Comforting Reader (Karasuno)

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Izumi: i need this.


SCENARIO: (Y/n) was waiting for sleep to take over them when suddenly a memory pushed back deep in their mind resurfaced, causing them to not be able to sleep

(Y/n) is gender-neutral (so inform me if i accidentally use a he/him or she/her pronoun ty)

in most scenarios you are living together. and not all relationships are romantic, it can be platonic too.


- "Hey, Daichi." (Y/n) turned over to their side to face their half-asleep partner. From the call of his name, he jumped awake.

- "Huh? What?" Daichi turned his head towards (Y/n) with confusion and worry

- "Sorry..I was thinking about that again.." Daichi's expression softened as he moved himself closer to them.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

- (a) if you choose to talk about it:

He would stay up and listen to your thoughts until the end although he was feeling sleepy. He knew about your problem(s) and wanted you to feel better as soon as you can. So he does his best to help you recover from whatever you are going through and he does so by lending a listening ear and occasionally giving comments about them when needed.

- (b) if you don't want to talk about it:

He would just bring you closer and caress your head to comfort you. Even if he was feeling tired, he will not sleep until you sleep first.


- Before Sugawara could sleep, he heard a sniffle from you and immediately opened his eyes.

- "What's wrong?" he asked and you explained.

- Just like Daichi, he would fight sleep just to listen to your thoughts and help you let your emotions out so that you could sleep well and get the heavy feeling off your chest and mind.

- did you cry somewhere along your story? Well not to worry, Sugawara will grab the nearest tissue available to wipe your tears (and snot) away even if the only available tissue was in the living room

- pats and caresses and hugs will happen in between as he comforts you


- "Asahi.." "Hm?"

he was actually already asleep, but woke up at the call of his name.

- when you explained that it was because of a bad memory, his eyes widened and multiple thoughts went through his head before calming himself down. He literally pushed aside his bad thoughts and and focused on comforting you instead,

- he brought the both of you into a sitting position and brought you into a comfortable hug before asking if you wanted to share.

- (a) if you end up sharing

He would caress your arm/back while listening to you pour your feelings out.

- (b) if you do not wish to share

He would still hold you in his arms and continue caressing your arm/back, but now with silence and pecks on the face and/or head.

He will make you so comfortable that you would end up forget about the memory (for now) and sleep soundly in his arms.

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