By Your Side (TransGuy!Tsukishima x Fem!Reader)

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Izumi: requested by @pokepawz

i am so sorry if i get any information wrong because i dont know much about the lgbtq+ community. please do correct me though if there are any mistakes! or even tell me to remove/change the story if i am somehow offensive. . . o3o

i tried to ask my friend who knows this more than me for help :>

i also just realized how late i published this chapter compared to your request omg im so sorry-


Some information:

Transgender = They were born with the wrong outlook so they decided to change up a bit to match themselves

Tsukishima Kira = Tsukishima Kei 

(Y/n) is childhood friends with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.



I held up my scissors and I looked at myself in the mirror. "Well, here goes nothing." I muttered as I brought it up.




==N E X T  D A Y==

"Kira-chan! Good morn- WOAH! What happened to your hair?!" (Y/n) greeted me but cut herself off when she notices my now short hair. Yamaguchi wasn't far behind her.

"Oh, I cut it last night. I don't think long hair suits me anymore." I explained as I fiddled with a lock of hair.

"Wow! You did this yourself? It suits you, Kira-chan!" (Y/n) complimented me as she reached up and ruffled my hair. "T-Thank you, (Y/n)." I thanked her as she smiled.

Class went by and I had some classmates who also asked what happened to my hair, and I just answered the same thing I had told (Y/n) and Yamaguchi in the morning.

It was now lunch time, (Y/n), Yamaguchi, and I were sitting together in our class eating lunch. (Y/n) was in front of me and Yamaguchi was on my right. 

"So, Kira-chan, why did you decide to cut your hair so suddenly?" (Y/n) asked as she opened up her bento to reveal her homemade food.

"Well, I want to be.. who I am." I said as briefly as possible. I've never talked about this to anyone yet, but I don't think I was born in the right body. I don't think I was supposed to be in this body. I think I am a male born in a female's body...

"What do you mean, Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked as he took a bite of his food. I just realized that while I was spacing out, I haven't even opened my bento yet.

". . ." I stayed silent. I'm scared. What if, my two childhood friends don't want to be friends with me anymore? Will they think of me as a freak? Will they make fun of my decision? No.. They're not those kind of people, right?

"Kira-chan.. You can trust us. We've known you since young. We'll support you." (Y/n) said before panicking, "I-I mean, you don't need to force yourself to tell us! You can tell us when you're ready!!"

I smiled at (Y/n)'s actions. 'She's so cute.. I wonder what would she feel if I told her I like her, more than a friend?'

"I think.. I am ready to tell you guys, but please keep this as low as possible, okay?" I told them and they nodded their heads.

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