Indirect (Karasuno First Years x reader)

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"Oh! Let's go get some drinks!" (Y/n) exclaimed when she saw a drink stall amongst the crowd.

Currently, the group - which consists of the Karasuno first years and (Y/n) herself, were at a carnival for a rare outing. It was (Y/n)'s and Hinata's idea for the outing since the carnival would be in town for a while and they wanted to hang out!

They managed to get all 6 of them to go. Well, the only difficult person was Tsukishima, but it didn't take much convincing from Yamaguchi though.

Walking closer to the stall, they saw that the line wasn't that bad, but it was quickly gaining customers, so they quickly rushed to get in line before it gets any longer.

"Which ride do you guys want to go on next? The Viking? The Wave Swinger? Mach 5??" Hinata excitedly listed all the rides he could think of. "I-I think we should go to the calmer rides after drinking.." Yamaguchi tried to calm him down.

"We can try the game booths too." (Y/n) suggested. "I want to try to win a plushie of (favourite-animal) too! I saw it just now!"

Minutes later, they finally reached the counter and ordered their choice of drink.


"Enjoy your drink!" the person behind the counter said after passing the 6 drinks to the group. "Thank you!" they thanked before walking out of the line and continued walking around the carnival.

"Mmm!" (Y/n) took a sip of her drink from the straw and very much enjoyed it. "Ah, (Y/n), what did you buy?" Yamaguchi noticed her reaction to the drink and got curious. "(drink-name)." she answered before taking another sip. "Can I try?" he asked and the girl moved the drink closer to him.

"Oh! It's good!" Yamaguchi said after taking a sip and went back for another, but the cup was quickly pulled away from him with (Y/n) narrowing her eyes at him. "Let me try your drink too!" she whined and she soon got to try his drink too.

"Gasp (Y-Y-Y/n)-chan?? D-Did you share a drink with Yamaguchi-kun??" Yachi gasped from behind the two, who calmly turned to the manager. "Yeah?"

"D-Do you know what that means??" "No??" the (h/c-ette) and the pinch server raised an eyebrow.

"You guys just had an indirect kiss!" Yachi exclaimed and a light blush crawled onto her face. Yamaguchi was the same but (Y/n) didn't seem to have a reaction.

"Oh? Really?" (Y/n) responded with no surprise in her voice and turned to look at Yamaguchi, who was looking back at her. "Well then," (Y/n) started before cupping Yamaguchi's face with her free hand and brought it closer to hers. "Chu~"

If possible, Yachi's blush got darker,

Hinata and Kageyama were staring at the scene in shock,

Yamaguchi was flustered,

and Tsukishima just slurped on his drink. "Sluuuuuuuurp."

"Why didn't you say so, Tadashi?" (Y/n) said as she patted his cheek a couple of times before walking away to the game booths available.

Ah, did I mention that the two were secretly dating?


Izumi: im sorry this is bad too but here take it i dont want it anymore i got no ideas this came on impulse

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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