Notes (Nekoma x reader)

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Izumi: i love tamen de gushi. So y/n will be about 175 cm

this was supposed to be a lev x reader but i realized at 75% of the way that i have no clue how to get lev to interact with y/n. so i gave up and changed it to nekoma LOL im sorry



A tall, (h/c) haired girl was standing outside of a classroom, scrolling through her phone with her bag around her shoulder while waiting for her friends so that she could eat lunch with them. She was peacefully playing her phone when a group of girls suddenly went up to her and struck up a conversation with her.

"Good morning, (L/n)!" one of the girls said. "Good morning." (Y/n) looked away from her phone and smiled at the girls. "This Saturday is this girl's birthday." the same girl said as she nudged one of her friends to the front, who had a blush.

"Oh! Happy Birthday in advance!" she wished the girl, causing the blush to deepen. "And she wants to invite you to her party." another girl added.

Before (Y/n) could accept or reject the invite, she was called by someone. "(L/n)! Let's go eat lunch now." her friend, Kuroo Tetsurou, called her from the entrance of the classroom with her two other friends, Yaku Morisuke and Kai Nobuyuki

"Ah, sorry. I have to go." the tall girl apologized. "But text me about the party! I'll see if I can make it." she said before catching up with her friends who were already walking down the hallway.


"..and then he still received the ball with his face!" Yaku was complaining about his junior during lunch at the rooftop and (Y/n) laughed at his story. Because the girl has no connection with the volleyball club, except for the three third years, she didn't know who Yaku was referring to.

"And what did you do about it?" (Y/n) asked after she was done laughing. "I kicked his ass." (Y/n) laughed even harder than before.

Once she got the laughter out of her system, she decided to ask about this first year. "Who is he anyways? Is he a transfer student? How come I only heard about him now?"

"We had a practice match at the start of the year but Coach only wanted to focus on the regular players. So the first year wasn't included." Kuroo explained. "Yeah, 'cause he sucks." Yaku added, causing the girl to laugh again. "All he has is height but he can't even block a ball that well."

"Ah? How tall is he?" this caught the (h/c-ette)'s interest. "Taller than me." Kuroo said. "Eh?! Aren't you already tall enough? How much taller can someone be?" she was in disbelief.

She suddenly remembered about the first lesson this morning. "Ah, did anyone catch what the teacher wrote this morning? I was too busy falling asleep." she asked sheepishly.

Kai wasn't from the same class that morning so he couldn't help.

"Serves you right." Kuroo responded. So he didn't want to share his notes.

But thankfully, there was a saviour.

"Here." Yaku handed over his notes to his classmate. (Y/n) accepted the notes feeling grateful as if she just got blessed that day. "Thank you so much, Yaku-senpai."

"(L/n) we're in the same grade."



The bell rang as it signifies the end of school. Students were rushing out the class and (Y/n) was packing her bag while girls were asking if she wanted to hang out later. "Ah yeah, sure. Let me just return something first." she said. She looked for her shorter friend, but he wasn't in sight.

She tried looking for her bedhead-haired friend instead, but he too wasn't there. "Eh?" she said as she looked around the room. "Um, did Kuroo and Yaku already leave?" she asked the girls who were still around her desk. "I saw them leave with someone just now." one of them said. "They're walking towards the gym, I think."

After stuffing the remaining items into her bag, she walked towards the door. "Is it okay if you guys wait at the gates? I'll quickly give something back to Yaku." the girls then nodded at her before she brisk walked to the gym.

When she finally arrived at the gym, luckily for her, the team was only warming up. "Yaku!" she called out to the libero. She managed to get his attention, but also the attention of everyone else present.

"(L/n)?" Yaku questioned her presence before seeing his notes in her hand.

"Is that your girlfriend, Yaku-san?" a silver haired male asked. "She's even taller than you." That comment got him a kick.

Meanwhile (Y/n) decided to just enter the gym and headed to the bench where the coaches were sitting at. "Sorry for the disturbance." she apologized. "I'm here to return something to Yaku." she was about to place the notes onto the bench when Yaku came jogging up to her. "Thanks for the notes." she thanked after giving him the notes back. "No problem."

Taking a quick glance around, she sees a very tall male, the only male taller than Kuroo.

"Is that the pain-in-the-ass tall junior you were talking about? The grey haired one?" unbeknownst to her, her words were heard by everyone in the gym. He whipped his head towards the two. "Huh?! My name is Haiba Lev!!"


Izumi: i suddenly remembered about that anime where the tall girl and short boy helped each other to confess to their crushes but they ended up confessing to each other I THINK. BUT WHAT WAS THE NAME (update: ITS CALLED LOVELY COMPLEX)

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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