Mother Material (Sugawara x reader)

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Izumi-chan: ' 《》' means my, the author's, comments.



"(Y/n), do you want to accompany me in babysitting my baby cousin this afternoon?" Suga texted you while you were reading fanfictions on a Saturday. You did not answer him for a moment, recalling if you had any plans today.

Having nothing come to mind, you replied him that you were able to accompany him. "Ah, that's great!" he answered before sending another message. "I'll pick you up later in two hours!"


You were rummaging through your closet, trying to find an outfit that looks nice enough for babysitting, and for your lover, Sugawara Koushi.

It has been about 5 minutes since you've started looking for an outfit, and all that you've rejected are thrown somewhere in your room.

You looked at the time and saw that you had 10 minutes left before Suga will come to your house and pick you up.

Realizing the limited amount of time left, you ended up picking something nice, wore it 《apply make-up if you want》 and kept the necessary items in your bag, along with some homework to pass some time.

Right when you exited your room, you heard the doorbell ring. "Perfect timing." you thought while heading towards the door and seeing the silver haired boy waiting patiently.

"Ready?" he asked. You nodded while proceeding to exit your house and locking the door.


You finally arrived at Sugawara's aunt's house to babysit his baby cousin. Fortunately, it wasn't that far from your house as it only took a few minutes.

Sugawara oustretched his arm and knocked on the door a couple of times. He retracted his arm and waited for his aunt to answer.

Not for long, the door opened to show a silver haired woman 《i actually don't know》 with a warm smile. "Ah, Koushi! Nice to see you!" she said.

"Nice to meet you too, auntie!" Suga answered with his signature smile."And who is she, Koushi?" She asked politely while pointing at you.

Suga looked behind and saw you crouching and petting a cat. "Ah, that's (L/n) (Y/n), my girlfriend."

When you heard your name, you turned away from the cat and looked at the two. A tint of red then covered your face as you stood up from your crouching position.

"N-Nice to meet you, Sugawara-san!" You exclaimed unintentionally with embarrassment. Suga's auntie just giggled at your actions and reassured you "No need to get nervous now."

"Come on in!" She added with a welcoming tone. You two then proceeded to walk into the house as you said goodbye to the cat.


"Well I'll be going now. Take care!" Sugawara-san while exiting the house while you two were on the sofa. A few seconds later, you heard tiny footsteps 《is that right?》 making their way down the hallway.

The next moment, you see Suga getting glomped on by a small silver-haired figure. "Ah, Sakura! How are you?" He asked the miniature version of him.《I'm sorry if your name is 'Sakura'

"I'm doing well, Kou-nii!" She replied with her high pitch voice. You just stared at the two with a smile, dreaming that Suga was your husband and Sakura was your child.

Your train of thought was then disrupted when you felt your cheek getting poked. You looked down and saw Sakura's finger in front of your face, she herself looking shocked for a moment.

"Ano, are you Kou-nii's girlfriend?" She asked innocently. You replied her with a nod. "Really?!" Her outburst caused you to lean away from her with shock and Suga to sweatdrop.

"Yes yes Sakura, she is my girlfriend." Suga said while carrying her away from you. "Don't you have homework to do?" Speaking of homework, you had some too.


You were finishing up your (subject) homework when you heard giggling. You looked towards Suga and Sakura and saw that they were drawing on a piece of paper with crayons.

You smiled at the two as you imagined Suga being your husband and Sakura being your child again.


"Ne Suga," you called out to your boyfriend as you were walking home at night. "you seemed like a mother towards Sakura."

"Eh?! 'Mother'?" Suga exclaimed with a deadpan. "Yeah, you seem too caring and kind to seem like a father honestly." You stated.



Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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