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Zuko woke up and saw the room dark, he couldn't tell if it was the curtains closed or if it was alright night time. His head throbbed as his body burned. He must've still have a fever.

The prince forced himself to sit up against the headboard. The day felt like a blur, like a dream. His gold eyes looked down seeing his torso bandaged up around the source of the burning feeling. Oh yea, he was stabbed.

Zuko looked to the side seeing Katara passed out on the ground with a pillow and a book that was barley in her grasp, a candle burning close to the bottom near as light. Zuko blushed softly seeing her look so comfortable, she truly was naturally beautiful, despite her snores that echoed.

He pushed himself to his feet and gasped a small cry of pain holding his abdomen tightly, almost doubling over. Zuko covered his mouth to muffle himself and used heavy breathing to get through it. He didn't want to wake her up, she was working so hard all day.

Grabbing his robe on the side to hide his body once more, he tied it close and checked outside, it was dark. Did the day really go that fast? He hoped Yue was recovering well.. he wondered if they caught whoever tried to kill them. He pitied whoever did, would Ozai punish them or give them a metal?

He went to the door to see if anyone was awake but it was locked, Katara must've made sure it was locked in case.

So he left it, it was late.

Zuko grunted as he knelt down to Katara,  took the book and set it aside, blowing out the candle as well. She didn't stir, Zuko brushed her hair off her shoulder and gently picked up his new wife.

Zukos jaw clenched tightly to keep any sound of pain in his chest, adjusting Katara I'm her arms as she curled against him with her ear against his chest.

He carried her to the bed and laid her where her was laying before, he slid off her boots but found the knife hidden away. Zuko gulped looking at it and set it on the nightstand close to her. Pulling the blanket up over her shoulders as the moonlight glowed over the room.

"Good night kat," he whispered.

Zuko walked to the side and grabbed another blanket and went to the opposite side of the bed, if he was in better shape he'd take the floor again but there was doubt he'd be able to get back up. Zuko lowered himself gently with a hitch in his breath when he felt a sharp pinch in his back.

Gripping the side of the bed trying to breathe through the pain with his head dropped. There was no medication to help and it was still a open wound.

Cool hands touched his back and rubbed small circled on his shoulders.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," Zuko whispered as Katara held on his shoulders gently.

"Thanks for putting me on a bed," Katara whispered back.

"Do you want me to help with the pain? I can go get water-" "dont, I'm okay, you did enough for me today,"Zuko touched her hand on his shoulder.

Katara wrapped her arms around him from behind and rested her head on top of his shoulder.

"Is it okay if I stay with you tonight?" Katara asked closing her eyes, Zuko blushed but nodded.

"You don't have to ask, I'll stay on top of the covers," He mumbled leaning back into her enjoying another humans touch.

Katara hugged him tighter in appreciation before letting go.

"Don't worry about it, I know you're a gentleman," she scooted back as Zuko turned to her.

"That's a lot of trust with a fire bender," he teased.

"I guess you've grown on me," she smiled as they both laid down. Zuko grunted holding his stomach as he relaxed in the mattress and inhaled a shaky breath, Katara watched carefully seeing how bad the pain was.

"You sure your okay? You still have a fever," she whispered laying on her side as Zuko laid on his back.

"I've had worse, nothing I can't handle," he smiled back at her, his scar was hit by the moonlight first and she couldn't help but stare at it, study his scar.

She felt guilt in her chest and it must've been obvious from the concern that flashed in his eyes. Without words they could read each other like they've known each other their whole lives.

"I promise I'm okay, I wouldn't hide it from you," Zuko rested his hand by his head, a little stretched out so he was just a little closer to her.

"Good, I could never marry a liar," Katara smiled sadly.

'There's so much you still don't know yet..' he thought to himself.

"Did you go by your family at all? They'll be leaving again soon kat," Zuko frowned thinking about if she's been with him all day, they already were stuck with each other for the rest of their lives.

"They stopped in, Yue too, she's walking and lifting, Sokka really likes spending time with her it looks like, but I think he's worried you two are going to have an affair," Katara smiled as her hand was a few inches from his own, her arms more stretched out.

"Oh yea we're having a big affair, both married and on opposite sides of the world," he agreed and it made her smile more.

"Better break the news to my brother then," she giggled.

There was silence, a comfortable silence, listening to the sounds around them, the halls, the windows, even outside with the wind pushing the trees around or making the animals scatter. The night was always so peaceful, a comfortable warmth where it never snowed.

Their hands touched for a moment, hesitating before they hooked each other's pinky's and held it close. Reassurance when their grip tightened.

Zuko closed his eyes as his throat tightened at the thought of having so much trust in someone, being so vulnerable, it scared him. Being able to touch another person like this, to feel comfort in their touch, it wasn't sexual, it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward. It made him question his love for Katara, was it he loved the way he felt with her? Was he in love with her or loved her. He doubted his capability to know what love was, he loved Mai but he didn't know if that's what being in love was... he didnt like it but being with Katara was almost opposite.

That's why he questioned it.

"Are you asleep?" Katara whispered.

"Yea," he kept his eyes closed.

Kataras hand tightened as she giggled, making him smile looking at her. It was so dark but he could see her perfectly.

"Good night kat," he mumbled tiredly.

"Good night Zuko," she hummed pulling the blanket up close to her face but their pinky's stayed together as they both let sleep take over their exhausted body's.

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