Caught Red Handed (Sugawara x gn!reader)

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Requested By: D-DIMNESS

Izumi: the reader is gender neutral! I did my best




"Ow.." (Y/n) hissed as they brought the razor blade across their ankle. The pain was present, but that didn't stop (Y/n) from making more cuts.

The situation that led to this was that (Y/n)'s former best friend just decided to cut ties with them. "I don't need you in my life anymore." was the last sentence they got before getting blocked on all forms of communication. Text, Social Media, Calls, in real life too... They acted as if they were strangers and just walk pass each other if they see each other in public.

It saddened (Y/n) very much because firstly, they have been very close and good friends for about 5 years, and secondly, they didn't really know what they did wrong.

'Was I too annoying?'

'Did I offend them somehow?'

'Was I selfish?'

Thoughts were running through their mind as they continued to make more and more cuts.

(Y/n) only stopped after 5 minutes when their entire ankle was filled with bloody cuts. They placed the ankle under a running tap and hissed again when the water stung the wounds.

(Y/n) picked up their phone from the side and saw that it was almost time to go to school. They got up from the bathroom floor and got changed into the school uniform after wrapping their ankle with some bandages. Thankfully, the (socks/pants) were enough to cover the bandages.

==A T / S C H O O L==

"(Y/n), let's eat lunch outside." Sugawara suggested when the first half of school was done. He had his bento ready while waiting for his lover. "Sure. Where do you have in mind?"(Y/n) asked as they took out their bento from their own bag.

"Maybe at the back of the school? The spot under the tree." Sugawara suggested. "That sounds nice." (Y/n) commented before the both of them went to the location.

Upon arriving at the spot, there was almost nobody there, which was nice so that no one would disrupt their time together.

While eating, they managed to have some small talk and throw some jokes around. It was fun and enjoyable, for now.

Close to the end of lunch, Sugawara finally noticed the bandages on (Y/n)'s ankles due to the way they were sitting. "Hey, (Y/n)." Sugawara called.

"Hm?" (Y/n) responded while taking a sip of their water. "What happened to your ankle?" he asked while still looking at the ankle.

(Y/n) tensed up at the question. They avoided eye contact while putting their water down. "Uhh, I got scratched by cat..?" they said as a question more than an answer.

"...Uhuh.. I see.." Sugawara said as he was unconvinced by the answer.

Silence then overcame them as no one knew what else to say. Fortunately, they were saved by the bell, literally. The school bell rang seconds after the last word was said, signalling that there was 5 minutes left before the start of class.

The both of them silently packed their things and went back to class together.

==T I M E S K I P==

@ home, the next day

(Y/n) was back on the bathroom floor, slicing away the skins at the ankles. They just got back home and saw (F/n) happily laughing with their friends..

"I don't get it... What did I do wrong?" they said to themselves as they continued to drag the blade across the skin.

"Why didn't they tell me? Why did they just leave me in the dark? Couldn't they at least tell me what I did wrong??" with each sentence, the cuts got more and more aggressive.

"I'm so confused! What did I do wrong??" (Y/n) just continued cutting in frustration and confusion as tears were streaming down their face.

"(Y/n)? Why are you shouti-"

(Y/n) immediately stopped when someone opened the bathroom door. They looked towards the voice to see that it was Sugawara.

"What are you doing??" he scolded as he forcefully took the blade away from their grasp.

(Y/n) didn't know what to say as they just avoided eye contact and stared at the ground.

Neither said anything as they each waited for a response from the other person.

"sigh" Sugawara sighed before taking the shower head and cleaned (Y/n)'s ankle for them. They hissed in response, but said nothing else.

Sugawara continued washing off the blood and wrapped the ankle with some bandages.

He helped (Y/n) off the bathroom floor and brought them to their bed. They both sat down and once again waited for the other to talk.

"Did mom let you enter the house?" (Y/n) asked to stall for some time. "Mhm.."

After a few more seconds of silence, Sugawara decided to talk. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. He wanted to know why, but he didn't want to force it out of them.

"..." (Y/n) stayed silent as they stared at their hands which were resting on their lap.

Taking a deep breath, they explained. "(F/n)..." they started, but immediately stopped to hold back a sob.

Sugawara waited patiently as he tried to console (Y/n). With a lot of patience and a lot of time, (Y/n) managed to explain the situation and their feelings to their lover.

"It hurts..." they said at the end as more tears streamed down their face and sobs echoed around the room.

Sugawara brought them into a hug and rubbed their back while they cried into his shoulder.

"Stop chasing them." he said. (Y/n) brought their head up from his shoulder. "Huh?"

"Stop chasing them." he repeated before gently pushing (Y/n) away by the shoulders so that they are facing each other properly. 

"Stop chasing them if they don't want you in their life. The right people in your life don't need to be chased." he said.

(Y/n) actually cried even more at his words and went back to hugging and crying into Sugawara's shoulder.

Sugawara just hugged back and continued comforting them.

Soon enough, (Y/n) cried themselves to sleep. He tucked them in the bed, gave them a kiss on the forehead, and exited the room.


Izumi: im supposed to be sleeping because i have to wake up early tomorrow but i cant when im crying over someone who doesnt want me in their life anymore. what happened to all the plans we had of going overseas together? what happened to going out and go shopping together? what happened to dressing each other up for when we go to japan together? what happened?

whatever happened in this story DID NOT happen to me, except for the reason for self harming. only that is true.

어른 아이처럼
Like a Kidult

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

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