Rescue (Ushijima x Oikawa!reader)

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Requested By: 3000-STARK

Izumi: you know what. i think i am a simp for the middle blockers BUT my ult is iwaizumi???? bUT THE MIDDLE BLOCKERS????? 

+ the liberos are my babies 

edit: part 2 - Carnival (Ushijima x Oikawa!reader)



"You're finally going to watch one of their matches? Did Oikawa-senpai finally allow you to watch?" (F/n) asked as they took a bite from their lunch.

"Nope!" (Y/n) replied enthusiastically. "I just plan to go without him knowing." she added before taking a bite from her bento.

"Are you sure? Will he not get mad or something?" (F/n 2) asked.

"Meh." (Y/n) responded. "I don't get what's wrong with me going to watch their match. He's been playing since elementary school? Middle school? And the last time I watched a match was when there was a practice match in Kitagawa Daiichi in my year 1..."

"Wow, that was ages ago!" (F/n) said.

"Mhm. And ever since then, he wouldn't tell me when he has a match too. He'd also mention about this "Ushiwaka" guy that could cause me problems? I tried to ask him when he's having matches and who's Ushiwaka too, but he just didn't answer me.." (Y/n) added. "So I just decided to go secretly."


"So when is their upcoming match?"

==T I M E S K I P==

The upcoming match was actually a few days later from when the trio had their conversation, during the weekend.

Oikawa had to leave early to go to school and meet up with his team before going to their destination, Shiratorizawa Academy.

(Y/n) exited the house a few minutes later to meet up with her two friends before going to the school.

"Wow! This school looks fancy!" (Y/n) exclaimed to her two friends when they entered Shiratorizawa. {assuming they allow people of the public to enter the school grounds}

"I know right?" (F/n 2) commented. The two friends then led the younger Oikawa to the gym where the match will be held.

The managed to get some seats on the stands and got comfortable while waiting for the players to enter the court.

"Oh! There's Oikawa-senpai!"



"Ah! He looked at me~~"

' "Ushijima"? Is that the "Ushiwaka" guy Tooru was talking about?' (Y/n) thought as she tried to find this "Ushijima".

Getting lost with all the players on the court, she turned to her friends.

"Hey, which one is Ushijima?" she asked. She guessed that he must be famous since her two friends look shocked upon that question, but answered her nicely still.

"He's the guy with the number 1 on his shirt." (F/n) said as they pointed to him. "It's surprising you don't know him. He's one of the top three best aces in Japan."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at the words because she didn't expect to see someone "famous" right in front of her.

"Woah.." was all she said before the game started.

==T I M E S K I P==

At the end of the match, Aoba Johsai ended up losing to Shiratorizawa. The team lined up at the opposite ends of the court and bowed to each other. 

When they finished bowing, Oikawa looked though the spectators and his eyes accidentally made contact with his little sister. His eyes narrowed.

"Meet me later." Oikawa mouthed to his sister before moving off the court with the team.

"Ah, sorry guys. I have to meet up with Tooru. He saw in here. See you on Monday!"

"Bye (Y/n)!"

"See you!"

(Y/n) then walked towards to where their locker rooms would be at. But due to being an Oikawa, she ended up attracting the attention of some of the Shiratorizawa students present.

"Hey." someone called out to her. She looked towards the voice. 

"Hey, can I get your number?" they said as they got closer to (Y/n). 

"Um, sorry but no." (Y/n) responded as she tried to move away from the person, but they just got nearer at every step.

"Uhm..." (Y/n) didn't know what else to say as she continued moving further away.

"C'mon! It's just your number." the person said as they caught (Y/n)'s arm and brought her closer. "Or are you expecting more~?"

"I don't think she wants to be with you at all." a deep voice said as he placed his hand onto the creep's shoulder.

"Huh? Who do you think you a-" the creep said as they looked who they were against. Ushijima Wakatoshi.

The ace just looked down at the creep as he towered over him. 

"U-Uhm.." the creep didn't know what to say as they just slowly backed up and ran away.

"..." The two were silent as they watched the creep run away.

(Y/n) looked towards her saviour. "Thank you for that, Ushiji-" "(Y/N)!"

Oikawa suddenly came into the hallway, shouting. 

"Stay away from her!" Oikawa exclaimed as he stood in between of the two of them, who just stared at him with puzzled looks.

"Uh... Tooru.." (Y/n) called and the said man looked at her. "He actually saved me."


"Yeah. Someone kept bugging me for my number and they wouldn't stop." (Y/n) explained.

"..." Oikawa said nothing since he didn't believe that one of his "enemies" saved his dear little sister. He tried to find a hint of (Y/n) lying on her face but he didn't find any.

He looked back at Ushijima to see his resting stoic face.

"...Thank you Ushiwaka. Goodbye." Oikawa said before dragging (Y/n) away from the ace.


Izumi: first week of intern got me realize that i cant write fanfics on the way to work because the person beside me might be able to see the weird things im writing asldkjalskdj

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

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