Popularity (Iwaizumi x Oikawa's Sister!Reader)

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Izumi-chan: '《》' means my, the author's, comments.



You opened your locker to see a pink envelope with a heart sticker on it fell out. You sighed, 'Another one..' you thought as you picked the envelope up.

You are Oikawa's younger sister, (Y/n) Oikawa. However, being the younger sister of the boys' volleyball captain is not easy. You guys share the same genes, and that means that you too suffer from your fanboys/fangirls.

However, its not as bad as your brother's. Despite having fanboys in the school, they will not crowd around you since your brother is Oikawa Tooru and because you'll get crushed due to your small size.

You were reading the love letter that was in the envelope and it said that the sender wishes to meet you after school at the school garden. Since all the classes has ended, you made your way to the said destination.


As you reached the school garden, you only saw couples and one male that you don't recognize at all. The male turned and realized that you actually read his letter and walked towards you. 《It's not Iwaizumi btw》


"H-Hi, (Y/n)-chan..th-thank you for actually m-my letter and not throwing i-it away." he stuttered as he looked away from me.

"A-Anyways, I'll make this quick." The male said as he suddenly had a burst of confidence. "Oikawa (Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?"

Despite being used to these confessions, I still had a tint of red on my cheeks. I were about to answer until I got interrupted.

"She won't become your girlfriend," Said a familiar voice from the side. The male and I looked and noticed it was the boys' volleyball ace, Iwaizumi Hajime. "because she's mine." He said as he walked towards the two of us.

The anonymous male stepped back and apologized before running off, afraid that he would get beaten up by the fierce ace.

"Hajime! You didn't have to scare him off!" I scolded my lover as he backed away slightly from me. "I-I'm sorry, (Y/n).." he said with slight guilt while looking down.

I sighed as I muttered a "Nevermind.." to him and said "Come on, don't you have volleyball practice soon?" Iwaizumi then realized he only had a few minutes left before practice started.

He took my hand, pulled me towards him, carrying me bridal style. "Ha-Hajime??" I screamed, surprised that he would do this. Before I could say another word, he started sprinting towards the gym, causing me to cower into his tight grasp.

"You can open your eyes now, (Y/n)." Iwaizumi said as I felt him standing still. I opened my eyes and saw that we were in front of the gym. After being able to stand up, I brushed my uniform and entered the gym with Iwaizumi.

"(Y/N)-CHAN!" I jumped at the sudden call and flinched when my (annoying) brother enveloped me in his tight hug. "Nii-chan...I can't...breathe.." I tried to say as I struggled to escape his grasp.

"Let go of her, Trashykawa." I heard Iwaizumi say as he pulled me away from my (idiot) brother's grasp and into his warm and loving one.

"Iwa-channn, why did you take my cute little sister away from meee?" Oikawa whined as he tries to separate me from Iwaizumi, but instead got kicked to the floor (as always).

I sweatdropped at the typical scene in front of me. "Th-Thank you, Hajime." I stuttered as I saw my brother on the floor, twitching.


Izumi-chan: Tanaka Kazunari (Ukai Keishin's seiyuu) passed away.. I'm just gonna cry now T^T

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! :

- boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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