Study (Goshiki x reader)

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Izumi: thanks apexpreyy for helping me think of a plot, although i modified it a bit



"(Y/n)," said girl turned towards her boyfriend, "do you, um, do you want to study together? For the upcoming exams?" Goshiki brought up the topic since they had exams coming up. Usually he would study alone or with his volleyball teammates, but this time he decided, why not with his girlfriend instead?

"Oh, sure!" she agreed. "Where and when?"

"Ah, uh, um." he stumbled while racking his brain. He clearly did not think this far. "Hooooow about the park? This weekend?" 'Who the heck studies at the-' "Sure!" 'Eh?'

"Ah, I gotta go! Text me the details!" (Y/n) said before giving him a quick peck on the cheek and walked quickly to wherever she had to be. Meanwhile, Goshiki was just staring at her figure getting further and further with a shocked and red face.

==T I M E S K I P==

"Aww, it looks like it's going to rain.." the couple was standing at the entrance of Shiratorizawa as they looked at the darkening sky. It was the day they decided to study and were about to exit the school when they noticed the weather. "Do you still want to study outside? Or do you want to stay in school instead?" the (h/c-ette) asked with a slight pout, she really wanted that study date.

Sensing the disappointment, Goshiki racked his brain once again and a lightbulb lit up above his head. "How about the pastry cafe?" he suggested and (Y/n)'s eyes lit up at the suggestion. That place was one of her favourites to be at. "Okay! Let's go!" she exclaimed before grabbing her boyfriend's hand and practically dragging him to the said cafe excitedly.


"One (flavour) pastry, please!" The two managed to reach the cafe just in time as rain started pouring once they entered the shop. Thankfully, there was a free table for two.

After ordering and getting the necessary food and drinks, (Y/n) and Goshiki went back to their table and discussed which subject they should start with. "So, which subject did you want to work on first?" (Y/n) asked while taking out her study materials. "Math. That's the first paper, right?" Goshiki asked while he took out his own study materials too.

He then took a bite from his strawberry-filled pastry and accidentally got some on the side of his mouth. "Ah, Tsutomu, you have some strawberry right here." (Y/n) pointed out while pointing onto her own face to show where she meant. The future ace took a napkin and wiped it at the wrong side before checking the napkin to see if he got it.

"No, it's-" Goshiki wiped at the wrong side once again, thinking that he missed it the first time. "Sigh." a sigh was let out before the (h/c-ette) stood up, took the napkin from his hands, and wiped the mess of his face herself.

"?!" he was shocked at the gesture, but when he further processed it in his head, he got flustered once again.

Somehow, he got the idea of wanting to experience that again. So this time, he purposely ate messily and strawberry jam got onto his face once again. This time though, (Y/n) just took her own napkin, reached over, and wiped off the mess herself once again, causing the male to pout in disappointment.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes since she knew what he wanted. So instead of fulfilling his wish, she kissed her index and middle finger and placed them on his lips afterwards, acting as an indirect kiss.

"Let's start studying now."


Izumi: for some reason the only pastry i think of is a croissant


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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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