuko," she giggled.
"I got it Azula, how much has he drank?" The water bender looked back at the princess.
"Whatever is in that bottle and more," Azula crossed her arms.
"Two- no fiiii er six? Bottles on the wall, take one down pass it around," Zuko sang on the ground.
"Okay big guy, let's go to bed," Katara sighed and tied her hair up.
"I can't go to bed with you I'm a married man," Zuko huffed keeping his eyes closed.
"Have fun with that, I'm out," Azula immediately walked away.
"Bye zula I miss youuuuu!" Zuko lifted his hand and dropped it.
Katara laughed a little shaking her head but felt Zuko poking at her ankle.
"Azula has very skinny ankles," Zuko was memorized by her ankles.
"Calling my ankles fat?" She teased crouching down to him.
"Ahhh noooo! They're perfect! Stop saying mean things," Zuko pulled his hands back and covered his face.
"Okay man, help me out, we're getting up from the ground," Katara went around to face Zuko as she grabbed his hands to pull him up.
"Kataraaaaa kat mat sat bat pat," Zuko stood with her and hugged her tightly.
"You were not this drunk back ember island," Katara grunted at the squeeze that was going to kill her.
"Dad wasn't on ember island," Zuko whispered and kissed her cheek.
"Oh wow your very touchy, bed time," she laughed blushing as she backed into zukos room with him holding onto her and head down.
"I love youuuu kataraaaaa kat," Zuko sang.
"Love you too buddy," she patted his head and pushed him to the bed so he wouldn't fall on the bed.
"Shh don't tell kat but I love her," Zuko laid on the bed.
"Your lucky your cute otherwise I'd smack you," she snorted going to get him some water but heard him drinking out of the bottle.
"No!" She grabbed it immediately.

First burn
Hayran KurguThey never remembered each other when they where young, she was just some girl with her family visiting his home, he was just some boy who was there. But years later when the avatar is found and retrieved by prince Zuko, he returns home as he dreame...