Jealousy (Nishinoya x reader)

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Izumi-chan: this is the third one shot that has the title 'Jealousy' lol. IM SO CREATIVE GUYS

'《》' means my, the author's, comments.

Requested by: @Awoken_CrimsonRoses



A girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes was holding a black jacket that has the words "Karasuno Boys' Volleyball Clubi think" on it. She was walking towards the school's gym after school as she was humming to a song.

She reached the doors to the gym and hears the squeaking of the shoes against the floor, the sounds made by the ball as it is hit and the shouts of the volleyball members. She opened the door slowly as to not interrupt the practice match that's going on.

After opening enough space for her body, she slowly walked towards the bench, where the managers, coach and the faculty advisor of the team were at, and placed her stuff there. Kiyoko was the first to notice (Y/n)'s presence and smiled to her. (Y/n) smiled back.

Once (Y/n) reached the four of them, they greeted each other casually since (Y/n) visits the volleyball team often due to being in a relationship with their libero, Nishinoya Yuu.

After a couple of minutes, the whistle is blown by Coach Ukai to signal that it was time for their break. The volleyball players stopped their match and stood at their spot, drenched in their sweat and were panting.

(Y/n) helped the two managers in giving out their water bottles and towels, while still holding the black volleyball jacket. She gave out the refreshments and received a simple 'Thanks' from the members before giving her lover his water bottle.

"Thanks for lending me the jacket, Yuu. I didn't know it would be this cold today.." (Y/n) said as she gave Nishinoya his jacket back. "No problem, (N/n)" Nishinoya replied as he patted (Y/n)'s head.

"(Y/N)!" a shout came. Everyone turned their head towards the source of the shout which was the sunshine of their team, Hinata Shoyo. shoyo or shouyo??

"You came!" exclaimed Hinata as he reached the couple and jumped high into the air in excitement.(Y/n) giggled and smiled as she tried to calm down Hinata.

You see, Hinata and (Y/n) are good- no, very close friends. Some might even think that they're dating. Some even assumed they're dating, only to discover that they're wrong after seeing the blush on the two's faces as they stuttered out words as the two friends were confronted about the topic. It happened multiple times, but that was not enough to stop them from hanging out with each other.

Nishinoya stared at the two. They were chatting about something and were talking with so much excitement and with wide smiles on their faces. "Noya-san, are you okay?" Tanaka asked Nishinoya.

Nishinoya snapped out of his trance and looked at Tanaka questioningly. "What do you mean Ryu? I'm fine." Nishinoya said. "Are you sure, Noya-san? You were glaring at Hinata and (Y/n)-chan and your fists were clenched." Tanaka explained before realizing something.

"Ehh? Noya-san, do you so happen to be jealous of Hinata for talking to (Y/n)-chan?" Tanaka teased as Nishinoya blushed hard. "Huh?! What are you talking about Ryu?!" Nishinoya exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes at Tanaka with the blush still evident on his face.

"Come on, Noya-san! Admit it!" Tanaka continued to tease. Nishinoya grit his teeth. He was about to deny Tanaka again until someone interrupted them.

"Yuu!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she jogged towards the two second years. "Sorry Yuu, but I can't stay to wait for you, my mother needs my help at home." (Y/n) explained before hugging Nishinoya tightly.

Nishinoya blushed from the contact before hugging back. "I-It's fine,(N/n). See you tomorrow." he said.

(Y/n) backed away from the hug, nodded her head before taking her stuffs and exiting the gym.

"See Noya-san, there's no reason to be jealous." Tanaka teased before getting punched by an annoyed and blushing Nishinoya.



Izumi-chan: honestly it was difficult to think of a plot for this.. but thanks for requesting! sorry if it isnt up to your liking..

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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