Admiring from afar (Semi Eita x reader)

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Izumi-san: I JUST REALIZED I DIDNT FINISH EDITING THIS STORY SLKSLSKLLKJLSJKJSL im not gonna post for years now because im embarrassed about my mistake ;-;


" 'New year, New me', huh?" I mumbled to myself as I dragged my feet to my new class. It was my third year in Shiratorizawa and I was definitely not excited to come back to school. I barely passed my exams and managed to get to the next year fortunately.

I sighed as I opened the classroom door. 'Oh? Different classmates?' I thought before finding a seat. I placed my bag down and took out my items for the first lesson before looking around the class. I recognized most of them but stopped when I saw this one guy.

'Who.. is he?' I thought as I saw him conversing with his friends. 'He's so... handsome..' I thought in my head before I realized what I had said. My face became red from embarrassment from what I had just thought of and facepalm-ed myself.

Despite hating myself for what I had just did, I looked up again, wanting to see his face again. Unfortunately, the teacher came into the class and I forced myself to look up.


"Finally, lunch time!" I heard my friend __(friend)__ exclaim about having a break after hours of lessons. S/He then took out her/his lunch and walked towards me and then sat in front of my desk.

I was about to talk to her/him about the handsome guy, but I was stopped by the said person coming to __(friend)__ and were talking about something.

After the person has walked away, I asked _(friend)__, "Y-You know him?" "Yeah, he's from my class in first and second year." S/He responded. "I see.." I muttered before taking a bit of my food.

"Why? Do you like him?" __(friend)__ teased me, causing me to blush hard and deny the fact that I have fallen for someone I just met.

The remaining time for lunch was just me getting teased by __(friend)__ and me hitting her/him jokingly.


Class already ended but the guy is still on my mind... 'WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME RANDOM GUY??' I thought as I let out a big sigh.

I was too concentrated on my thoughts that I didn't notice that someone was in front me and I walked into him.

"Oh, sorry!" I exclaimed as I looked at whoever I had knocked into. 'Of all people...' I thought as I saw the familiar handsome face.

"It's fine, are you okay?" he asked me as he made eye contact with me. I blushed slightly as I received the attention of the man who I have been admiring.

"Well, I have to go home then. See you in class tomorrow!" he said before walking off.

'in class? Wait.. HE NOTICED I EXISTED??'


Izumi-san: I'll be writing one shots whenever I can! It's not gonna have often updates,, sorry! BTW, part 2?

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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