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"Yo jerk bender!" Sokka called to the fire bender the next morning as Zuko was taking a morning walk after training.

"Me?" Zuko turned around confused who was calling for him and Sokka punched his shoulder with a grin as the pale man cried out.

"Your the only one here, yea you," Sokka beamed at him as Zuko glared rubbing his arm.

"What do you want?" Zuko grumbled a little as he crossed his arms with a shiver.

"I'm just trying to get to know my brother in law," Sokka snorted and Zuko pursed his lips a little with his eyes down.

"I forgot I'm going to have in laws now..." Zuko shrugged a little and Sokka smiled at him.

"So what did you want again?" He looked at the man unamused.

"Just got some questions, you are the only one I'll know that'll be with Katara and I just want to make sure you'll actually take care of her," Sokka stopped in front of him with his arms crossed.

"What do you want to know?" Zuko asked flatly as he was slightly annoyed.

"What are your intentions?" He got in the fire benders face as Zuko backed up for space.

"To at least have her trust?" Zuko made a face as Sokka watched him carefully.

"Your not going to be an asshole and force her into stuff she doesn't want?" Sokka questioned.

"She's marrying me, that's enough of forcing her to do stuff she doesn't want," he backed away a little more so he couldn't smell sokkas breath.

"Can I tell you something personal then?" Zuko rubbed his arms a little as Sokka was now confused.

"Yea man, brother to brother," he nudged him.

"Don't say that,"

"Look, my.. my mother and father were also a forced arranged marriage, it was loveless and turned into a loveless family, my mother spent time with my sister and I but we were never happy all together," Zuko sighed calmly as he had a hand on his hip remembering his childhood.

"I grew up seeing my mothers hate for my father when he took my sister from us for her being a gifted child, and the way he treated me, she loved us but she never loved her life at the palace,"

"I don't want that misery for anyone, and I don't want to end up like my parents, I know I'll never have Kataras love, I know she'll never love me as the love of her life, and i accept that, I just want to earn her trust and respect and hope to be friends so she knows she's not alone there," Zuko shrugged a little as he just let him speak without thinking for once, he couldn't help it, he didn't know what he was really saying.

"Oh wow, so you'll take care of her for me? Right?" Sokka gulped seeing how seriously he was.

"Of course," Zuko nodded.

"Zuko... do you love Katara?" He asked softly and the fire bender blushed a little with wide eyes.

"No I don't love her," the raven hair prince defended in disbelief that it would even be brought up.

"Don't worry, you probably will," Sokka laughed punching him in the arm again.

"I won't fall in love with Katara, she's hot headed and so stubborn, a mother hen half the time and she always starts a fight," Zuko scoffed rolling his eyes.

"Yea that's what your going to love about her," he put his hand on zukos back and forced him to walk.

"So about those battle plans?" He grinned and Zuko nodded a little.

"I'll send a messenger hawk down to you when I get back, the wedding is before day of black sun so hopefully your tribe will stay close cause it's only a week apart," Zuko told him looking ahead as he stuffed his hands in his pockets due to the freezing air.

"Does your family know about day of black sun?" The non bender asked.

"No, but there is someone I need you to watch out for if you come to the fire nation or if there is a war closer to you," Zuko looked at the man with a frown.

"Sure, who? Good guy or bad?" Sokka smirked.

"He's an admiral, his names zhao, he's the one that would burn down villages and homes, he hunted the avatar too," Zuko glared a little.

"And he'll be the one that would kill anyone that stands in the way of his own victory,"

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